Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #5

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My point is around the specificity of the location of the attack - the police’s information about it happening around the 7km mark of her run. Presumably they know the exact location given the electronic devices SM had. Why not be specific about the location, that was my point. What is the reason? Do they not know exactly where it happened or are they holding back as they know SM died at that location and they want that information in their back pocket?

Yes, I completely got your point. But you also said .... I’m pretty sure the police would be telling the public exactly where they believe it happened in order to try and be more specific to possible witnesses.

Hence my response that I believe the police have been as specific as they need to be, to gain possible witnesses. And they may not want to be more specific in case people think "oh I saw something on Smith Street that day, I guess it isn't related then" and perhaps not tell the police something crucial.

They won't be giving any further information .... 'unless it is determined this will assist the advancement of the investigation'.

I think they do this to protect all aspects of their investigation. The public is given information on a need-to-know basis, and they have told us all that they think we need to know ... at this point in time.

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The family know much more than the general public about SMs disappearance IMO - they would get regular police updates I'd assume. Without a gag order, the media wolves would pounce to further their careers and derail police progress and possibly successful prosecution IMO

I guess that the flatlining watch is their evidence of likely death.

Depending on the Investigation

They would only tell the families what they need to know

But not the intricate details of the investigation and who the suspects are etc...
But would they tell us the exact location? I'm not trying to be rude but them telling the public does little to further their investigation all it does is soothe our curiosity for a little while and possibly be a detriment to the case.

I've been thinking about this a lot the last couple of days. The info police have given so far is enough so that if someone from the public saw her or has any info they can let them know. Any other related info serves no purpose to the public. Sure we want to know about the dinner or the brunch or what relationship she had with Mike or if there was an AVO yes police must know these things and I'm sure they do but the general public knowing these things makes no difference to whether Joe Blow drove past her running that day or if Susie down the road gave her a high 5 as they passed each other on the walking track.

Sorry not having a go at anyone just think its something we should keep in mind

I agree.

The police said they are looking for a body. That's a grim outlook. Did SM meet with foul play on Mt.Clear? Most people have assumed the worst IMO. Very little information is released for good reason. It would seem people want updates drip fed to progress and eventually complete their own narrative. Why? I think it's for closure. Society is scared. Assuming a crime has been committed, it needs retributive punishment for the perpetrators and Justice for SM.
I wonder what the 7pm is about.

Those who were travelling through the area, particularly between 7am and 7pm on February 4, who may have dashcam footage have also been urged to review it for any sight of the missing mother.
“I encourage anyone who does have information that could be relevant to this investigation — whether that’s a person or vehicle seen in the area on that day, something unusual such as a damaged vehicle or property — to please come forward and speak to police or provide the information via Crime Stoppers,” Hatt said. .

Last phone ping?
Last GPS reading?
Last time both or either device was showing on any platform?
Something about a suspicious vehicle being seen somewhere?
Something else?
Yes, I completely got your point. But you also said .... I’m pretty sure the police would be telling the public exactly where they believe it happened in order to try and be more specific to possible witnesses.

Hence my response that I believe the police have been as specific as they need to be, to gain possible witnesses. And they may not want to be more specific in case people think "oh I saw something on Smith Street that day, I guess it isn't related then" and perhaps not tell the police something crucial.

They won't be giving any further information .... 'unless it is determined this will assist the advancement of the investigation'.

I think they do this to protect all aspects of their investigation. The public is given information on a need-to-know basis, and they have told us all that they think we need to know ... at this point in time.

Police are playing a game of cat and mouse with the perps . They know they were involved with the search parties and have most likely spoken with them . JM and MM would have alibis for there data if they went searching for her before calling Police
I wonder what the 7pm is about.

Those who were travelling through the area, particularly between 7am and 7pm on February 4, who may have dashcam footage have also been urged to review it for any sight of the missing mother.
“I encourage anyone who does have information that could be relevant to this investigation — whether that’s a person or vehicle seen in the area on that day, something unusual such as a damaged vehicle or property — to please come forward and speak to police or provide the information via Crime Stoppers,”

Last phone ping?
Last GPS reading?
Last time both or either device was showing on any platform?
Something about a suspicious vehicle being seen somewhere?
Something else?
Maybe the perps used the 7pm time to hide her body better (mine shaft)
I wonder what the 7pm is about.

Those who were travelling through the area, particularly between 7am and 7pm on February 4, who may have dashcam footage have also been urged to review it for any sight of the missing mother.
“I encourage anyone who does have information that could be relevant to this investigation — whether that’s a person or vehicle seen in the area on that day, something unusual such as a damaged vehicle or property — to please come forward and speak to police or provide the information via Crime Stoppers,”

Last phone ping?
Last GPS reading?
Last time both or either device was showing on any platform?
Something about a suspicious vehicle being seen somewhere?
Something else?

