I'm not sure I understood your last paragraph. As for why the sunglasses are sometimes showing a reflection and sometimes not, it appears to just depend on her facial position and the sun's position in relation to that. I really don't make too much of it.
1. The scenario laid out was that the TMZ vid showed her walking north, and then crossing the street. The vid ends there. It was suggested that she crosses the street and walks back the way she came.
2. In the video, when she walked north on the street it was packed with cars.
3. I am saying that in the reflection on her sunglasses, there is a car with the lights on the opposite side of the street facing her.
4. There are no other cars on that side in the reflection. We can see both headlights and the sidewalk.
5. This photo was taken close to the end of the street where she crossed (if this is in fact the same street. it is a still not a video). We see only the bushes behind her, so I think it is the same as number 27
6. If this is at the same time, same street as the video, we should see a whole line of cars reflected in her sunglasses.
I apologize for my lack of clarity. Does that make any sense?
TMZ # 7 is just a crop of #27 above
Below is the cropped pic, and a pic of the cars on the opposite side.
If this is the same street different side, this seems like a different time of day, as we don't see the reflections of all the cars parked. We see one car with lights on.
Just asking why all those cars are not in the reflection.