Man seen carrying diaper clad baby

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IMO, and FWIW, the story in MSM about seeing an black male with a baby was a stretch. If this neighbor is the same woman who claims her husband saw a man with a baby, she would have clearly indicated a "black male carrying a white baby". Something is really off with the reporting of that story.

The second sighting with MT, he doesn't even mention a race, nor did the reporter ask him about the race of the male carrying a baby. These reporters need to ask better questions especially since there was mention of a black male carrying a baby. :banghead:
Oh I certainly would have without a doubt. In the middle of the night with an unclothed baby in the cold.. Yes I would have approached that person and called the police just in case, even not knowing about the Lisa case. I have had instances where there have been groups of kids outside in the wee hours of the night and my butt was outside my door watching them to make sure there wasnt going to be a fight or something, I have no problem getting involved at all. I would rather be safe than sorry.

See, it's unlikely that I would stop my car in the middle of the night and approach a man I didn't know who was on foot. And I would assume someone with a baby was simply carrying their baby. If we were both walking, I'd be way more likely to say something.

Now maybe if I had one of my kids small blankets in the car and I knew it was cold and I thought maybe the man was homeless or in a tough situation- I would hand them a blanket and ask if I can call anyone for them. I did that once for a man with a baby in the rain (except I gave him an umbrella, not a blanket). But in my head, it would never even occur to me to question if the baby was kidnapped. I would think homeless/car broke down/looking for something/car-jacking/etc
This is completely MOO so take it or leave it. I really think that one needs to be careful when making a definitive decision in their mind whether someone is guilty or innocent based on media interviews. DB and JI are NOT media savvy individuals. The media can and will spin a person's own statements in whatever way will be the most sensational for them. I can guarantee that if you were bestfriends with DB and wanted to tell the media some information about DB's character, they would slice and dice that interview until you made her out to be the devil. MOO :twocents: That's why I'm sitting on this fence until I hear some actual facts. All we know definitevely is that a baby is missing. :fence:


Thanks for this reminder . . . unless we are walking in their shoes, we don't know how we would react. Keeps me sitting on this fence!
Thank you.

Now, the question of the day is: "is this the same neighbor whose husband spotted a man walking with a baby around midnight?"

In this article she never mentions the race of the individual.

Although he had no clues, one neighbor reportedly told police about seeing an African-American individual carrying a baby up the street around midnight, only hours before Lisa, (whose birthday on Nov. 11 would now make her 11 months old) was reported missing.

Read more:

About a 3rd of the way down the page Patty...use the "find" option on your computer and type in "although" and it will take you straight to it.
A true story about eyewitnesses:

A relative of mine was in a traffic accident. A reporter got the story from an eyewitness. The article said a youth with a motorcycle collided with a car and was not seriously injured.
They got the collision with a car right. Serious injuries - well, I suppose it's a matter of definition. He had broken his hip, a leg and a vertebra and had a concussion but was not in mortal danger. He is almost in his fifties and was driving a scooter.
IMO, and FWIW, the story in MSM about seeing an black male with a baby was a stretch. If this neighbor is the same woman who claims her husband saw a man with a baby, she would have clearly indicated a "black male carrying a white baby". Something is really off with the reporting of that story.

The second sighting with MT, he doesn't even mention a race, nor did the reporter ask him about the race of the male carrying a baby. These reporters need to ask better questions especially since there was mention of a black male carrying a baby. :banghead:

They also need to get it straight if the man was going to work, coming home from work, or maybe even playing games on facebook...just sayin':wink:
I'm not trying to pick an argument, or disagree that it's fine for LE to be mute.

I'm pointing out, and will stop here because this has gone on too many posts, that you say you believe LE over Deborah. I'm just pointing out, I promise for the last time because somehow we aren't communicating, that you have no basis to know what LE's version of the events is, only Deborahs. So their versions aren't in disagreement, there in fact is no way to know what LE believes about what occurred in the interrogation.

You could say, of course, I think Deborah's lying because it sounds to me that what she's saying can't be true.

But we all know it IS common police tactic. I guess you can believe this common police tactic wasn't used here.


I really do understand what you are saying but I dont have to know what LE thinks or found or anything like that because right now it isnt my business. I do though know what DB and JI have said because they opened their mouths. I have formed an "opinion" of them because of this. Whether my opinion is guilt or innocence I have formed that due to her getting on TV and changing her stories 200 times and then coming out with things that were never told before. She is incriminating herself, she doesnt need me to do that for her.

I also agree it is a common police tactic and it should be. See Mark Klaas's statements on this case and how he went through the same thing and how he said he would do it all over again. My point is when your child is missing you dont boo hoo yourself into a corner and hide, you allow LE to do their job whether you like it or not and let them move on and clear you. If you lie to the police or omit information it doesnt look good. And why would you even do that when you are supposedly saying your child was kidnapped. I will say this now, if Lisa is found alive or found to be kidnapped DB still needs to get herself some help.
IMO, and FWIW, the story in MSM about seeing an black male with a baby was a stretch. If this neighbor is the same woman who claims her husband saw a man with a baby, she would have clearly indicated a "black male carrying a white baby". Something is really off with the reporting of that story.

