OCT 11, 2024
Police share last-known images of Montana woman, hoping to generate new leads. "Someone out there knows what happened to Jermain Charlo" says detective.
Just before midnight on Friday, June 15, 2018, Charlo is seen on video walking down a street in downtown Missoula. A man is walking a few paces behind her. In a second excerpt, Charlo is socializing outside a local bar called The Badlander. The same man is standing behind her. Just before midnight, Charlo and the man leave the area and disappear into the night.
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MD's body posture in the video seems as if he is irritated or a least uncomfortable with Jermaine talking to the others. In other words, he's not in control.
I think it went something like this - after they leave the bar - sometime after midnight in his truck, they begin to argue.
Shortly before 1 AM a call comes in from Jacob, the guy Jermaine was dating. She intended to spend the night at his house (he was out of town). The call was silenced, never answered.
It's unknown whether Jermaine was alive at that time, either she silenced the call - not wanting to infuriate MD further. Or he had control of her phone by that time.
Jermaine's phone begins pinging off a tower 14 miles from the bar, from 2:00 AM to 10:00 AM before it goes dead. This area is where MD lived called Evaro Hill.
IMO, I think it's possible that MD may have panicked and called someone for help to get rid of Jermaine's body. Could she be in the Evaro Hill area, absolutely. Searches with cadaver dogs have occured there over the years, but it's a huge wilderness area. Akin to looking for a needle in a haystack. But I feel she could be elsewhere if he had help.
After the ping information became known, MD changed his story and said Jermaine left her phone in his truck. He was a truck driver at the time and said he threw her phone out in Idaho, while he was on a road trip. LE looked for the phone and never found it. Was he saying this as a "look here, not there" tactic?
IMO, LE knows he had help - someone has information that could bring this case to a close. I wouldn't be surprised if they have in partnership with the FBI, wire tapped certain people's phones over the years, trying to get incriminating information.
Hopefully the 48 Hour Special yields new information for LE. Michael deFrance is on the national hotseat now, wouldn't want to be in his shoes. Is someone else feeling the same pressure? Ready to crack under the weight of what they know or helped do?