MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #5

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I know that's what the motion says. But it's awfully interesting that the commonwealth never introduced that video into evidence. They also could have had the bartender testify or introduced the receipts as evidence. But they did none of that. Instead all they have is a bunch of people testifying that she was drinking something "clear with a lime in it."

I have no idea why they didn't but it's just yet another oddity in the prosecution's case.

The lack of receipts is pretty interesting. They didn't even try to count her drinks from the videos from McCarthys and the Waterfall. If they don't do this at some point, I'll tend to doubt she had the amount to drink they've tried to claim.

But even if she had 15 drinks, there is zero evidence John was hit by a car.
No. We all wouldn't have seen a "microscopic amount". His wheel actually moves.

I'm not sure you're actually watching the trial, but she didn't shatter her taillight at any time. She cracked it hitting John's vehicle.

Kerry Roberts, witness for the prosecution, testified a single piece was missing from Karen's taillight. One single piece.

How could anybody know how many pieces came off a taillight by looking at it? A big hole in the light could mean dozens of pieces came off.

Not 45 pieces missing. Not that the entire casement was void of red taillight. A single piece. Otherwise, the light was intact.

You really believe a single piece of taillight killed John O'Keefe? Her car had no body damage whatsoever.

Who said that? It was the thousands of pounds of car the taillight was attached to of course that struck him hard enough to kill him (if someone didn't leave the scene of the collision without giving him aid).

The light most likely broke imo from hitting the cocktail glass that JO was holding. There was pieces of glass found on the bumper.

There's also JO's DNA found on the taillight pieces, including pieces found in his clothing.

That's a lot of evidence-planting the conspiracy theorists need to account for!
So all you got is rampant speculation to explain the lack of pieces there.

Rampant speculation??? She hit the car on video!! 100% FACT. There is reasonable doubt here. I stated that I thought she cracked the light. You are willingly ignoring the FACT that she hit his car. You are also willingly ignoring the FACT that there is video missing from the Sally-Port. There is no video of evidence of JO's car nor are there any corresponding photos of damage to JO's car because the investigation was laughable and completely unprofessional, incompetent and biased toward one person. IT WAS NEVER DOCUMENTED. Why wasn't there a picture taken of of JO's car is the question you should be asking? Who is ignoring what here exactly?

And see my posts above. I have a whole lot more than rampant speculation about a whole lot more than just the damage to KR's car.
I know that's what the motion says. But it's awfully interesting that the commonwealth never introduced that video into evidence. They also could have had the bartender testify or introduced the receipts from that evening. But they did none of that. Instead all they have is a bunch of people testifying that Karen was drinking something "clear with a lime in it."

I have no idea why they didn't but it's just yet another oddity in the prosecution's case.

They did show video from there but I don't know if they showed every drink. But not really necessary since they also have her blood alcohol level.
The light most likely broke imo from hitting the cocktail glass that JO was holding. There was pieces of glass found on the bumper.

This theory doesn't work for me. The polypropylene used for taillights is extremely strong. A mere glass being held by someone would never break it.

If you don't believe me, go out to your car and punch the taillight as hard as you can. I promise you that you'll break the bones in your hand before the taillight breaks.
How could anybody know how many pieces came off a taillight by looking at it? A big hole in the light could mean dozens of pieces came off.

Who said that? It was the thousands of pounds of car the taillight was attached to of course that struck him hard enough to kill him (if someone didn't leave the scene of the collision without giving him aid).

The light most likely broke imo from hitting the cocktail glass that JO was holding. There was pieces of glass found on the bumper.

There's also JO's DNA found on the taillight pieces, including pieces found in his clothing.

That's a lot of evidence-planting the conspiracy theorists need to account for!

Where to start?

Check Robert's testimony. She did not say "big hole". Quite the opposite. Please don't make things up.

