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*NOTE: Much much more new info in article!!!!

After four months, authorities have little evidence in Lindsey Baum case
Published November 01, 2009
Police Chief George Crumb said he used to look out his office window from the police station on Summit Road and see Lindsey Baum walking with her regular group of friends.

&#8220;She was pretty much a daily fixture of the area,&#8221; Crumb said of Lindsey, who was 10 when she went missing not two blocks from the police station as she walked to her home from a friend&#8217;s June 26. &#8220;She seemed to be, you could even say, the leader of the little group.&#8221;

Scott said investigators have slogged through thousands of leads and tips. There have been eight to 12 &#8220;persons of interest&#8221; at various points during the investigation, but none panned out, he said.

Crumb and Scott said the case has drawn a number of amateur sleuths who haven&#8217;t necessarily been helpful. Crumb said that over the summer, someone went to the McCleary assessor&#8217;s office, got the names and addresses of everyone who lives on Maple Street, and posted that information on a message board devoted to Lindsey&#8217;s case, leaving the impression that any of those residents could have been responsible.

Crumb said that although posting such information online is legal, &#8220;it&#8217;s inappropriate.&#8221;

&#8220;I wish they&#8217;d tone that down,&#8221; he added.

Lindsey Featured On The Cover Of PEOPLE Magazine
The magazine is on sale Friday, November 13th.


PDF PEOPLE Article on Missing Persons

PDF PEOPLE Article on Missing Persons cont.
Missing girl on magazine cover
Friday, November 13, 2009 11:11 AM PST
Deputies have received hundreds of tips, but have not found any solid leads, Undersheriff Rick Scott said today.

Scott said he talked to a reporter from People magazine recently, but had no idea the case would be featured on the cover. He said he reporter saw the Baum case when it was featured on Oprah last month. Oprah narrated a minute-long segment about the Baum case, according to a clip found on YouTube.

Scott said every bit of media exposure helps. Most of the local network affiliates ran short stories on Baum being featured in People Thursday night.

Missing McCleary Girl Featured On Cover Of People Magazine
Lindsey Baum is one of six children featured in the article about missing kids.
November 12, 2009
An anguished mother still agonizing over the disappearance of her 11-year-old daughter may have reason for some hope -- after her daughter's face is featured on the cover of "People" magazine.

The national publicity may somehow help find Lindsey Baum of McCleary.


Lindsey Baum featured on cover of People
Story Published: Nov 12, 2009 at 4:39 PM PST
Story Updated: Nov 12, 2009 at 6:05 PM PST
The national attention is a ray of hope for Lindsey Baum's mother, Melissa Baum.

The grief-stricken mother is surrounded by pictures of her daughter, posters of well wishes, business cards and fliers.She's hoping for even the smallest of clues that will lead her to her daughter.

"I just want to bring her home," she said. "I want people to see her and look for her."

Video: Lindsey Baum featured on cover of People 2:00

Missing girl on magazine cover
Friday, November 13, 2009 11:11 AM PST
Deputies have received hundreds of tips, but have not found any solid leads, Undersheriff Rick Scott said today.

Scott said he talked to a reporter from People magazine recently, but had no idea the case would be featured on the cover. He said he reporter saw the Baum case when it was featured on Oprah last month. Oprah narrated a minute-long segment about the Baum case, according to a clip found on YouTube.

Scott said every bit of media exposure helps. Most of the local network affiliates ran short stories on Baum being featured in People Thursday night.

MCCLEARY: Volunteers sought in search for missing girl
Published November 21, 2009
The director of the Lindsey Baum Search Center says volunteers are needed to search for the missing McCleary girl, noting that winter weather soon will halt ground searches.

Volunteers can take part in the search from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today. They should show up at the search center, 303 Fourth St., McCleary.

Sheriff&#8217;s office says there&#8217;s no truth to Baum case rumors
Saturday, November 21, 2009 1:11 AM PST
Undersheriff Rick Scott said Friday that he had fielded media calls all day asking him about alleged warrants and arrests.

Scott said someone was contacting media outlets anonymously with bogus tips. Reporters and community members called the Sheriff&#8217;s Office all day to ask about the rumors.

Scott said no one has filed any police reports and there is nothing legally the Sheriff&#8217;s Office can do about the false reports.

