At this point, I need an a medical explanation for John's wounds, which I can not see how a car caused those scratches. I want to see what the state of his clothing was in relation to his wounds.
Besides all that, I think The DA overreached with a murder charge. If they truly believe she did it, it should have been involuntary manslaughter.
I don't know what happened to John. Usually I am not AT ALL partial to conspiracy theories. However, local cops have a degree of power over things that I don't trust them to always have integrity. They can do things that regular people would get arrested for. For example the permissive underage drinking and adults drinking and driving in this case. (And look at what happened in Stoughton, the next town over from Canton). Does all that mean they covered up a murder? Maybe, maybe not. But it seems that they COULD.
AND the FBI-confirmed time of search "Hos long to die in snow" @2:45 am is alone strong enough evidence for REASONABLE DOUBT.
At this point she should be acquitted.
For people who don't believe these types of horrible things happen here is the Stoughton cops link:
Thanks for bringing up the Stoughton fiasco again. I do hope people read up on it.
I know I mentioned it earlier but this may be a case that if you are not local, it’s hard to understand the environment or you may think what may be going on is far fetched. If you are LE, have family, neighbor or friends that are LE, and you live in metro Boston - you know what can happen.
I don’t know what happened here. None of us do.
But to me it appears they were too quick to arrest and charge KR and did a piss poor investigation ( the investigation alone should set her free) and now they are caught in a bad situation.
Because, yikes, was this just business as usual? Maybe. Are other cases compromised? Most people in KR’s shoes would have taken a plea.
She is referred to as the c word and her phone is looked thru for nudes. That tells you what kind of power the “real” people in power thought she had - as in nada.
They never expected for her to rise to the occasion and defend herself.
So now the witness for the P/ and the actual P are all operating with nothing in a very flawed case They are struggling bc of their own incompetence or worse.
If you don’t see reasonable doubt at this point then imo you don’t understand the definition of reasonable doubt. Just imo.
There were so many party goers peering out “behind the curtains” watching all the activity in front of the house, like Gladys Kravetz all night , it would not have been missed.
A black SUV backing up Sixty feet -@ 24 mph. How far is 60 ft ?
So if you consider each story of a house to be 10 ft. - put one triple decker on top of another - And from the ground to the top is 60 ft ish. Six story’s.
That a really short distance to get going IN REVERSE that fast. Then you need to brake - and that doesn’t stop you on a dime. And the roads are wet. KR is trashed supposedly but can drive with precision? Make it make sense.
And not one of those Gladys Kravetz curious types see anything?
I am waiting for the reenactment.
There are so many thing that don’t add up they make my brain hurt.
Just my opinion