Ping Map for July 14, 2008 - Discuss that day only

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Casey has the use of Amy's car while Amy is in Puerto Rico. (AH interview, p. 26, lines 18-20, when Amy leaves; page 28, lines 1-3, when Amy returns)

July 8-15 Ricardo in P. Rico Left on flight by himself and returned afternoon July 15 on same flight as Amy H. Troy B. JP C.
Page 1302 Lines 20 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

July 8-15 Ricardo in P. Rico
Page 1302 Lines 20 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

July 5 > Casey was staying with you pretty much every night after July 5th?
Once I came back from NY she was full time at my house. [3935 Sutton Pl Blvd Winter Park, FL 32792]
Page 995 Lines 14-15 Tony L Interview with LE on 7/22/2008

July 14 or 15 Casey sent a text [Ricardo would have been in P. Rico] about who was picking them up at the airport.
Page 1305 Lines 4-5 Ricardo M. Interview with LE on 7/25/2008

Casey's Online Presence

From Casey (not sure to who)
July 14 2008 22:10
Casey sent a video to this user about drums because he is a drum player. It is by Killer Chops TV on you tube

Casey wrote to Mark:
Jul 14 2008 6:12 AM
who has the bestest best friend? well.... besides me...
you do!

July 14:

Blockbuster (7702 University) @ 5:50 pm cash $13.40

KC and AH Text Messages 7/14/08

KC AH The flight is in at 1130. I’ll call in the morning.

July 5 > Casey was staying with you pretty much every night after July 5th?
Once I came back from NY she was full time at my house. [3935 Sutton Pl Blvd Winter Park, FL 32792]
Page 995 Lines 14-15 Tony L Interview with LE on 7/22/2008
Chris S**** told LE he thought he saw KC running along Chickasaw around 9-9:30 am on July 15, and sent her a text asking if it was her.

New docs show that this text was actually sent 7:38 am July 14:

Chris to KC 7:38 am: "Were you running this morning?"
Chris to KC 8:17 am: "O nevermind. I thought i say you." (error in original )

I think this is actually consistent with the ping map for this day. Here is a map showing Chickasaw trail:

I am always suspicious of any early morning activity by KC....
bumping -

This is the day it is thought that Cindy typed a draft of a letter on her computer regarding her confusion about who is telling her the truth.
'Dad said he went to work and stayed there all day, I don't know what to believe anymore.' (not a direct quote)

In the doc dump released 11/2/10 we learn that GA left his job earlier this day (8:45AM to 3:45PM versus 6:30PM) but
we don't know why or what he did with the time off or why he would tell CA different.
This is the day that GA and CA said they were planning to go pick up the Pontiac in the towyard
(as they saw the notice on their door on Sunday, the 13th) but couldn't because GA and CA were both
working during the day on this day. So, they retrieved the Pontiac from the towyard on July 15.

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