NY - UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson fatally shot in Midtown. #9 *Arrest*

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Aug 13, 2013
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MIDTOWN, Manhattan (PIX11) – The CEO of UnitedHealthcare was killed in a Midtown shooting Wednesday morning, sources told PIX11 News.

Brian Thompson, 50, was shot just before 7 a.m. near a hotel on 54th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues, sources said. Video posted to Citizen showed police tape on the Midtown street as police arrived at the scene.

He was rushed to an area hospital and later died. Thompson was in New York City for an investors meeting at a Hilton hotel, according to sources.

The shooting is being investigated as a possibly targeted hit, sources said.

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The comments beneath UnitedHealthcare’s condolence page on Facebook had to be disabled after racking up more than 80,000 laughter emojis.
People relayed heartbreaking stories about the delay and denial of coverage to their loved ones ( as if his murder was deserved)

Taylor Lorenz, the queen of social media at
mainstream publications
before setting up on her own, posted, “And people wonder why we want these [health care] executives dead”.
you can read it here.
The saddest part, despite all of what's taken place, is that his 2 boys can read all that.

Early on, on this thread, when we were looking at various posts on LM's social media platforms, before he was arrested, we talked about his writings where he bemoaned the fact that all the "firsts" that mattered to him in history were already accomplished by others and he wouldn't be able to be the "first" at anything that really mattered to him. This seemed to be a big deal for him.

I noticed in his manifesto - the real one - that he said that although others have written about the corruption and greed of the health insurance industry in the U.S. and drawn attention to it, "Evidently, I'm the first to face it with such brutal honesty."

So he got his "first." He assassinated a leading figure in the industry, what he calls an act of "brutal honesty."

A fair amount of demagoguery here, and it fits with a lof of his musings over the years based on what we saw on his social media, and how he aspired to be a significant "first" in history.
Early on, on this thread, when we were looking at various posts on LM's social media platforms, before he was arrested, we talked about his writings where he bemoaned the fact that all the "firsts" that mattered to him in history were already accomplished by others and he wouldn't be able to be the "first" at anything that really mattered to him. This seemed to be a big deal for him.

I noticed in his manifesto - the real one - that he said that although others have written about the corruption and greed of the health insurance industry in the U.S. and drawn attention to it, "Evidently, I'm the first to face it with such brutal honesty."

So he got his "first." He assassinated a leading figure in the industry, what he calls an act of "brutal honesty."

A fair amount of demagoguery here, and it fits with a lot of his musings over the years based on what we saw on his social media, and how he aspired to be a significant "first" in history.
He's not a first at anything. He's just another who stalked a man, then shot him in the back. As a result, he will be removed from society and placed in a concrete box where he will be prevented from shooting more strangers in the back. He will be surrounded by people just like him.

I think that the shooter thought he was so clever that he would never get caught. That's why he started shaking when he was caught - he didn't have a plan for that situation.

Regarding what he describes as "brutal honesty" ... it seems more like looking for someone to blame for his poor choices. He got the surgery he wanted, but not the result.
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Following this from the UK.

Having executed his plan and disappeared very effectively, I'm amazed that the suspect's movements after the event were so sloppy. He didn't get rid of the fake ID's and the weapon and hung around in public places such as that McDonalds. One would have expected him to lay very low and perhaps change his appearance too.

I'm also curious to know how he was cognisant with the victim's movements that day, perhaps he was aware of the event BT was attending and just decided to wait it out, but I do wonder if he wasn't acting alone.

R.I.P. Brian Thompson
Gosh this one has me somewhat ambivalent.
On one hand I am and always will be a huge supporter of the law and LE and I am applauding them for apprehending so quickly, however on another hand I am a smidge disappointed. I can understand that this might be taboo and rub some here the wrong way and I mean no disrespect, but I am not totally surprised at the mass public reaction to this whole circus. On one hand I believe that nobody has the right to take the life of another and if they do they must face the consequences, but on another hand the whole healthcare "murdering by proxy" "eat the rich" etc... stuff is just so in your face it's hard to ignore and easy to understand. Look around both online and in your daily life and you will immediately come across someone who either them self or a loved one has been impacted by greedy healthcare issues. It's such a big issue and I hate to say it but this sort of thing was gonna happen eventually. Not just the alleged perp here but PEOPLE on a whole have had enough. Sure they don't all go out and commit murder thankfully (although many do resort to crime as a result) but it's not a surprise here that someone got pushed to the end of their own personal tether over it and took the most extreme measures.
Ugh I don't know, I just kinda get it and I hate that I feel that way. That said, I agree with the law and whatever the law hands to LM. I also agree with the people who aren't entirely condemning the act of "fighting back".
I am however hoping that this doesn't lead to any copycat attempts as not only is that wrong as a whole, unintended targets could get caught in the crossfire

Ultimately though my heart is with all the members of BT's family and friends... As well as those of LM and I'm sorry, but also LM himself... Also each and every single person who has been done over by healthcare companies... patients, staff and medical professionals alike.

