The Debbie Wolfe murder is horrific. It's 100% obvious that this was a murder, not a suicide. This case has a lot of strange elements:
-DW's body being found in a burn barrel which later disappeared; it's very possible/probable this was the one the mother remembers seeing on DW's property (that they used for target shooting). Strange that the authorities said that there wasn't a burn barrel, when the initial searcher(s) were 100% she was in one (when she was first found in the water). Sounds like a classic case of incompetence/sloppiness, or possibly an intentional cover-up.
-Debbie being dressed in clothes that obviously weren't hers.
-Her house being a mess (including a nurse uniform on the floor in the kitchen) which apparently wasn't normal for her.
-Empty beer cans in the yard near the car, which weren't the brand that Debbie drank. Also, even if Debbie did drink them - why would she have kept them strewn all over the yard, if she had been as neat/meticulous as her family claimed?!
-The mysterious phone message from someone saying that they missed her at work, and that she had missed a lot of days (when her mother knew that wasn't true). They never said who this phone message was from, but it almost sounded like a concerned supervisor. However, it wasn't mentioned that the call was from someone legitimate. So, given that the call was treated with suspicion in the segment & the mother saying that Debbie rarely missed work, it sounds like the call was from someone either 'checking in' on Debbie, or possibly someone covering his tracks?!
It sounds like Debbie was single & lived alone (no room-mates were mentioned). And, she lived in an isolated cabin near a lake. So - unfortunately, whatever happened to her probably wasn't seen or heard by anyone - since it didn't seem that anyone lived nearby.
As far as who possibly committed the murder & the ransacking/trashing of the house, etc:
It's possible that either of the two suspects the family suspected (the two volunteers at the hospital who were bugging her for a date, but that she wasn't into) could have done this, but it also sounds like they were both cleared by the authorities.
Another possibility is that this was a completely random crime. I.e., I wonder if some psycho/junkie/criminal just wandered into the area & decided to kill her & trash the cabin, possibly looking for valuables?! Or, maybe someone she didn't know knew about the cabin & wanted to see if she had anything of value they could steal?! Given the isolation of the cabin, I don't see this even being that unlikely. The parents & LE didn't mention whether or not anything of value was missing from the cabin, but I doubt she had much of value there anyway.