NC - Ricky Simonds, 49, found dead in car trunk, Gastonia, 8 June 2008

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GASTONIA, N.C. -- A man was found dead in the trunk of his ex-girlfriends car.Ricky Dale Simmons Sr.'s body was discovered by his ex-girlfriend Sunday evening on Bradford Street in Gastonia.Gastonia police said the woman just filed a restraining order against Simmons last week. Officers also said Simmons has been in trouble with the law before, even serving time in state prison for killing a former girlfriend in the late 1980's.Police aren't sure how he died, or how he ended up in the trunk of the car, but said his body was likely there most of the weekend.

A woman noticed a foul odor in her car Saturday night. The stench didn't subside Sunday and some women she drove to church services that morning also commented on the smell.

When Kim Springer of the Bradford Heights section of Gastonia opened the trunk of her car around 6 p.m. Sunday, she found the body of a former boyfriend inside.
"It looks like he may have gotten into the trunk on his own," West said.

Simonds may have been in the trunk for 24 hours or more.

"She'd been riding around. She had been to church services that morning," West said.

Simonds, who lived off Lowell-Bethesda Road, had no apparent signs of physical injury, West said.

Police are awaiting an autopsy report, but it does not appear that any charges will be filed in the case, West said.
I can't imagine smelling decomp in the heat and being able to stand the stench in the vehicle. I am sure this will haunt those women forever.

It sounds like he probably climbed into her trunk as he was up to no good and the heat most likely got him unless he committed suicide. Either way, it sounds like it was an attempt of retaliation against her.
It sounds like he either was stalking her and got stuck in her trunk (maybe thinking he could later get out) or he committed suicide this way knowing she would be the one to find him.
Seriously, we think
I really feel for this woman. After reading what happens to someone who dies in a hot car, it had to be especially horrible to be the one to find him.
We sure do! Yes, he was up to no good. Maybe he didn't know how to get out once he got in or the heat overtook him before he could get out.
We sure do! Yes, he was up to no good. Maybe he didn't know how to get out once he got in or the heat overtook him before he could get out.

I think that's very possible. It makes more sense than dying that way on purpose.
GASTONIA, N.C. -- A man was found dead in the trunk of his ex-girlfriends car.Ricky Dale Simmons Sr.'s body was discovered by his ex-girlfriend Sunday evening on Bradford Street in Gastonia.Gastonia police said the woman just filed a restraining order against Simmons last week. Officers also said Simmons has been in trouble with the law before, even serving time in state prison for killing a former girlfriend in the late 1980's.Police aren't sure how he died, or how he ended up in the trunk of the car, but said his body was likely there most of the weekend.

I am wondering if she didn't know about his criminal past before she dated him. He was released on parole in 1992 (which is way too early for the crime IMO) and seems to have a history with hurting women. I have to agree with the others he must have had some sort of plan to hurt/scare her by getting in the trunk just that it backfired on him.
I bet it isn't something he went around telling potential girlfriends. I agree on too soon...he should NOT have been out of prison at all!!
Now I admit I have been resisting the story because I found it somewhat ludicrous..."Officers I have no idea how my dead ex got into the trunk of my car!!!" But I agree with all who said he was up to no good and the heat overtook him...there is some karma at work for sure!!!:rolleyes:
I feel sorry for the woman, it sounds like she was doing everything she could to keep him away from her. I wonder if he decided to kill himself by an overdose? In the article about him killing his former girlfriend he'd left a note saying he planned to kill himself then. He may have finally decided to go through with it but do it in such a way to traumatize his victim.

:eek: Well, I can't say I feel to badly for him, considering what he probably planned to do to her had the heat not taken him out! I feel badly for her though, because it may have already occurred to her that he'd broken the restraining order, and it is by Grace alone that he didn't get ahold of her. :eek: :( That's some heavy baggage!
does sound a little bizarre!
I first wondered if she did it too, but it really sounds as if the guy was a weirdo and stalking her.

The truth shall prevail in the end!
I hope she gets her car checked to ensure her muffler is working properly. It may have been the heat that got him; it also might have been carbon monoxide poisoning.
Simmons has been in trouble with the law before, even serving time in state prison for killing a former girlfriend in the late 1980's

He got what he deserved, imo.
Now I admit I have been resisting the story because I found it somewhat ludicrous..."Officers I have no idea how my dead ex got into the trunk of my car!!!" But I agree with all who said he was up to no good and the heat overtook him...there is some karma at work for sure!!!:rolleyes:

I have to admit, that if they rule that is what happened I may just do a little happy dance :woohoo:. I mean how often do we get to witness one of the 's taking themselves out?
He got what he deserved! I, too think he was there to harm her but karma kicked in and he got a bit of his own medicine.

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