As someone living on the coast with three young children, I'd much rather believe my boys were taken by someone who wanted a child. Intellectually, I know that's the statistically rarest outcome, but I'd never want to believe they were in the water. To not know, and to realize you might never know. The sea is so big and so vacuous. There are currents that can take a body miles. Animals that will scavenge and destroy the body. The realities of decomposition in water are awful. All that going through your mind versus having hope that they're with someone who wanted a child and might be vascilating about chickening out and leaving them at a fire station? What's the better train of thought?
Four football players went missing in the Gulf a couple years back, not all that far off shore. There was one survivor and the others basically died in front of him. Three big football players went into the Gulf and were never recovered. To this day, I wonder if I'll be walking along and stumble across a bone. It was right off our coast. Imagining what the families have to contemplate makes me sad. Jet stream? Sharks? One of them a skeleton after he was washed on an island and died there? Yuck. No closure and only dire 'what if's.
I respect your opinion. Yes, it would be better to think that, but I'm not sure *I* wouldn't be beating myself up assuming the worst.
On another note, I wonder if mom's been sedated and that may be affecting her. I know I'd be in a full scale permanent panic attack if I were her.