November 21, 2009
The Grays Harbor rumor mill has again spread false reports concerning the disappearance of a McCleary girl. On Thursday several reports were sent to Twin Harbor residents and the Seattle media saying a confession had been received in the Lindsey Baum case. However Grays Harbor Sheriff investigators say the reports were false and spread by someone try to settle a score with the reported suspect. The rumors continue the nightmare for Lindsey Baum&#8217;s parents, who have not seen their daughter since she went missing on the night of June 26th.

Thanksgiving a 'bad day' for family of missing girl
Posted on November 26, 2009 at 5:42 PM
Updated yesterday at 6:09 AM
"It's really hard to be thankful now for much of anything," said Mellisa Baum.

Exactly five months after her daughter vanished, Melissa Baum is thankful for the support she continues to get from police, the community and total strangers.

A fundraiser and volunteer search are planned for this weekend in McCleary.

"They've come to love Lindsey," said Mellisa Baum. "And they never knew her. That means a lot."

*NOTE: Video Included In Article!

Missing McCleary girl's family victimized in Olympia
Posted on December 10, 2009 at 4:30 PM
Updated Thursday, Dec 10 at 5:28 PM
Relatives of Lindsey Baum, the McCleary 10-year-old girl who vanished in June, called Olympia police last month to report a stranger in their backyard.

The homeowner said the man was crouching beneath the bedroom window of Baum's two female cousins, who are 9 and 12 years old.

Olympia Police said any connection between the two cases is coincidental, but Grays Harbor County investigators have been in touch with Olympia Detectives about the Nov. 13 incident.

On Nov. 10, about eight blocks from the house where the man was seen, a man approached a 10-year-old girl and asked if she needed a ride. She ran home and police were contacted.

On November 24, about two miles from the home, a 9-year-old girl said a stranger asked her if she could help him load groceries into her car. She said no and ran away.

In both incidents, the man was reportedly driving a silver (Mazda) car.

*Video Included In Article!

Suspicious man reported at missing girl's cousins' home
Updated Dec 11, 2009 - 2:19 pm
Olympia Police released a sketch Thursday of a man reported seen in the fenced backyard of a private residence a few weeks ago.

Olympia authorities responded to a call November 13th at a home in the 1200 block of Etheridge NE. The man at the scene reported he'd seen a white male, around 5'9, with reddish brown hair that had been observed in the backyard of the home.

Lindsey Baum's mother Melissa isn't sure whether there is a connection between the two cases, but she says it would be a very odd coincidence. "Either this is some really dumb guy that keeps trying to take kids in the same neighborhood, and just happened to fumble into my daughter's cousins' backyard, it's either related or a really, really odd coincidence."


Listen to Jessica's report

Olympia police release sketches of trespass suspect
Published: 12/12/09 2:30 am
Updated: 12/12/09 7:35 am
Olympia police have released sketches of a person who was spotted standing in a homeowner's yard Nov. 13 in the 1200 block of Ethridge Avenue Northeast.

When the resident asked the man for identification, the man said he would get it from his vehicle but instead drove away. The man was described as 5 feet 9, 20 to 25 years old, with a thin build and reddish-brown hair. His vehicle was described as a silver, newer-model Mazda sedan with a yellow &#8220;Titus Will&#8221; advertisement visible.

The Etheridge Drive home belongs to an aunt and uncle of Lindsey Baum, the McCleary girl who vanished while walking home from a friend&#8217;s house in June.

Olympia police have released a sketch of a person who was spotted standing in a homeowner's yard Nov. 13 in the 1200 block of Etheridge Drive Northeast.

People not giving up hope on finding Lindsey Baum
Posted on December 22, 2009 at 6:51 PM
Almost six months since her disappearance, people in a Grays Harbor County are not giving up on finding Lindsey Baum.

The story has faded from the headlines, but it is fresh in the minds of people closest to the 11-year-old girl.

This holiday, the only thing the people of McCleary, Wash. want is Lindsey home safe.

*Video Included In Article!

&#8220;Far from being done&#8221;
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 2:54 PM PST
Undersheriff Rick Scott announced in a news conference Tuesday that additional missing child experts are expected to review the investigation in the coming weeks as detectives seek any new approaches, evidence or possibilities in the disappearance.

