How did Casey know about the Father's Day video TO download it that day? Did Cindy tell her about it or show it to her when she got back with Caylee? We are missing so many details of THAT day that it is difficult to fill in some of these blanks. THAT she downloaded THAT video, and on THAT day is very signifigant-considering when we have surmised that Caylee met with her demise.-the 15th or the 16th. It was the LAST living breathing record of Caylee. What motivated her to download it? Guilt? Sorrow? Or did she just want to show it to her "friends" to gain some more attention for herself? If the shovel incident was the 17th and she only kept it for one hour, and she was backed into the garage-perhaps what she buried in the back yard was NOT Caylee but something else? Blood soaked rags? Caylee's clothing? The towel she suffocated her with? Perhaps THAT day-the 17th, was when she dug whatever IT was back up again...or buried it then. Perhaps whatever she buried was discovered by George and Cindy-hence the search of their own back-yard remarks? Perhaps Cindy KNOWS there is NO EVIDENCE because she and George are the ones who found and removed it? So many questions and NO answers it seems...:waitasec:
Sorry for the ramble, but the 17th is a reambling day. The 3 hour visit or 2 hour visit to Chris is odd enough, but add in all the rest and that was certainly an IMPORTANT day in this case and one that should be picked apart down to the basement of it...