MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #8

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I know we all slice and dice and cut and paste words/pics for the sake of brevity, but I'm a source nut. Let's try and give credit whenever possible.
Those older looking aerial photos are from DR via Joy's blog (and absolutely helpful!)

I lifted them from joys blog and the link says straight out "joybaker" in the link.
too many theories, conjecture, sepculation and false statements. not enough facts and data people.

Hard to come up with info without brainstorming and thinking outside of the box.

There is data and people have info on such things a making huge woodpiles, keeping clippings, changing stories.

Looking at other perps brings out info.

Brainstorming. Many minds. Many ways to look at things,
Brainstorming here...I have read enough about pedophiles to know one thing, they themselves were abused as children and they become the abuser. It is almost always the case. The abused child then turns around and does the same if not worse, even knowing that it is wrong and how it made them feel. It is a compulsion that they can't control. Most times they keep it a scecret unless they come across others who share the same compulsion. That may make it feel more 'normal' to know others are in the same situation. I am not saying that is DR's excuse (if he is indeed the perp) but it happens.

That being said, my heart hurts for those children who were trusted with adults who took advantage of them. Even if DR, no child should have to suffer the brutalitiy of an adult abusing them sexually and mentally and often threatening to kill the parents, family or to 'tell' that it was the child's fault. We all hear about these sexual crimes against children, rapes, abductions and what happens behind closed doors with priests and often family members. Breaks my heart for those little ones.
I can see that. Let me add to my theory of why he is angry. When he was a little boy his parents entrusted him in the care of a local priest, monk or another individual at their church and he was repeatedly molested by them. He never told his parents because the trusted church person threatened to kill them and his family. The abuse of DR continues until he either says stop or is removed somehow from the situation or perp dies. This leaves a broken DR who has been molested by someone his parents trusted to take care of DR. He does not know anything about how to relate to another individual sexually except what he experienced as a child. It is what it is and he can't control his impulses. He fantasizes a lot and over the years has come up with detailed fantasies about what he would do if those neighbor boys came by his driveway at night. Boom, he just happens to be outside the very first night these boys are allowed out solo and his parents are away. He puts his plan into action, grabs Jacob, does whatever his fantasy includes and disposes of Jacob right before the 11:23 911 call and his visit down the driveway to speak to cops about what is going on. He does this to keep them from coming to his front door in a pro-active way and to not draw suspicion to him.

He stays living with his parents because he can't let go of that fear he had as a boy when the perp threatened to kill them. He is there to protect them and because he only feels safe at home.

Interesting theory. Not the right Rassier though.
How would someone from the polka fest know that these boys were out alone for the first time? And if they happened to be in the store when boys were there, they would have to get to DR driveway with black pantyhose and coat and abduct him and what, walk where with him? No cars past them and how would polka fest attendee know what direction boys were heading?

Well, for instance, the polka padre is a known pedophile who played at the Del-Win. I don't know if he was playing that particular night but he certainly could have been there regardless. He had a home in Cold Spring and there's a possibility he is friends with DR. Let's say he was on his way to visit DR and saw the boys. (IIRC, the boys did say cars passed them on the way to the store but not on the way back...but I will have to go find that info to be sure.)

It's also possible that he kept a mask (it's not been verified that it was pantyhose) and a coat in his vehicle.

He would have been 51 at the time.
Lovers lane is something i have thought about alot. I think he was up there spying on people since he was a boy. Perhaps explaining why he has never wanted to leave. He also used it in his favor to plant the abduction by vehicle. If no vehicle is involved, how do we explain the last known foitprint? Ive been doing my best to assume why.
So, Kevin knew of the party spot. He also knew that MN Street was a dead end, but did not know DR's driveway was not a road.
also, he met and talked to a police officer in DR's driveway and /or by the dentist office. this is why we can't rule Kevin out so easily.
How would someone from the polka fest know that these boys were out alone for the first time? And if they happened to be in the store when boys were there, they would have to get to DR driveway with black pantyhose and coat and abduct him and what, walk where with him? No cars past them and how would polka fest attendee know what direction boys were heading?

DR had run by the polka fest earlier that day. Maybe he talked with someone there who he knew. The polka padre (known pedo) may have been playing there, or any number of people that Dan knew from town may have been in attendance. Perhaps DR invited one of them to stop by his home later and see his extensive record collection. Then when that person came by, they saw the boys as they were leaving DR's house. Anything is possible.
That's a good photo Shergal!

