Mexico Mexico - Jenny Chen, 26, Oaxaca, 11 April 2016 #4

How in the world did we talk up 4 threads when we have absolutely no other info than what we read JR reported? This case has me captivated, and I don't know why.
How in the world did we talk up 4 threads when we have absolutely no other info than what we read JR reported? This case has me captivated, and I don't know why.

Ha! I think we’ve spent four threads trying to make sense of what JR reported! And trying to answer a lot of questions we have about the whole crazy case! Maybe we’re captivated because it’s sort of like watching a slow motion train wreck, and we can’t look away. I just don’t know either.
There's an interview here with a mother who went with her daughter to a Mexican resort --- mother is very lucky her daughter made it home...scary scary stuff.

Mother's nightmare at Mexico resort: 'There is more to this deeper, darker story than we know'
February 21, 2018


Where is Jenny Chen???

WOW! :scared:
There's an interview here with a mother who went with her daughter to a Mexican resort --- mother is very lucky her daughter made it home...scary scary stuff.

Mother's nightmare at Mexico resort: 'There is more to this deeper, darker story than we know'
February 21, 2018


Where is Jenny Chen???


I was just coming to post this article. Thank you, tarbull. What a horrifying story. Was she going to be trafficked for the $950? We really don’t know what happened to Jenny at Lagunas Crossing. Has the shopkeeper’s story been completely verified? I believe the Mexican LE/attorney general we’re satisfied with it FWIW. But we know how reliable they are! (Heavy sarcasm) For all we know, they could have sold her or intended to sell her to their friend who volunteered to drive her to Cancun.
I think the shopkeepers at Laguna Crossing are shady. I say this because they had a man driving from two hours away to transport Jenny to Cancun at no cost... a 20 hour trip one way. Who does that?

Even if the Corona driver was legit and picked her up with no bad intentions, that doesn't mean this other fellow didn't catch up to them, make a bargain with the Corona driver, and took Jenny. We really don't know and unless a PI stakes out the shop in Lagunas Crossing for an extended period of time to determine trends and patterns, we will never know. Therefore, we will never know.


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Sadly, the OTHER Jenny Chen (84 years old) from Seattle has passed away. This will make it easier to sleuth our Jenny going forward.
I think the shopkeepers at Laguna Crossing are shady. I say this because they had a man driving from two hours away to transport Jenny to Cancun at no cost... a 20 hour trip one way. Who does that?

Even if the Corona driver was legit and picked her up with no bad intentions, that doesn't mean this other fellow didn't catch up to them, make a bargain with the Corona driver, and took Jenny. We really don't know and unless a PI stakes out the shop in Lagunas Crossing for an extended period of time to determine trends and patterns, we will never know. Therefore, we will never know.

“Who does that?” indeed. They must have really generous friends or else said friend was going to Cancun anyway. We know Jenny certainly wouldn’t have offered him anything. Was this friend ever interviewed? JR seems inclined to accept the story told by the shopkeepers. He believed the person who saw Jenny in Mexico City last year too FWIW. Good old Dexter has always been suspicious of the shopkeepers.

Of course, we do have the missing time/GPS location on the Corona truck log, the truck being quickly sold and the driver panicking during the lie detector test. But that could all be explained if he turned Jenny over to the shopkeeper’s friend. As you say, we will never know. :(
I think the shopkeepers at Laguna Crossing are shady. I say this because they had a man driving from two hours away to transport Jenny to Cancun at no cost... a 20 hour trip one way. Who does that?

Even if the Corona driver was legit and picked her up with no bad intentions, that doesn't mean this other fellow didn't catch up to them, make a bargain with the Corona driver, and took Jenny. We really don't know and unless a PI stakes out the shop in Lagunas Crossing for an extended period of time to determine trends and patterns, we will never know. Therefore, we will never know.

Just to say, the Lagunas on that map isn't the Lagunas where the truck stop is. That's to the right of where the map says Oaxaca. Also, I don't know that the driver promised to take her to Cancun (unlikely a truck would go that far). She'd likely be happy just to get to the east of Veracruz, to find her next overnight/ride.

I recall reading she needed to find an ATM to withdraw more cash, yet haven't heard anything about whether she ever did. Seems to me, someone could have tried to rob her, a tourist would be presumed to be carrying cash.
Just to say, the Lagunas on that map isn't the Lagunas where the truck stop is. That's to the right of where the map says Oaxaca. Also, I don't know that the driver promised to take her to Cancun (unlikely a truck would go that far). She'd likely be happy just to get to the east of Veracruz, to find her next overnight/ride.

I recall reading she needed to find an ATM to withdraw more cash, yet haven't heard anything about whether she ever did. Seems to me, someone could have tried to rob her, a tourist would be presumed to be carrying cash.