There was no body damage to Karen's vehicle. Zilch. Damage to a taillight only in a fatal pedestrian incident is next to impossible. (Oh, and as you know, there were no internal injuries, no lower extremity damage.)

It's ludicrous to suggest a little cocktail glass could damage a modern taillight. Nonsensical. The taillight will always win that one. I'm still laughing at this one.

There are so many chain of custody issues with John's clothing, it's wild. Did you know he didn't even log the clothing into evidence for a month? Probably sitting in his sun porch in a Stop and Shop bag.
Respectfully, the plausibility of KR finding a new taillight (a specific one for her expensive, foreign car), in the snow storm at 3 am, affixing it or someone doing it for her, is FAR less plausible than evidence being collected in red solo cups.
If you gave me those two possibilities, I’d say solo cups are more plausible. And that says a lot.

Respectfully. You are absolutely right. And I wouldn’t even consider this because I usually opt for the easiest explanation. But here, we have the scenario worthy of a Sicilian puppet theater, with villains, and knights, and dames, and whatnot:

BA, remembering his boxer’s past and deciding to celebrate his son’s birthday in style
+ teaming up with BH who is harboring medieval jealousy towards a successful rival
+ teaming up with his nephew who, it seems, will cling on to his teenage angst over the ruined lawn until retirement
+ teaming up with the dog Chloe who, as we know, bites and scratches
+ teaming up with all guests, witnesses, the boss living across the street, the paramedics and the pathologists
- Organizes the murder of his peer and colleague
And finally, recruits Proctor for a coverup and planting the evidence. Proctor, as we know, can’t keep his mouth shut even with his friends, but about the coverup, his lips are sealed forever.

Sorry, to me it simply appears way more convoluted than “it was night, blizzard, she was not quite sober and accident happened. What a sad story.”

So I agree, my scenario is not quite valid, but since no one got KR’s car on camera en route to JO’s house that night, I do hope that there is a video of JO’s camera showing KR driving into, and later, out, of the garage. This will help.
Wait….who was having sex? What do you know? I’m suddenly interested in your point.
As we heard during Higgins’s cross about the return phone call he now testifies didn’t happen, Higgins had originally told the grand jury that if it had happened, he didn’t hear anything on the other line. Hearing this sparked a memory of an earlier hearing where Yannetti claimed that Brian Albert originally told the grand jury that he had gone to bed that evening with his phone, and wife, to watch TV. According to Yannetti, he was re-called to the grand jury for further questioning about the phone call, where when confronted again with the phone records he attributed the butt dial to sex with Nicole Albert. Yannetti goes on to say that Higgins testified that did not hear, 17 seconds later, any “intimate” noises that might corroborate this.

We now have a third explanation from Brian Albert, sans tv and le sex.

Video (Yannetti @ ~5 minute mark):

What they also need to show is that when she was driving into JO’s garage around 1 AM, the taillight was intact. There still, theoretically, is some time to replace it between 1 AM and 5 AM. If you have a good friend who is a Lexus dealer, or someone in your family has a similar Lexus. the middle of a massive snow storm? And she can't call any family or friends on her cellphone, because digital footprint.

Respectfully. You are absolutely right. And I wouldn’t even consider this because I usually opt for the easiest explanation. But here, we have the scenario worthy of a Sicilian puppet theater, with villains, and knights, and dames, and whatnot:

BA, remembering his boxer’s past and deciding to celebrate his son’s birthday in style
+ teaming up with BH who is harboring medieval jealousy towards a successful rival
+ teaming up with his nephew who, it seems, will cling on to his teenage angst over the ruined lawn until retirement
+ teaming up with the dog Chloe who, as we know, bites and scratches
+ teaming up with all guests, witnesses, the boss living across the street, the paramedics and the pathologists
- Organizes the murder of his peer and colleague
And finally, recruits Proctor for a coverup and planting the evidence. Proctor, as we know, can’t keep his mouth shut even with his friends, but about the coverup, his lips are sealed forever.