Full-time investigators continue to comb through nearly 1,200 tips in the case with help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Scott pledged to devote as many resources to the search as possible for as long as it takes.

Lindsey&#8217;s mother, Melissa Baum, sat silently throughout Tuesday&#8217;s news conference in a gray shirt printed with Lindsey&#8217;s photo.

With wet eyes, Melissa Baum offered one comment.

&#8220;I just want Lindsey home,&#8221; she said.

Scott said he hopes the third-party review of the investigation by additional federal experts will help narrow some direction for the case, which has suffered from very little physical evidence indicating any specific crime or scenario.

Forensic testing has not tied any physical evidence to Baum so far, Scott said, but many items are still at the crime lab awaiting testing.

Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott gives an update on the search for 11-year-old Lindsey Baum as her friend Michaela cries on her mother Kara Kampen&#8217;s shoulder Tuesday in McCleary.

Press Conference Video Included In Article! &#8220;Far from being done&#8221;

McCleary search to get help
Lonely Christmas: Family friend pleads for tips about disappearance of 11-year-old girl six months ago
Published: 12/24/09 7:20 am
Updated: 12/28/09 11:54 am
Additional missing-child experts are expected to review the investigation in the coming weeks, Undersheriff Rick Scott announced during a news conference Tuesday.

&#8220;I don&#8217;t think that anyone in this room thought that we&#8217;d still be here doing this six months later, but we are. We are far from being done,&#8221; Scott said. On Saturday, it will have been a half-year since Lindsey disappeared.

The mother of the friend Lindsey was with on the night she disappeard, Kara Kampen, sat nearby as her daughter cried into her shoulder.

&#8220;It&#8217;s Christmas time, a time that friends and family usually spend together,&#8221; Kampen said in a rare public statement.

&#8220;This Christmas is not like that for everyone. Lindsey&#8217;s not home. Her family doesn&#8217;t get to spend this holiday with her.&#8221;

&#8220;It doesn&#8217;t have to be a huge piece of information. Any little bit counts,&#8221; she said. &#8220;It could be what brings Lindsey home where she needs to be now.&#8221;

Christmas without Lindsey
Six-month mark nears with no trace
December 24, 2009
One of the photos on the missing child posters shows Lindsey Baum in front of the Christmas tree last year. The holiday won&#8217;t be the same without her. A small group of family and friends addressed reporters Tuesday to keep her in people&#8217;s hearts and minds this Christmas season and to urge folks to report anything at all that might lead to finding her.

&#8220;It&#8217;s Christmas time, when family and friends usually spend time together &#8230; Her friends and family don&#8217;t get to spend that with her,&#8221; said Kara Kampen, mother of Lindsey&#8217;s best friend, Michaela, 10, as her daughter cried into her shoulder.

The day after Christmas will mark the six-month anniversary of Lindsey Baum&#8217;s disappearance.

Kara Kampen &#8212; accompanied by her daughter, Michaela &#8212; speaks to reporters Tuesday urging people to report &#8220;any information at all&#8221; that may lead to the return of Lindsey Baum, missing since June 26. Lindsey was last seen heading home from the Kampens&#8217; house.

Search for missing McCleary girl intensifies
POSTED: Thursday, Dec. 24, 2009
The Grays Harbor County sheriff's office says deputies started serving search warrants Friday in the McCleary area in the search for a missing 11-year-old girl.

Sgt. Steve Shumate told KXRO more warrants would be served through the weekend in an operation involving the FBI and the King County sheriff's office.

Shumate says investigators have been following leads and conducting interviews that identified areas that may contain information about the disappearance of Lindsey Baum. She disappeared the night of June 26 while walking home from a friend's house.

Ron & Don Show
Audio: Thursday, December 10, 2009
Forza Coffee in Parkland plans to reopen with a special tribute to Lakewood cops. Breaking news in the Lindsey Baum case. Ryan Leaf in trouble with the law in Texas. Brandon Beals, the UFC Pastor!

Audio: Friday, November 27, 2009
Gregg Knapp filling in for Ron and Don. Dubai's debt hurts our market and should be a warning to us. First cash for clunkers, now dollars for dishwashers. Amanda Knox being sued in Italy. Sad time for Melissa Baum. Best Buy causes controversy by wishing happy holidays to Muslims.


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