Norwegian co. makes women wear red bracelets at period time


proud owner Kidmissing
Feb 6, 2007
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UNREAL!! That is just wrong on so many levels. "While the name of the firm that made female workers wear red bracelets was not disclosed, the report has gone for review to Bjorn Erik Thon, Norway's chief consumer ombudsman, according :banghead:

Thon stated that "toilet codes relating to menstrual cycles are clear violations of privacy" and are "very insulting to the people concerned."

The name of the Co. should be made public. IMO

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Gosh. What a crock of carp.
wow, why not just make them go off into a tent in the woods so they don't contaminate anything?!

What, is the point in the bracelets and why the he77 is it their employer's business to know this information anyway???
okay, what on earth is wrong with norwegian employers that they are monitoring how many trips to the loo their employees make??? Sometimes even surveiling the bathrooms?? Signing visitor logs??? Do you have to indicate if it was number one or number two? Is that time of the month considered number three??

Are unnecessary trips to the john so rampant in this country that they are affecting the gross national output??

I think that manager is a pervert who's getting his kicks this way... Not only should they name the company, they should name the manager!
The kind of moods I had when I had my period some man would have been wearing that red bracelet around his throat.
UNBELIEVABLE !!! :crazy:
Why would any woman want the guys at work to know this very privet matter?
How does it relate to the job?
What does this idiot boss do in his free time :waitasec:

I am not moving there for sure :snooty::snooty: :no: :no:
Seems like all the women could just all wear red bracelets every day. I mean, who could prove any different?
I mean, until this company policy is stopped and that manager is fired.
I am very surprised this has come out of Norway - you would expect it from a country where women are 2nd class citizens, but not there. It is such a gross invasion of privacy - and what happens if you get pregnant and want to keep it to yourself? If someone is monitoring your cycle they would know straight away! If I was an employee I would take the company to the cleaners over this.
I think I would go all out and make dangle-y earrings out of tampons.
@ zoomom :applause:Before i read that I was thinking a feminine napkin necklace, or maybe a tiara, the earrings are much better !!!!
Ridiculous! I don't know about ya'll, but I would not need any identifiers at that time. I believe my :furious: attitude pretty much says it all. And I pity the fool who would dare question my trips to the ladies room - or anywhere else for that matter!
I think I would go all out and make dangle-y earrings out of tampons.

You made me remember seeing these ....

It is pretty absurd, and kind of surprising as most of the Scandinavian countries always have seemed so far ahead in the treatment of employees from what I have read, and the couple of friends I have over in those parts.
Has Snopes dealt with this yet? I'm still expecting this to turn out to be an internet hoax... Are Scandinavian women really so docile as to comply with this regulation?
Has Snopes dealt with this yet? I'm still expecting this to turn out to be an internet hoax... Are Scandinavian women really so docile as to comply with this regulation?

bbm -- not the ones I know!!! sisters in arms !

bbm -- not the ones I know!!! sisters in arms !

I married into a Swedish-American family. Can't think of a single in-law who would wear one of those bracelets. (Yes, I know Norway and Sweden are separate countries, but they are closely related historically and ethnically.)
UNREAL!! That is just wrong on so many levels. "While the name of the firm that made female workers wear red bracelets was not disclosed, the report has gone for review to Bjorn Erik Thon, Norway's chief consumer ombudsman, according :banghead:

Thon stated that "toilet codes relating to menstrual cycles are clear violations of privacy" and are "very insulting to the people concerned."

The name of the Co. should be made public. IMO

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(The following is tongue in cheek)

OK, Am I the only one here who thinks this is a great idea except very misapplied. Why you have to go to the bathroom is nobodies business.

The idea however, IMO, is genius. The problem here that the scope is way to limited. It should be a societal law that women wear one of these when having their periods.

Society would function so much smoother if it were the law. When a woman is being a biotch but wearing a red bracelet guys will know, OK I need to be careful here. Men would know to hide the sharp objects and watch their backs closely. When a cop pulled a woman over for a traffic infraction he'd know to keep his right hand close to his gun, just in case.

Women would love it because guys would be a lot more respectful to her while she was wearing it. A woman could use it to wear to bars as a way to say I'm just here with my friends having fun, please don't try to pick me up.

This man is gross for the way he applied his idea but he's a genius, just a depraved one.

I think we could expand on his idea too! Women should have to wear a red and gray striped bracelet while going through menopause.

Of course, there would need to be heavy penalties for wearing it ummmm..."off season" so to speak. :blushing: This couldn't be something women could use all the time it would have to be strictly used only when necessary.

You read it here first. I own the idea and the patent. If these start showing up at drug stores I'll track the person down and sue them. :snooty:

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