NY - UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson fatally shot in Midtown. #9 *Arrest*

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This! Thanks @otto

Who made him God??? Who made him responsible for deciding who gets killed and who doesn't?

This was not self defense. This was not a murder in the heat of the moment with a relative. This was cold blooded murder.

He is just another radical like Ted Kaczynski. Who is smart and thinks he has a right to kill people to teach them a lesson and change the world.

The real brutal honesty is that the killer is just another cold blooded killer.

Do not give him a platform. Put him in prison and throw away the key.
I get the feeling that LM is more akin to an angry incel like Elliot Rodger than Ted Kaczynski. He just happened to pick a target that a lot of folks feel animosity towards, which is the only thing making him popular versus someone like the sheriff that shot the judge in Kentucky. In fact, I’m pretty sure a lot of the folks rooting for LM were aghast at a sitting sheriff shooting a judge - even though the situations aren’t all that different when it comes down to brass tacks. Feel morally outraged? Kill the person! Public support of the victim should apparently determine justifiableness, according to some.

Won’t be too long until that concept transforms into people on the “good side” getting killed by vigilantes over perceived moral wrongdoings.

No surprise:

New: Fingerprint comparisons made between prints collected at the scene of the Brian Thompson murder compared with prints taken in the arrest process of Luigi Mangione show a positive match, two law enforcement officials briefed on the matter confirm to @JohnMillerCNN

Shortly after Luigi Mangione was apprehended on Monday, admirers of his began setting up pages to help the CEO murder suspect ... but the company has officially shut down all the campaigns, TMZ has learned.

A spokesperson for the company tells TMZ ... "’s Terms of Service prohibit fundraisers for the legal defense of violent crimes. The fundraisers have been removed from our platform and all donors have been refunded."

Those donations might be better directed to organizations that are fighting for comprehensive health care reform in the US. JMO
Below is a quote from an article linked on the previous thread (I couldn't reply as the thread is closed).

"Mr Klein says he's been inundated with calls since Thompson was killed. Top US firms typically spend millions of dollars on personal security for high-level executives."

Isn't the obvious answer to spend the millions of dollars on paying their customers' medical bills rather than on protection for executives who may be targeted by said irate customers?

Ludicrous system.
Sadly, this case is going to change nothing in the system. The CEOs are doubling down on security as if that is the issue. They are paid big bucks to think like this? Baffling.
Right there in the 1st sentence of the constitution. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,.............promote the general Welfare.....


If only we walked the talk, so to speak. A relative recently spent a few years living and working in Europe. People were so surprised that the US has such an unfair health care system. As they put it, why doesn't the US take care of its people? Europeans take for granted that their fellow citizens should have "cradle to grave" health care coverage that they can never lose.
I’ll withhold my complex personal thoughts on the state of healthcare in the US, the ethical dilemma of billionaires, and this case being resolved. I have to say that as someone who watched my mother lose her joy, her ability to work, hell, her ability to get off the couch due to an L4 injury - I deeply empathize with LM, although I cannot get on board with killing those we don’t agree with (at least extrajudicially…)

That being said, has parallel construction been brought up in this thread? I am finding the McDonalds story somewhat difficult to believe. More believable, IMO, is the police using a stingray system to skim many phones, ID’ing LM, then working back to a plausible way they discovered him. I know a faraday bag was mentioned (I have one myself), but LM denies that it’s a faraday bag, only a dry bag… IMO MOO.
The "McDonalds story" has been corroborated by many people. Someone simply recognized him.
Speaking of his college days. Penn State campus is really quite close to Altoona, 44 miles. Did he have a grudge with someone on campus and he was prepping for his next move? There was a reason he was in that area, I don't think he was passing through on Monday. All JMO
Agreed. LE has asked the public to come forward if they can shine a light on his whereabouts while he was tooling around Pennsylvania. It was also mentioned that he had visited several businesses while there so it will be interesting to find out if he had hatched a plan to target another victim.
It's bad enough when ordinary people root for the killer, it's on a whole other level when self-proclaimed "independent journalists" do it. This is despicable.

ETA: they are boosting their followers and monetizing this tragedy

Agreed. LE has asked the public to come forward if they can shine a light on his whereabouts while he was tooling around Pennsylvania. It was also mentioned that he had visited several businesses while there so it will be interesting to find out if he had hatched a plan to target another victim.
He went to The University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia -- NOT Penn State which is not at the same level as Penn the Ivy League university.
Apparently, his lawyer now claims we can't be sure it was his client who did the shooting?! That's odd, especially after finding the manifesto.

Yes, and they also found a notebook with his planning notes....
I get the sense that the travel back and forth in PA was planned but not nearly as thought out as his time in NYC. He had anticipated that he could be trailed and, thus, the Faraday bag. He got to PA and probably had planned to travel incognito, especially near college towns as he would stand out less. I think his ultimate goal was to ensure they didn't have his name and then go north to cross into Canada and hopefully fly somewhere else. But, I believe all of the traveling left him unsettled and less regulated (hence the change in appearance) in tandem with the cessation of the high from planning and killing Mr. Thompson. He was getting sloppier and sloppier about his movements and interactions.

In his planning, I think he purposely cut off family and friends as he was hatching this plan to save them from being accused. Yet, he continued to use his computer or electronic devices and was probably monitoring family and friends to see if he could get a glimpse if he had been found out.

I have doubts that he would have killed again quickly because he probably would not have been able to tolerate committing a murder that was not planned to the nth degree. He seemed so methodical in NYC. He might have been trying to regroup but just his physical presence says he was struggling to pull it together. His disordered thinking seems to hinge on building a narrative, creating a plan, and, then, slowly and carefully executing the plan for his own satisfaction.

Agreed. LE has asked the public to come forward if they can shine a light on his whereabouts while he was tooling around Pennsylvania. It was also mentioned that he had visited several businesses while there so it will be interesting to find out if he had hatched a plan to target another victim.
He didn't happen to have visited the Dickey law office as one of the businesses while he was still tooling around?
Shortly after Luigi Mangione was apprehended on Monday, admirers of his began setting up pages to help the CEO murder suspect ... but the company has officially shut down all the campaigns, TMZ has learned.

A spokesperson for the company tells TMZ ... "’s Terms of Service prohibit fundraisers for the legal defense of violent crimes. The fundraisers have been removed from our platform and all donors have been refunded."

Interestingly, patients overwhelmed by medical bills can use to raise funds to pay healthcare insurance companies and hospitals.
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