The second sighting with MT, he doesn't even mention a race, nor did the reporter ask him about the race of the male carrying a baby. These reporters need to ask better questions especially since there was mention of a black male carrying a baby. :banghead:

yeah, I'm pretty sure it's the reporting- something made the reporter think that by mistake. Just like the "friend" reporter said their kids played together when anyone following the case should have known that little factoid was off. Some of the reporters following it are just shoving the information they think they have out without a lot of review.
I really do understand what you are saying but I dont have to know what LE thinks or found or anything like that because right now it isnt my business. I do though know what DB and JI have said because they opened their mouths. I have formed an "opinion" of them because of this. Whether my opinion is guilt or innocence I have formed that due to her getting on TV and changing her stories 200 times and then coming out with things that were never told before. She is incriminating herself, she doesnt need me to do that for her.

I also agree it is a common police tactic and it should be. See Mark Klaas's statements on this case and how he went through the same thing and how he said he would do it all over again. My point is when your child is missing you dont boo hoo yourself into a corner and hide, you allow LE to do their job whether you like it or not and let them move on and clear you. If you lie to the police or omit information it doesnt look good. And why would you even do that when you are supposedly saying your child was kidnapped. I will say this now, if Lisa is found alive or found to be kidnapped DB still needs to get herself some help.
Did DB or JI do this? I don't recall LE saying either one of them lied or omitted anything.
I'm not trying to pick an argument, or disagree that it's fine for LE to be mute.

I'm pointing out, and will stop here because this has gone on too many posts, that you say you believe LE over Deborah. I'm just pointing out, I promise for the last time because somehow we aren't communicating, that you have no basis to know what LE's version of the events is, only Deborahs. So their versions aren't in disagreement, there in fact is no way to know what LE believes about what occurred in the interrogation.

You could say, of course, I think Deborah's lying because it sounds to me that what she's saying can't be true.

But we all know it IS common police tactic. I guess you can believe this common police tactic wasn't used here.


IMO it's possible the police were unkind to her but a missing baby is a serious thing and I don't think you can really expect anything else. So you call 911 to inform that your baby has been stolen, the police turn up and find out that the person who had the sole responsibility for the baby the night of disappearance is drunk. Of course they're going to ask her if she killed the baby, play good cops, bad cops, use psychological tactics and see if they could solve the case the easy way.

I'm sure it feels awful if you had nothing to do with it but it is what it is. I'm with Mark Klaas here. If you didn't do it you cooperate and try your best so they can clear your name and go on to find the real perpetrator. The whining doesn't help.
Did DB or JI do this? I don't recall LE saying either one of them lied or omitted anything.

We have seen her lying on TV at least, re: the changing timelines. Maybe she told LE something else but I'm sure they were interested to see the story change in between different interviews.
I'd say something if I didn't recocnise him; his race wouldn't play into it. If I saw someone I didn't know carrying a baby I do know down the road, I'd say hello real friendly like.
From your car, at midnight (or 4am)?
IMO, and FWIW, the story in MSM about seeing an black male with a baby was a stretch. If this neighbor is the same woman who claims her husband saw a man with a baby, she would have clearly indicated a "black male carrying a white baby". Something is really off with the reporting of that story.

The second sighting with MT, he doesn't even mention a race, nor did the reporter ask him about the race of the male carrying a baby. These reporters need to ask better questions especially since there was mention of a black male carrying a baby. :banghead:



1. Reporter did ask better questions and the answers would rule out the news. Example: Motorcycle guy says guy was black and so was the baby. Oops, slow news day but I need a story so let's just cut that out.

2. LE asked these people to go in front of cameras and only answer certain questions and those ground rules.

3. Stanton is behind this somehow.
Did DB or JI do this? I don't recall LE saying either one of them lied or omitted anything.

Yes, she lied about the time she put Lisa down, the police confirmed that by saying they have 4 additional hours they have to make up for now. She omitted that she possibly blacked out as well. Those are two things right there that are huge..
We have seen her lying on TV at least, re: the changing timelines. Maybe she told LE something else but I'm sure they were interested to see the story change in between different interviews.
Yeah, but she could have told LE all that from the start, even the changing time lime, but trickled it out to the media bit by bit, thinking it somehow made her seem more innocent. I have no way of knowing what she said to LE. What I do know is I've never seen anyone be so glib about their kidnapped baby since Casey Anthony.

From your car, at midnight (or 4am)?
Yes, but I live in a sleepy azz village in Switzerland, and there's no violent crimes to speak of, so I'm more lax than I would be if I lived, in say, Italy.
Yes, she lied about the time she put Lisa down, the police confirmed that by saying they have 4 additional hours they have to make up for now. She omitted that she possibly blacked out as well. Those are two things right there that are huge..
I see, thanks. I must have missed it when LE said DB lied and omitted information.

Three Kansas City residents said Friday that they saw a suspicious man walking the streets with an infant on the night that 11-month-old Lisa Irwin disappeared.

1) Motorcycle Guy headed home around 4a

2) Guy who saw the walker around Midnight (his wife's been speaking for him)

3) Another female witness interviewed four times since her sighting (no details)

I'm thinking the two other witness were the "husband and wife" and that the wife was interview four times.

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