Everyone reacts differently. I'd say what you describe is within the large range of normal. For what it's worth, Moderna probably has the strongest side effects, but that's because it is a bigger dose compared to Pfizer. As for J&J, that has a completely different mechanism of action to Pfizer so I'm not surprised you had different side effects.
Glad you got the booster!!! I just got my booster a few days ago. All Moderna. Out of the three shots, the degree of severity for side effects increased on each one. Definitely felt the worst after the booster. My arm is still sore but other than that I feel back to normal now. I had a bad headache, body aches, terrible weakness, violent chills and a fever of 102.3 starting about 8 hours after the booster. Was awake all night. OK now and am so glad to be boosted.