I'm very new at trying to matchup MP with UPs....
does anything think this could be a match? The opal ring is what caught my eye.
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It's possible, sure. I think clothes could easily be different if a person left voluntarily and even if they were taken and held somewhere, but jewelry is a bit more likely to be constant, especially a ring. I think we change earrings more frequently, but JMO!
The height and age ranges work in your comparison. Skeletal remains found 5 years after Margaret went missing seems reasonable enough.
We would need an explanation for how she ended up in Indiana, but it's not a crazy distance. The unidentified was believed to have brown hair, Margaret has red hair, but it looks auburn in some of the photos. I'm not sure we can rule this out based on the hair alone.
Margaret, to refresh:
- Clothing/Jewelry Description A long-sleeved red and black shirt, blue jeans, blue sandals, an opal birthstone ring on her left hand, and a small gold band with a stamped "M" on her left hand. Carrying a brown imitation leather purse with a shoulder strap.
The Unidentified you are suggesting:
The opal ring, pictured at Namus
Blue nylon jacket; Blue long sleeve button up blouse with a pocket; White bra; Gray slacks with stretch panel (possibly maternity); Pink underwear with blue butterflies and "Gotcha" on the front; Blue or gray long knit socks
On the Body
Wooden high heel shoes with leather strap and buckles
This could possibly be Margaret, but I don't think it is enough to submit based on a ring and being roughly same age/height. Maybe look and see if there are newspaper articles about this unidentified woman? There might be more information that could help? Do we have a thread here?