NY - UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson fatally shot in Midtown. #8 *Arrest*

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I don't know what FEP is, but I guess he was bus hopping.

In 1963, our family took a Greyhound bus trip from San Francisco to New Mexico to Florida to Wisconsin to Seattle. Four kids and one was in diapers. It wasn't very fun. (What were they thinking??? Our previous trip had been via train). Anyway, it can be done.....
First episode psychosis. Associated with cannabis as well. If not caught in time and treated, can develop into a chronic syndrome.
I nam realy puzzled that he physically surrendered. I have a moslly different view on this. This is an extremely intelligent young man. He would have planned his exit with some forethought. He didn't really have plan if there was a there was a plan at all. I think he started off to commit suicide by cop with statements and drama. He found out, he was surprised, that he got away with it for a couple of days. Then he improvised a run for it. Then he got nailed. Forget the witness that recognized him. All these chain stores have video records, In a bus terminal probably every one walkng through goes through high speed facial recognition software, not all the time but for this type of high profile a crime it would have been all hands on deck. There would have been hundreds of people tracing movements via CCTV. LM was not only smart in a whole different league than most of us. He had to know after his act everything he did was eventually going to be discovered. But he didn't get his Viking send off, This kid was just too smart to be as stupid as he was. especially if he was very active in crazy whack-O-world.

So much so if he thought he could get away he is indeed psychotic. Good defense.
I think we wanted to be caught, sitting in public wearing the same jacket and carrying all the incriminating items. He's obviously smart and could have gone into hiding if he wanted. MOO
and that scarf, still wearing the same black scarf, and that black puffer jacket is the jacket he was wearing when he got in the cab, wow...Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 4.47.37 AM.jpgScreenshot 2024-12-10 at 4.53.24 AM.pngand the green one might be underneath.
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I nam realy puzzled that he physically surrendered. I have a moslly different view on this. This is an extremely intelligent young man. He would have planned his exit with some forethought. He didn't really have plan if there was a there was a plan at all. I think he started off to commit suicide by cop with statements and drama. He found out, he was surprised, that he got away with it for a couple of days. Then he improvised a run for it. Then he got nailed. Forget the witness that recognized him. All these chain stores have video records, In a bus terminal probably every one walkng through goes through high speed facial recognition software, not all the time but for this type of high profile a crime it would have been all hands on deck. There would have been hundreds of people tracing movements via CCTV. LM was not only smart in a whole different league than most of us. He had to know after his act everything he did was eventually going to be discovered. But he didn't get his Viking send off, This kid was just too smart to be as stupid as he was. especially if he was very active in crazy whack-O-world.

So much so if he thought he could get away he is indeed psychotic. Good defense.
Lack of ability to forward think.

Lack of ability to rationally assess the consequences and magnitude of his actions.

Dumb kid, basically.
I don’t know if it has been mentioned yet, but there have been several abuse scandals at Gilman school — in one the teacher was found guilty just in August of this year. The victim was in The 8th grade and is 23 now. I know this can happen at any school, but I think it speaks to the school culture. Yes these students are mostly privileged and well off, but they are not immune to predators and outside influences.
LM may well have crossed paths with this guy. (Not that it would absolve him if guilty, just interesting, IMO)

“BALTIMORE -- Prosecutors presented their final evidence Tuesday before resting their case against former Gilman School teacher Christopher Bendann in his trial on child *advertiser censored*, child exploitation and cyberstalking charges.

"We were absolutely gutted. We were destroyed," a friend of the victim testified, recalling when he heard about the alleged sexual abuse.

Bendann met the victim during his tenure at the private school in North Baltimore. “

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"The suspected gunman appeared to make a reference to UnitedHealthcare writing that “United” is one of the largest companies by market capitalization in the United States, according to a law enforcement source who has read the document."

I live near the locations of his family's business interests, which are quite extensive. With the above quote, along with the higher education institution he attended, and considering too his back surgery, I'd opine that LM was somewhat radicalized in his beliefs, to include a disdain for capitalism. In my opinion, to deny the existence of this anti-capitalist movement in the U.S., and it's possible implications in this murder, is naive. I bet the CEO's of many corporations have noticed.
It's important to note that he could just have sleep deprivation right now and not actually be deteriorated. Cutting ties and dropping out of society doesn't necessarily have to involve a mental disorder, although leaning to the latter.
Please forgive if I'm posting out-of-turn here, as I haven't read the thread for a few hours and so am likely behind about 2,000 posts...

However, regarding "cutting ties and dropping out of society": Withdrawal from people/social life is often a consequence of chronic pain. In fact, it's quite common.

Don't know if it has anything to do with LM, but just responding to this post.
The sad thing is if he thinks that he had back problems and pain before, he is in for a real nightmare in the days/weeks/months/years to come.

eta: Luigi is not an 18-year-old kid. His brain is fully developed, IMO, at 26 years of age. For all of his planning, he definitely didn't weigh the pros and cons of murder. He'll have plenty of time to realize the error in his decision. This kid can't be streetwise, IMO.

Hey at least the prison doc will write a script for a bottom bunk in jail..he's gonna have that going for him!

All jokes aside - yes no street wise. And his statements during arraignment... definitely something is made clicks left of center.
I understand his friend in Hawaii has been discussing the back problems LM was having.
Pain, interference with intimacy and so on. We’ve all seen the back X-ray that may be of LM’s back.

