As it's getting closer to when ELOC's book will be available, I was wondering if you'll be doing any book signings, any further interviews, locally and/or national television (Today Show, GMA), and which local papers might feature your book? If it will be listed on Amazon, we can write reviews to widen publicity. I personally feel that this book, more than anything else in recent memory, has the potential to stir up people's memories and hopefully encourage them to send in tips. ELOC, in your personal opinion, do you think it would be more productive to have tips sent to you or to LE? I'm wondering if you opened a temporary P.O. Box to receive tips, both anonymous and signed, whether some leads might be generated. The perpetrator was and is someone's son, neighbor, possibly husband, father, coach, teacher, acquaintance, friend, significant other. Many of us are of the mind he was/is local, given his knowledge of back roads in the area as well as his boldness. I think he has a compulsive desire for sex with teens, which he might now fulfill by working closely with them in some capacity.
So I think he's still out there, still in the mix, and I have this feeling there are people, perhaps even out of the local area, who may have information about him. What they may not know, however, is his background and any suspicions associated with him. Which is why it's very important that this books has a wide distribution. There may well be people in other locales who have interacted with this man and are oblivious to his history but are creeped out or intimidated by him. The perp may have even tried some inappropriate things but his acquaintances/victims have remained silent, choosing to forget about it. Here's my message to the perp, the net is closing in, it's been twenty five years, you've had your freedom while the Wetterlings and others have lived a nightmare. You destroyed Jacob's life. Regardless of whether you don't have a conscience like normal people do, even psychopaths are willing to bargain sometimes. This book is going to get a lot of people thinking ... wouldn't it be better to come forward now before someone finally gets the courage to step forward? Just a thought.
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”
― Benjamin Franklin