Miley Cyrus Video -- Partying with a Bong

The girl is 18 now. We all knew she was growing up. Who among us hasn't "shown their arse" in the words of Dolly Parton, as a teenager? I am sad for these child stars. They never get to the oopportunity to make their mistakes and move on like normal kids do.

My daughter used to be big into Miley. Thankfully DD is a pretty smart cookie for a 10 year old. She doesn't idolize her disney stars. She accepts that they are regular kids who happen to act or sing or be in the public eye. I hope I am raising a leader, not a follower. Its all any parent can do.

I fear that someday my DD may experiment with pot or a product such as this salvia stuff. But if she does, it will not be because Miley did it. It will be because her peers are doing it. And if she does, I will not lay the blame at Miley's door.
The girl is 18 now. We all knew she was growing up. Who among us hasn't "shown their arse" in the words of Dolly Parton, as a teenager? I am sad for these child stars. They never get to the oopportunity to make their mistakes and move on like normal kids do.

My daughter used to be big into Miley. Thankfully DD is a pretty smart cookie for a 10 year old. She doesn't idolize her disney stars. She accepts that they are regular kids who happen to act or sing or be in the public eye. I hope I am raising a leader, not a follower. Its all any parent can do.

I fear that someday my DD may experiment with pot or a product such as this salvia stuff. But if she does, it will not be because Miley did it. It will be because her peers are doing it. And if she does, I will not lay the blame at Miley's door.
Well, see I have the opposite opinion, because my 9-year-old does idolize teen stars and regularly watches Hannah Montana, even when I'm not around to say "no". I think that where she's picking up alot of her mouthy attitudes towards adults is by watching these shows!:sick:
Miley Cyrus is not an appropriate role model for young girls. First it was inappropriate, racy pictures, now drugs. Thank goodness there hasn't been any word of Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift acting out in public!
P.S. I didn't "show my arse as a teenager", not even as an adult!:snooty: I respect myself too much for that!
Also Billy Ray publicly apologized for her doing drugs- he knows it's wrong!!!
Can't count on one hand the times I screwed up as a teen. Thankfully the world wasn't watching and judging, my family's disappointment in me was enough.
I know more than I should about these Disney stars but the girl who was filming the video, Anna Oliver, was also friends with another teen star, Demi Lovato, who is now in rehab. Anna and her friends are apparently into a lot more hardcore drugs like cocaine and got Demi into them. What's going to stop Miley's new junkie friends from showing her cocaine? It isn't the salvia that worries me but the fact that these new people she's been hanging out with do a lot worse than salvia. I'm not exactly a fan of Miley's (I go back and forth) but I would feel bad if she got involved in hard drugs because she became friends with a bunch of losers.
The sad fate of many teen stars and not just recently. The branding of our children is a dangerous thing. There is always a price. Not many escape to adulthood unscathed.

I too hope Miley manages to avoid the all too common pitfalls of trying to grow up to fast and shake the Disney squeak factor.
I feel that her parent's divorce + turning 18 + new junkie friends + her own house + trying so hard to seem "older" and "cool" = bad times ahead for Miley in 2011.

The media and the general public has been calling her "the next Lindsay Lohan" and "the next train wreck" since 2008. It's almost like she feels that's the image they have created for her and she has to fit it. I'm not saying she's anywhere near Lindsay Lohan level but she hasn't been doing much to show me she'll be more like (insert child star success story here). It is like if someone is considered to be a nerd at school; they might feel like they always have to be reading a book and can never wear the fashion trends. I feel like we subconsciously go into the roles that people have put us into. Does that make any sense?
I don't think it was salvia. I think it was pot. I'm not surprised or shocked by teenagers hanging out and smoking.

I've always liked Miley and feel like she has a good head on her shoulders. Nothing about her behavior leads me to believe she's the next LL. That said, Hollywood is a tough place to navigate, and I hope she can learn to keep herself healthy and focused.
Regardless what she was smoking, she was dumb to be filmed.

Why do kids feel the need to narc themselves out on FB/MS or So glad I was a teen 20+ yrs ago . . . would hate my stupid antics being caught on tape (lol) or broadcasted to everyone & their dog !
So she's an 18 year old experimenting with some stupid stuff, like millions of others who turned out to be fine citizens. The only difference is, the girl's life is public and she has crappy friends who would take and release a video like this.

Kids don't see this stuff watching Hannah Montana. They see it on these stupid celebrity gossip shows/mags. If you don't want your kids to see this stuff, restrict their viewing to the kids shows. Or teach them about reality. Role models should come from home or your community anyway. Not some pretty face on TV.
What Miley needs to realize is that those people are not her friends. That video wasn't stolen, it was sold.
I'm ok with Miley growing up. I have to remind myself that she is no longer little Hannah Montana and I cant expect her to be. I don't condone the drug use ( I consider Salvia a drug) but at 18, I was no angel either.
Do we really know HOW the video got released? I'm not willing to assume her friends threw her under the bus without knowing more.

I also want to ditto the sentiment that thanks goodness this type of technology wasn't around when I was younger (and foolish) - I think about it with my kids though....hope I can teach them to be smart if cameras are flashing and tape is rolling.
Thank God there were no cell phone camera/video capabilities when I was growing up. I do think she's in with a crowd of people she should NOT call friends - they certainly do not have her best interest at heart. The girl who "documented" MC seemed like she was doing it to be mean in a "jesting" kind of way. I knew girls like that in high school [shudder].

If you are a celeb and you want to party, hire some security and make sure you confiscate the cell phones and don't drive. Seems like you become a prisoner of celebrity but that's the price you pay - you can't do anything like a normal person; not even grow up and make stupid mistakes.

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