When I think of "behind" I was referring to the south side of the Del-Win. There was no road there and to this day there is no road there. From this photo, it does appear that Baker Street existed on the north and west side of the Del-Win. I did not think it was there at the time, so my apologies.

Baker Street and Dale Street both intersect 91st Avenue at present and are feeders to several newer housing developments on the east side of St. Joseph. Like all towns, a lot changes in 25 years! The Del-Win used to be surrounded by farmland.

Also, if you look at this photo, you will see DR's long shed in the upper left. He was very close to the Del-Win, and I'm not ruling out the possibility of someone from the polka fest being involved.

It wasn't "my" photo, Shay, it was one DR provided from a group of aerial photos taken. I grabbed it off google images to use here.

From what I recall of the Del-Win, and my memory may be hazy, I thought the "front" entrance was on the east side of the building? So to me the west side of the building would be "behind." If the entrance was actually on the north side, then I'm wrong. ;)

I think the possibility of a polka fest connection could be there, not so much just some random stranger running across the boys, but as I mentioned earlier, maybe a friend of DR's who had stopped by his home and when leaving saw the boys. If this person had abducted boys before, he would have had things like a mask, gun, heavy coat already in his car. There were plenty of tire tracks on the driveway in the photo that Trackergd posted, Kevin's tracks were just the most recent ones.
Its most likely a vehicle was there and took jacob, unless there is some kind of self made genius home alone.
I've been lurking for the past few weeks, catching up on all of the previous threads. One thing that I wonder about is the possibility of marathon training having some kind of connection, however loose. My mind automatically goes here, since I am a devoted distance runner myself. It's probably just another coincidence, but here goes:

The Twin Cities Marathon that year was on October 7, 1989 - about two weeks prior to the abduction. DR ran in that marathon, as did several others from the area - some seem to have lived very close by, according to property records. None of this is odd, but it does mean that for the previous 4-6 months (give or take), there were a number of people logging a lot of hours training that likely took them all over the countryside and town(s) around those parts.

The TC Marathon actually has the 1989 results available at the link above, which is pretty amazing. DR appears on page 26, number 266.

It wouldn't be unusual to grind out the miles in an 18 or 20 mile training run by including dead end roads. It's also very likely that any aspiring marathoners from the immediate area would have encountered one another on training runs, since there are only so many roads in the area, and that some would have done runs together (3-4 hours alone can get boring). It's also not uncommon for those in training to have their significant others, kids, etc. meet up with them for part of a long run to offer encouragement and/or water and carbs.

Page 42, number 602 is interesting - I had never seen any reference to him participating in the event. I wonder if JEW was ever out to meet up with JW and caught the attention of the wrong person/people?

I'd be curious as to whether DR ever ran with a partner or small group. I remember seeing a reference to him having seen "things" while out running that day. Was he the only one who used his running path?
welcome Daisyduck! great first post! I think one of DR's brothers (Kevin I think) runs in marathons.
Thanks Jbrown! I grew up in northern MN and was in the 4th grade when JEW was taken. I've long since left the state, but this is a case that has really stuck with me.
I've been lurking for the past few weeks, catching up on all of the previous threads. One thing that I wonder about is the possibility of marathon training having some kind of connection, however loose. My mind automatically goes here, since I am a devoted distance runner myself. It's probably just another coincidence, but here goes:

The Twin Cities Marathon that year was on October 7, 1989 - about two weeks prior to the abduction. DR ran in that marathon, as did several others from the area - some seem to have lived very close by, according to property records. None of this is odd, but it does mean that for the previous 4-6 months (give or take), there were a number of people logging a lot of hours training that likely took them all over the countryside and town(s) around those parts.

The TC Marathon actually has the 1989 results available at the link above, which is pretty amazing. DR appears on page 26, number 266.

It wouldn't be unusual to grind out the miles in an 18 or 20 mile training run by including dead end roads. It's also very likely that any aspiring marathoners from the immediate area would have encountered one another on training runs, since there are only so many roads in the area, and that some would have done runs together (3-4 hours alone can get boring). It's also not uncommon for those in training to have their significant others, kids, etc. meet up with them for part of a long run to offer encouragement and/or water and carbs.

Page 42, number 602 is interesting - I had never seen any reference to him participating in the event. I wonder if JEW was ever out to meet up with JW and caught the attention of the wrong person/people?

I'd be curious as to whether DR ever ran with a partner or small group. I remember seeing a reference to him having seen "things" while out running that day. Was he the only one who used his running path?

Hi Daisy :)

I'm not seeing #602 on page 42 (?)
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