Not saying it’s not true, but I wonder if he was still at this high pain level.

From what we see in NYC, he has this large backpack on his back, he’s bicycling all around, he’s traveling on buses and so on. When my back hurts I can’t do any of those things.

He’s young, I understand that—-but so far he’s been young all his life, and yet his back seems to have been a terrible problem. Enough that many posters have suggested he intentionally aimed at BT’s back.

So I’m wondering—-was he still in pain and that was his issue with health insurance, or was he much better yet still determined to carry out this murder?

I have been wondering this myself. His back issues certainly didn't impede his progress bouncing around the city while carrying out his plan.

How do we know with 100% certainty that the photo posted of his spine even belongs to him?

Not saying here he didn't have some legitimate back issues, but I wonder to what extent he was disabled from it.

He may have exaggerated his issue to keep people from contacting him until he carried out his plan.
Some people say the monopoly money represented UHC being a monopoly.
A business that controls a large portion or the entirety of a market for a specific product or service:
If there were fraud and insider trading allegations, could the monopoly money be about the McDonald's monopoly promotion scam ? (movie called McMillions) Maybe he was bothered that while claims were being denied, there were allegations of insider trading going on.
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It's ok that we disagree. I don't condone shooting someone, but I understand what may have led him to commit the act.

As someone who has regularly lobbied Congress for health care reform for the last 20+ years, there has been no progress. As most Americans are learning, things are getting much worse, even to the extent that health care providers are increasingly alarmed. We're not in a stalemate, we're losing ground. CEO's are now allowed to commit "murder by spreadsheet" with no consequences. They're legally allowed to revoke and deny health care coverage to seriously ill people.
Oh don't get me wrong - if we're right about his motivations I understand them, I just can't get my head around why someone like him, in his position and with all the privilege he has in life, would opt for the nuclear option as a first move? It's insane. If he were a 60 year old who'd worked 12 hour days for 40 years ending up with some chronic industrial disease that he can't get treatment for living in a trailer park with no funds then I could sort of see the angle there.

I get it that the people at the bottom are getting no where because it's extremely difficult to fight enormous vested interests. People like him, though, might stand a chance of actually getting somewhere. I just don't understand why someone who's intelligent and well educated could arrive at the decision that shooting someone in the back is the morally right thing to do or that it would actually change anything.

If he'd decided to run for office or start a political campaign specifically for the purpose of changing American healthcare he might have got somewhere. I've heard it said that UH covers somewhere in the region of 50,000,000 people - that's a lot of voters and from what I've read a huge number of those really don't like that company! As it is he won't change anything now. You can't use violence to address every problem because just doesn't work for most things. If MLK had decided against peaceful protests and mobilising support and legal cases and shooting white state governors instead do we think that the cause of African Americans would have benefitted?

Sorry, I'm rambling somewhat but I just fail to see why today it seems that extreme violence seems to be a first option rather than a last resort in so many things in life. It seems to be especially the case in the US, it has to be said.
LM apparently was reported to be ‘missing’ by family.

Luigi Mangione, the 26-year-old identified as a “strong person of interest” in last week’s slaying of a health insurance executive on the streets of Manhattan, was reported missing to San Francisco police last month, The Standard has learned.

Mangione’s mother, Kathleen Mangione, made the report to the San Francisco Police Department on Nov. 18, according to a police source with knowledge of the case.”
LM apparently was reported to be ‘missing’ by family.

Luigi Mangione, the 26-year-old identified as a “strong person of interest” in last week’s slaying of a health insurance executive on the streets of Manhattan, was reported missing to San Francisco police last month, The Standard has learned.

Mangione’s mother, Kathleen Mangione, made the report to the San Francisco Police Department on Nov. 18, according to a police source with knowledge of the case.”
I wonder if he actually spent time in San Francisco, or if that is the last place that his family can trace him to. Did he take a flight from Honolulu to SF-maybe on the family dime? Had he left HI some time ago, and was in CA and communicating with them? I think there was some family on the west coast. Could he have visited them and they expressed concerns to his mother? How did he travel from CA to NY? I am wondering what will be uncovered in the next days.
Pure speculation - lost money on his trust fund with UH investment as result of alleged insider trading. He was self directing his fund’s investment.
A more linear connection.
That would seem somewhat likely.

He's still from a wealthy family, though, so it's not like he's some working bloke who's had his $100k pension wiped out by insider trading.
LM apparently was reported to be ‘missing’ by family.

Luigi Mangione, the 26-year-old identified as a “strong person of interest” in last week’s slaying of a health insurance executive on the streets of Manhattan, was reported missing to San Francisco police last month, The Standard has learned.

Mangione’s mother, Kathleen Mangione, made the report to the San Francisco Police Department on Nov. 18, according to a police source with knowledge of the case.”

And apparently LM's mother didn't recognize her son from his picture being on aired on the news everyday for the past week????

Sounds to me like LE had no idea who their suspect was until they were called to McDonalds. If they had, they would have contacted mom and the SFPD.

in a lot of ways he’s what i thought he would be (smart american guy in his 20s with an idealogical motive) but for some reason i’m now a lot more lost on what to make of him! his social media presence, his background, going missing, his actions in the past few days..
I would settle for just knowing where this guy was living over the past several months! Where was home base? I've heard Hawaii, Maryland, San Francisco, etc....Did he ever sleep in his own bed in a place he called 'home' filled with his own personal belongings and where he received mail?
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