NY - UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson fatally shot in Midtown. #7 *Arrest*

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Yes. To add to my earlier comment about having read some the same books and topics he read: I never read the Unabomber's manifesto that I can recall, but I remember when it was released and discussed, and I remember thinking that, except for the violence, I mostly agreed with it. I've labelled myself a neo-Luddite for decades, and could expound for a good long while on what harm I think technology has done (even while I spend much of my days online).

Feels a mite creepy at this moment, but again, I don't think that the general environmental perspective he appears to espouse is all that uncommon. It's the conclusion that violence is warranted that makes this guy's take stand out. (plus the tech-bro incel stuff which I of course don't share)

And it's a shame, because as other posters have said, this guy's privilege could have been used to give him a leg up toward a life of helping solve problems. Maybe his murderous action will start a culture war and maybe it won't, but either way he is most likely spending the rest of his life locked up, unable to participate.
Did I read upthread here (or somewhere) that a customer at McDonalds recognized him and told an employee, and the employee then called the police? If that’s so, then the customer deserves a good chunk of the reward money, and if this is correct, he is wise to stay quiet and away from the media! Does anyone recall if that was initially reported?
If that was the case, I hope they both get to split it then b/c without that tip, this would not have happened today. Especially if the police truly didn't even know his name up until that point - Which is wild to me in itself! I thought for sure they knew who he was and wasn't telling the public yet.
He looks like Dan Levy….. definitely looks nothing like the Gyllenhaal flirt picture.
Smiling photo was upon checking in to the hostel so I'd say that 10 days sleeping in a hostel and then brutally murdering someone and then running from the police for 5 more days might just change your looks.. he looks rough now. Actions have consequences and it seems he's finding that out.
Did I read upthread here (or somewhere) that a customer at McDonalds recognized him and told an employee, and the employee then called the police? If that’s so, then the customer deserves a good chunk of the reward money, and if this is correct, he is wise to stay quiet and away from the media! Does anyone recall if that was initially reported?
I wrote that upthread; the source was the LE press conference in Pennsylvania.

My thought was the money should be split, 60/40 with the majority going to the customer and the rest to the employee who made the call.

IMO it really is the customer who spotted the suspect.

At least according to what was said at the press conference.
He did have his passport. His passport was not really needed for a murder in the US, and bus/train travel.
I think he might have waited till things died down in the press.
He should have taken off to San Diego, crossed the border (no ID required) and taken a flight from Mexico.
And that's why you're smarter than a guy with 2 degrees from Penn! ;)

I'm a huge, huge fan of education FWIW. I'm an adjunct prof and writing my dissertation. Get all the education you can, kiddies, it's the one thing they can never take away from you. But don't use it for crimes! We see it time and time again, doesn't matter how smart you think you are, ya not gonna pull off the perfect crime.
My opinion is that he might have wanted to go back to Japan. There are photos of him there, and his social media seems to show an affinity/fascination with the country and culture.
one of the Daily Mail articles says his mother is in the travel business, specializing in the Mediterranean FWIW
Smiling photo was upon checking in to the hostel so I'd say that 10 days sleeping in a hostel and then brutally murdering someone and then running from the police for 5 more days might just change your looks.. he looks rough now. Actions have consequences and it seems he's finding that out.
I’m still waiting for a murder charge…
I believe the police said that his keeping the gun was the indicator to them that they may have captured him “midstream.”

Who other than LM knows right now if he had another target in mind, or several targets.
Altoona is close to Pittsburgh, which has a large healthcare industry, including Highmark healthcare insurance.
I wrote that upthread; the source was the LE press conference in Pennsylvania.

My thought was the money should be split, 60/40 with the majority going to the customer and the rest to the employee who made the call.

IMO it really is the customer who spotted the suspect.

At least according to what was said at the press conference.
Thanks for reconfirming that. I totally agree the customer should get at least half of the reward, if not more.
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