Good catch about Lagunas. I know where it is and didn’t even notice. :)
I don’t have the energy to go rummaging in the threads, but I thought the ride was all the way to Cancun. Too good to be true. I remember thinking at the time how “off” that sounded. AFAIK she didn’t access any money at an ATM, and that was a concern. One would think she might have been forced to withdraw money, but it doesn’t appear she did. But I’m going off increasingly foggy memory.
If the family at Lagunas Crossing was in any way involved in Jenny´s disappearance, whether in cahoots with the ´corona driver´ or not, I think it would be unlikely that they would offer evidence that could lead investigators to interigate someone. This would increase the risk to them (the Lagunas Crossing family). Rather, I think they would have said Jenny was picked up by someone in a vehicle, liscence plate and driver one to interview. I can´t imagine the family being in cahoots with the corona driver and then giving investigators the corona truck lead. Doesn´t make sense to me.

The missing GPS truck tracking data and the missing truck indicates to me that the Lagunas Crossing family´s testimony is good.

I don´t think someone would drive a stranger such a distance to Cancun for nothing, unless they were going there anyway, which is what I suspect in this case.
I don't think the shopkeepers were in cahoots with the corona driver. I theorized that the driver they had coming from 2 hours away may have tracked down the corona truck and took Jenny. I also think people are strange, and sometimes to point the finger away from themselves they will volunteer information that they know can be found from someone else. In this case, the cement truck driver said he dropped Jenny off at Laguna's Crossing, so the shopkeepers were already fingered (in a way). Does that line of thought even make sense?
How about this?
Mexico -- Two kidnapped Americans from Texas were rescued near the northern city of Monterrey and their two alleged abductors arrested, Mexican authorities reported.

The Nuevo Leon prosecutors' office said Sunday in a statement that the victims traveled to the state on Feb. 17, and lost contact with their families in the United States the following day. On Feb. 19, the relatives began to receive ransom demands.

The unidentified Texans were rescued by members of a special anti-kidnapping unit Saturday in the Monterrey suburb of Juarez, thanks to a tip that led them to locate the alleged kidnappers on a highway.
There's multiple types of slavery that go on in Mexico, and it's possible she is captive as a labor worker, or whatnot.
“Who does that?” indeed. They must have really generous friends or else said friend was going to Cancun anyway. We know Jenny certainly wouldn’t have offered him anything. Was this friend ever interviewed? JR seems inclined to accept the story told by the shopkeepers. He believed the person who saw Jenny in Mexico City last year too FWIW. Good old Dexter has always been suspicious of the shopkeepers.

Of course, we do have the missing time/GPS location on the Corona truck log, the truck being quickly sold and the driver panicking during the lie detector test. But that could all be explained if he turned Jenny over to the shopkeeper’s friend. As you say, we will never know. :(

Yes maam. I think the person may have gotten there and things went sour once Jenny decided not to pay. Jmo.
I don't think the shopkeepers were in cahoots with the corona driver. I theorized that the driver they had coming from 2 hours away may have tracked down the corona truck and took Jenny. I also think people are strange, and sometimes to point the finger away from themselves they will volunteer information that they know can be found from someone else. In this case, the cement truck driver said he dropped Jenny off at Laguna's Crossing, so the shopkeepers were already fingered (in a way). Does that line of thought even make sense?

I think the missing GPS truck tracking data, and the missing truck, mean that Jenny was in that truck, as per the Lagunas Crossing family’s testimony. Logic would have the police locate the truck and test it forensically for evidence of Jenny having been in it. There is no report of this having been done. Beyond that, I don’t have any thoughts as to what other wrinkles there could be in the case.
I think the missing GPS truck tracking data, and the missing truck, mean that Jenny was in that truck, as per the Lagunas Crossing family’s testimony. Logic would have the police locate the truck and test it forensically for evidence of Jenny having been in it. There is no report of this having been done. Beyond that, I don’t have any thoughts as to what other wrinkles there could be in the case.

Yes, I think the missing GPS data and the missing truck point to Jenny being in the truck. I never understood why the sale of the truck would prevent LE from doing forensic testing. Surely the person who bought it wouldn’t object. But AFAIK it was never done, at least according to JR, which is the problem with this case.

I will acknowledge a small chance that the friend of the Lagunas family overtook the Corona truck and took Jenny. It’s a little outside the realm of Occam’s Razor, but still possible and could also explain the Corona driver’s actions as self-protection from incrimination. But not likely.
As easily as the Corona driver was not in cahoots with the shopkeepers and/or the mysterious driver, he also could have been in cahoots with one or both of them.

All we know for certain, according to JR, is Jenny was last seen at Lagunas Crossing, where she took a ride with a Corona driver.

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