Sorry if my own opinions here offend anybody, I'm struggling as I've not been this conflicted before and feel like a huge hypocrite <3
Gosh this one has me somewhat ambivalent.
On one hand I am and always will be a huge supporter of the law and LE and I am applauding them for apprehending so quickly, however on another hand I am a smidge disappointed. I can understand that this might be taboo and rub some here the wrong way and I mean no disrespect, but I am not totally surprised at the mass public reaction to this whole circus. On one hand I believe that nobody has the right to take the life of another and if they do they must face the consequences, but on another hand the whole healthcare "murdering by proxy" "eat the rich" etc... stuff is just so in your face it's hard to ignore and easy to understand. Look around both online and in your daily life and you will immediately come across someone who either them self or a loved one has been impacted by greedy healthcare issues. It's such a big issue and I hate to say it but this sort of thing was gonna happen eventually. Not just the alleged perp here but PEOPLE on a whole have had enough. Sure they don't all go out and commit murder thankfully (although many do resort to crime as a result) but it's not a surprise here that someone got pushed to the end of their own personal tether over it and took the most extreme measures.
Ugh I don't know, I just kinda get it and I hate that I feel that way. That said, I agree with the law and whatever the law hands to LM. I also agree with the people who aren't entirely condemning the act of "fighting back".
I am however hoping that this doesn't lead to any copycat attempts as not only is that wrong as a whole, unintended targets could get caught in the crossfire

Ultimately though my heart is with all the members of BT's family and friends... As well as those of LM and I'm sorry, but also LM himself... Also each and every single person who has been done over by healthcare companies... patients, staff and medical professionals alike.

Sorry if my own opinions here offend anybody, I'm struggling as I've not been this conflicted before and feel like a huge hypocrite <3
Couldn't have said it better myself. We must follow the law, obviously no one can decide to just blow someone away. But if they were employed by ins companies they could literally decide who gets to live or die. The "health care" corps fashion their own regulations designed strictly for profit, delay, depose, deny, denigrate, depress and devastate Americans. They provide zero health care themselves. They are just middle men, folks. These middlemen can decide what cancer treatment you'll deserve. They tell mega educated doctors what they can prescribe, cut, medicate for pain. "Health care" corps make their own laws, er, regulations, we see our families die the slow death, often having to sell all before the last breath.
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Following this from the UK.

Having executed his plan and disappeared very effectively, I'm amazed that the suspect's movements after the event were so sloppy. He didn't get rid of the fake ID's and the weapon and hung around in public places such as that McDonalds. One would have expected him to lay very low and perhaps change his appearance too.

I'm also curious to know how he was cognisant with the victim's movements that day, perhaps he was aware of the event BT was attending and just decided to wait it out, but I do wonder if he wasn't acting alone.

R.I.P. Brian Thompson

Hey there,

My theory is either he didn't really expect to get away successfully or that he possibly planned to strike again.

The former is consistent with sloppiness about leaving evidence behind and not making much effort to disguise face when checking in to hostel (why wouldn't he grow beard then shave on day of shooting for example).

Retaining ID and gun would be consistent with the latter, but maybe he wasn't counting on such identifying imagery being available, particularly the smile and taxi shot. He could of had a plan in place but when those images were published realised he was highly likely to be soon identified. In this case there would be no real advantage disposing of these items because if he was identified and questioned he'd likely be caught either way.

On your second point I thought perhaps inside info either from conspirators or compromised email would be necessary, however his manifesto references social engineering so maybe it was as simple as phoning hotels in the area posing as his secretary or something and asking to be put through to BT's room because his phone isn't working. If they complied you'd just hang up and know where he was staying. Not sure this would actually work but it's possible.
Hey there,

My theory is either he didn't really expect to get away successfully or that he possibly planned to strike again.

The former is consistent with sloppiness about leaving evidence behind and not making much effort to disguise face when checking in to hostel (why wouldn't he grow beard then shave on day of shooting for example).

Retaining ID and gun would be consistent with the latter, but maybe he wasn't counting on such identifying imagery being available, particularly the smile and taxi shot. He could of had a plan in place but when those images were published realised he was highly likely to be soon identified. In this case there would be no real advantage disposing of these items because if he was identified and questioned he'd likely be caught either way.

On your second point I thought perhaps inside info either from conspirators or compromised email would be necessary, however his manifesto references social engineering so maybe it was as simple as phoning hotels in the area posing as his secretary or something and asking to be put through to BT's room because his phone isn't working. If they complied you'd just hang up and know where he was staying. Not sure this would actually work but it's possible.
I have never tried but I very much doubt any hotel would give out information about a guest staying there or even confirm they are, would imagine there is data/privacy laws. No chance he would have got the Marriott to do the above
I have never tried but I very much doubt any hotel would give out information about a guest staying there or even confirm they are, would imagine there is data/privacy laws. No chance he would have got the Marriott to do the above
Yep I thought it a long shot but maybe you could get it this way round. Your are not asking them to divulge personal information or to directly confirm whether they are staying there so it might slip through.
I’m shaking my head in here a lot this morning. Luigi Mangione gunned down a man in cold blood. Some of y’all seem to think he had it coming. Should we start assassinating government officials that pass laws that we consider harmful? Bank CEOs if they foreclose on a home because a person lost their job and can’t pay the mortgage? Can we execute those who do us harm, as long as we have a reason? When did lawlessness become acceptable?

I saw some photos of LM in Japan, taken this year. While it was said that he declined a hiking excursion, he was able to participate in the other activities. If he was driven to murder, I don’t believe it was due to his pain level.
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