Thanks for the tips Shergal! Now that this info is on an old thread I'll paste it below. I think the key to solving this case is in finding who was in those cars that passed the kids that evening. With at least two vehicles passing the boys on the way to the Tom Thumb it's certainly possible that the perp was one of them.
Minneapolis Star Tribune
October 24, 1989
St. Joseph boy, 11, kidnapped at gunpoint
Pat Doyle, Staff Writer
[Stearns County Sheriff Charlie] Grafft said an account of the abduction provided by Jacob’s brother, Trevor, 10, is credible and authorities assume the boy has been kidnapped. Trevor said that he, Jacob, and Aaron Larson, 11, were returning on bicycles from a convenience store a mile from home where they had rented a videotaped movie. The area is about 5 miles west of St. Cloud.
They were about halfway home when a man wearing dark clothing, black boots and carrying a pistol walked out of a long gravel driveway leading to a farm.
“He had a mask; it looked like pantyhose, on his head,” Trevor said. “He told us to get off our bikes or he’d shoot. We did what he said. We laid in a ditch and he asked our ages.”
After the boys told their ages, “He looked at Aaron’s face and he told me to run to the woods as fast as I could,” Trevor said.
Said Aaron, “He told me to run, too, or else he’d shoot.”
Just before they began running, “We saw him grab him (Jacob) by the arm,” Trevor said. Several minutes later, he said, they looked around, but Jacob and the masked man were gone.
Trevor said several cars passed the trio on their way to the store but no vehicles passed them as they rode their bicycles back toward home. He said they heard rustling in the weeds along the road at one point but thought nothing unusual. Trevor and Aaron said they didn’t hear or see a vehicle, but a person who lives nearby told police he heard tires squealing at about 9 p.m.
“I have a very sick feeling there was a car and he was taken away,” Jerry Wetterling said.