Sorry, to me it simply appears way more convoluted than “it was night, blizzard, she was not quite sober and accident happened. What a sad story.”

So I agree, my scenario is not quite valid, but since no one got KR’s car on camera en route to JO’s house that night, I do hope that there is a video of JO’s camera showing KR driving into, and later, out, of the garage. This will help.
However, the scenario you described, accident happened, is incongruent with the 2nd degree murder with which she is charged.
Jameson doesn't explain the FBI finding that KRs car didn't hit JO, or the dozens of lies by the prosecution's witnesses, or no one coming out to check on a colleague who is injured, dying, or dead in the front yard, etc. etc.
I was referring to Higgins not putting his plow up after the sweep of the Alberts driveway that he said he did. Parked it after, plow still down, as he testified he heard it grate on the road as he pulled away when leaving the house for the night. Waiting on edge for the FBI to finally come out with all they do have on all of it and them. Data wise and whatever else, tho they are working on a bigger all over picture of Canton PD and some of the police there. They're all clearly horrible human beings.
Jameson doesn't explain the FBI finding that KRs car didn't hit JO, or the dozens of lies by the prosecution's witnesses, or no one coming out to check on a colleague who is injured, dying, or dead in the front yard, etc. etc.

Not to mention Brian Higgins breaking federal law to try to avoid handing his phone over. Who does that?

It's endless. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it's foolish to conclude that people never conspire to do bad things. Or, as in this case, cover up bad things for themselves, for family and for friends.

Just to interject on this one point. Kerry Roberts testified specifically that the taillight had “a small hole” in it.
Yes, she did. I was trying to picture a small hole in the light covering when she said it, was it round or a jagged puncture. JMc drove KR's SUV back to Fairview where KR saw JO on the lawn. I wonder if the police there looked at her car as KR WAS talking a lot about hitting him, Did I and so on. I don't think I've read anything on that. Right there would be normal for LE to go look at her car, front AND back very closely and take a picture or two. HMMM. Just thought of this. If they had, there would be no pieces found , many, of that tail light fiasco. The clear evidence of that light would of been seen/photographed, right there so no flimflamming of the SUV and that sallyport/no film and all . UGHGH and Berkowitz seeing it like a miracle in the snow driving by long days after.
They did show video from there but I don't know if they showed every drink. But not really necessary since they also have her blood alcohol level.

Not exactly. They have her blood level from around 9 am, but no one saw what she did - or what she drank - between the Waterfall and connecting with the other two women in the morning.

She could have been drinking at home, angry about John's behavior and his failure to text or call her back after he entered the house. We aren't going to know because she doesn't need to take the stand.

This judge has shown a bias towards the prosecution, but I'll be surprised if she allows that backwards blood reading in as proof she was intoxicated driving to Fairview. Too remote in time.
As we heard during Higgins’s cross about the return phone call he now testifies didn’t happen, Higgins had originally told the grand jury that if it had happened, he didn’t hear anything on the other line. Hearing this sparked a memory of an earlier hearing where Yannetti claimed that Brian Albert originally told the grand jury that he had gone to bed that evening with his phone, and wife, to watch TV. According to Yannetti, he was re-called to the grand jury for further questioning about the phone call, where when confronted again with the phone records he attributed the butt dial to sex with Nicole Albert. Yannetti goes on to say that Higgins testified that did not hear, 17 seconds later, any “intimate” noises that might corroborate this.

We now have a third explanation from Brian Albert, sans tv and le sex.

Video (Yannetti @ ~5 minute mark):

Oh yeah! I forgot about that part. Thank you. Thought there was some else that came out that I missed.
The amount of hit and runs the Albert family alone was involved with tells you all you need to know. One included death.
Very little consequences.
And that is just what we know of!

It is beyond comprehension.
And that is precisely why it is believable there is a collusion.
They’ve gotten away with it for so long, why not again?
This time they didn’t think someone would fight back.
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