Mother killed by train


Proudly Canadian
Nov 27, 2004
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This accident happened just up the block from my house.It i s probably the worst thing i have ever seen in my life.

Girls' night out turned tragic after a 29-year-old Brooks woman who tried to outrun a train was crushed in front of her friend and sister.
Barb Sharp said she and her friends Shelly and Brandy Stuart were heading back to her house after a night on the town around 9 p.m. Friday night when they tried to "beat the train" while crossing a pedestrian walkway.

"Shelly had made it across and I stopped running and I tried to grab Brandy because it was too close," said Sharp. "But she kept going and she almost made it but the train caught her foot."
What a shame. You can't play games with a train, you will most likely lose.

My father is a RR engineer and everytime someone does this, they sue. And most of the time the RR offers a settlement to avoid trial but a lot of people see the deep pockets and want to go ahead with trial. Even though their loved one was at fault.
My mother grew up in baltimore around lots of train tracks and she went to school with a few people who died playing games with them, thats so careless!!! It is very sad though....Also the big thing in her day was huffing (sp?) she said deoderant or something?? What some people will do for a thrill is crazy!!
Oh my.. this poor woman--sounds like things me and my siblings did when we were little running over, on an old train trusell that ran over this lake...looking back it was rather stupid and dangerous for five little ones to be playing on.. we';d walk the track to the trussuel and sit and wait and listen for the vibration of the train coming from the rails than run on the trusel ,hopping across the wood ( and some were near rotted away!) once the train was visible.

Once it was a close call, me being the fat kid- i BARELY got off the trulsell and slid down the long gravel embankment at the end of the trusel just before the train got to me--- i still remember how fast my heart was beating and how loud that train whistle was.. that poor train conductor im surprised he didnt turn us in to social service or LE!
Sad, but 29 is not a child's age. Very unfortunate chance to have taken.

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