Parents will send out daily press releases (per local attorney on 10/26)

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Good grief...I won't be wasting my eyes or ears on anything coming from the defense side of this nightmare.
daily press releases from a defense attorney that represents the family of a missing baby who have not spoken to law enforcement since around 8 october?


and we are to believe these press releases?

"Young claims the parents have cooperated and answered other questions, but they have not sufficiently satisfied police demands."

They have not agreed to a unrestricted interrogation. They HAVE cooperated and been in contact.

carry on. MOO of course.
I went back and corrected that error you mention in the first sentence almost immediately - you must have been working on this reply for quite some time. ;D

And . . what is speculation on my part? I'm not speculating that LE has requested to meet with them with out attorneys, I'm citing the attorney statement informing us of that fact.

BBM- The part of your post I underlined....

LE has said, that they are requesting "unrestricted access", which to me - fairly familiar with the legal system - means unfettered by those pesky defense attorneys.

Isn't that speculating that LE is doesn't want defense atorneys present? :waitasec:
Perhaps I should have used the word opinion rather than speculation?

Apologies that it took so long to type that last post.... was making myself a coffee .:coffeecup:
Where will they look for the baby without a lead, or a name of who possibly took her?
Man, we live in a different world. I miss cops walking the beat. I also miss fresh baked pretzels w/mustard that you can get on the street corners. I'm getting nostalgic. Sorry.

Don't be sorry. I miss those days too! I also miss the days when children were missing that the focus was on the child instead of press conferences.:furious:
This is yet another ploy by the parents and their defense attorney to NOT have to sit down and speak with LE. I don't care what these people do to try to satisfy the public, nothing is gonna do it until they sit down and give LE the answers they need to find Lisa. Why is that so hard?
Couldn't a daily press release cause a media/public burnout from the case? The media continues to cover this case because there have been sensational developments. What are they going to write in a press release that will be different every day, and sensational enough for the media to cover it? I don't think Kyron's case would be getting daily coverage for the past year if his parents were sending out press releases every day, and I don't think it will make a difference in this case. The media will talk about the press releases as long as there is other sensational developments happening, but once it gets quiet, press releases (that will be same old, same old) aren't going to matter.
What better way to keep this case in the news, and give the media something to report every day? EVERY DAY people need to be looking for this baby.

They really ought to lead by example. It takes a lot of gall to expect others to do what you won't. imo
It seems clear to me that the "about face" is that Cyndy Short has gotten traction here, and has begun to fully do her job. She seems to be guiding the family not only as legal counsel, but as spokesperson too.

Well, good on Cyndy, but Im talking about the parents. MOO and all that. :)
I can't recall-did he also hire a big name defense attorney early on?

I don't recall if it was a noted attorney, but as soon as LE called him in for a polygraph, an attorney was on board.

Good question!
IMHO, the parents can bugger off at this point. I say that because LE and FBI will continue to work this case regardless of what the parents have to say to the media on a daily basis.

should they choose not to sit down with LE/FBI individually or collectively here on out, that's their choice. I don't have to listen to them, or their defense attorney's spin.

You will find me OFF these threads, unless there is something from LE or the FBI. Quite frankly, I don't care to hear anymore from these <unusual> parents.

Respectfully, IMHO

Signing out - Mel
Where will they look for the baby without a lead, or a name of who possibly took her?

Yep. Where does LE look without the parents answering the simple question of who was coming and going from the house that night? Pretty important to know that when a baby goes missing, but Young used this question as his example of what types of information LE hasn't been able to get from the parents. IMO, it was more than just an example, it is something LE desperately needs from the parents in order to move this investigation forward.

We know the drinking neighbor was in the house that night, along with her 4 year old daughter. We know that the teen neighbor "may have been in the house that day" per MSM article regarding the DNA and second interview of the teen. IMO, other people were at that house and/or Debbi left that house on Monday, Oct 3rd. Debbi may claim she cannot remember due to possible drunken black out, but I think the boys could recall some details if allowed; I hope they are able to help their sister and allowed to be questioned on Friday.

JMO. I think the drinking buddy and possibly other witnesses might have told LE about some of the possible comings and goings that night, but they may not know the identity of the visitor(s) or people Debbi left to meet.

IMO there are reasons other than very faulty memory for some of the changes and ommissions in the story of Lisa Irwin's last day & night. They are strategic defense reasons, IMO. I don't understand the strategy yet, but I'm working on some possibilites.


-There is a reason that Debbi pushed her final sighting of Lisa up by nearly 4 hours. Amber Alter was issued based on last sighting of 10:30 pm in her crib. Actual time of last sighting (according to mom a week later) is 6:40 pm. That first lie was huge. If Lisa was really abducted, fudging on the last time she was seen and misdirecting the possible search area so significantly is an unthinkable betrayal to Lisa, no matter what the reason for the lie/discrepancy. This fact on its own tells me LE should be primarily focused on the parents. JMO.

-There is a reason why Debbi claims she "possibly blacked out drunk".

-There is a reason Debbi's attorney was first saying that the neighbor left at 10:30, then it became 11:00 pm, today it was mentioned as 11:30 pm that the lights went out in the house.

-There is a reason there is not one single mention of Lisa interacting with any other human being aside from Debbi on Monday, Oct 3rd. In all of the interviews by the parents, the PI and the lawyers, not one statement is made about anything that Lisa did or anyone seeing her other than Debbi putting fussy Lisa to bed. It was so odd to me I went back through every article and interview I could find to make sure. Debbi's bedtime contact is the only human contact mentioned in regards to Lisa Irwin after the birthday party Sunday, Oct 2nd. Lisa is the subject of this story, and yet there is not one mention of anything Lisa did or anyone who saw her that whole day except Debbi. It is very peculiar, and there is a reason. ETA: The latest "People" piece cites Jeremy as last seeing Lisa when he left for the night shift on Monday.

Debbi knows the reasons. Jeremy probably does too. LE has suspicions about the reasons for Debbi's changes and omissions, which is why the parents won't agree to answer any and all questions required to help find Lisa. I hope that Lisa's brothers can fill in the holes that the parents won't. For Lisa...

I hope LE keeps looking at every possibility, the parents and all others. Still a chance it was an abduction, but I'd think the parents would be talking up a storm to give LE new ideas if that were the case.
Wow I think it's great that they are doing something even if I think someone or someone's in that house harmed the baby..but for the slight chance that someone kidnapped the baby it's a good idea even if it should of started day one!
I'm beginning to wonder how late the brother was around after purchasing the wine? I also noticed the slip of something at the cash register, don't know if it was money or or DB simply slid him the change or receipt?

I can see a cover-up for brother since he is a minor and not old enough to consume alcoholic beverages in the state of Missouri unless he is 21 years of age.

I can picture his name being excluded from being around or how late he may have been there to cover up for that, but it makes me start to wonder if there is more to the story.
Wow I think it's great that they are doing something even if I think someone or someone's in that house harmed the baby..but for the slight chance that someone kidnapped the baby it's a good idea even if it should of started day one!

I agree. Keeping Lisa's story front and center is good, imo. If the press releases are factual, it cannot hurt and may help. I hope they will be factual and focused only on finding Lisa.
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