I’ve wondered that too.

Unless they have a POI/s that they can account for outside of those hours?
Police are playing a game of cat and mouse with the perps . They know they were involved with the search parties and have most likely spoken with them . JM and MM would have alibis for there data if they went searching for her before calling Police
Are you suggesting that the possible perps involved themselves in the searches so as to provide a rationale for any DNA or other evidence they may have left behind? Or to try to find out more information from police? Or something else? On what basis do Police know the possible perps were involved in the searches? Or is this just a hypothesis?
It would be great to have some genius sleuther summarise anything that has been stated AS FACT by the police. I just tried to do it myself and my little brain felt like it would start to drip out of my ears! Eg. Have police said AS A FACT that Sam went on her run at 7amish and at 7kms her watch flatlined so that's why they assume she died at that point that they know AS A FACT that her phone stopped working at Mt Clear so that's where they believe the 7km watch flatlining incident occurred?
Are you suggesting that the possible perps involved themselves in the searches so as to provide a rationale for any DNA or other evidence they may have left behind? Or to try to find out more information from police? Or something else? On what basis do Police know the possible perps were involved in the searches? Or is this just a hypothesis?
Phone data would have the perp at the locations they probably have already been spoken to about it and they couldve just said they were searching for her or the perp is known her and probably got involved with the search to make them not look guilty. The police are just waiting for that gotcha moment . That's just what I think after following this case
I don’t think there’s anything stated anywhere about the phone stopping or smart watch flatlining at 8am, those are just guesses as it seems IMO fairly clear something happens to the phone data around 8am at Mt Clear for police to hone in on that time and place.

The watch flatlining could just mean it’s come off SMs wrist, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything about SMs health. Some posted the theory SMs pulse could have spiked.

It could also have been a change of pace to indicate SM’a devices around 8am started travelling at a much higher speed than jogging,
Implying SM (or at least SMs devices) were in a vehicle. IMO

It seems that something changed in the data at 8am but what that was, the police have not stated.
I don’t think there’s anything stated anywhere about the phone stopping or smart watch flatlining at 8am, those are just guesses as it seems IMO fairly clear something happens to the phone data around 8am at Mt Clear for police to hone in on that time and place.

The watch flatlining could just mean it’s come off SMs wrist, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything about SMs health. Some posted the theory SMs pulse could have spiked.

It could also have been a change of pace to indicate SM’a devices around 8am started travelling at a much higher speed than jogging,
Implying SM (or at least SMs devices) were in a vehicle. IMO

It seems that something changed in the data at 8am but what that was, the police have not stated.
Well the watch stopped at Mt clear and wasn't found . Apple watches show a fairly accurate last location before the battery dies. She would likely have fitness app records her heart rate and all sorts of stuff to do with running. I don't think the perp destroyed her watch or the battery went dead I have a feeling It broke due to high impact maybe run down by accident or on purpose. The perp never took the watch off her or turned (destroyed) the phone until 5pm.
My point is around the specificity of the location of the attack - the police’s information about it happening around the 7km mark of her run. Presumably they know the exact location given the electronic devices SM had. Why not be specific about the location, that was my point. What is the reason? Do they not know exactly where it happened or are they holding back as they know SM died at that location and they want that information in their back pocket?
I think they would not want the site to become a spot for rubberneckers nor to be a shrine to the exact place where SM died. I would imagine when arrest/s are made, the family might be asked if they want to visit the spot.
I wonder what the 7pm is about.

Those who were travelling through the area, particularly between 7am and 7pm on February 4, who may have dashcam footage have also been urged to review it for any sight of the missing mother.
I have wondered too.
One thought is that it is a 12 hour window of time and might give police a reasonable time window in which suspicious persons or vehicles would still be in the area.

A second thought is that once the official search began there would be lots of not suspicious activity in the area and the police investigators would have too much footage to sift through.
On Sunday, she will have been missing for four weeks.

Bush tracking expert and visiting volunteer Jake Cassar said he and other volunteers delivered several items of potential evidence to authorities in areas of the dense scrub that had not been previously searched.

“There are many thick areas of bushland when I turned up that had not been searched,” he said.

“Through my tracking experience, you can clearly tell when areas of scrub have not been disturbed.”

The area where bush tracking expert Jake Cassar investigated on Wednesday, still finding large sections of unexplored scrub. Picture: Facebook / Jake Cassar

The area where bush tracking expert Jake Cassar investigated on Wednesday, still finding large sections of unexplored scrub.

Mr Cassar was invited to Ballarat by volunteers who paid for his airfare and accommodation. While he was recruiting and training volunteers, he began scouring areas in the park that had not yet been turned up by searches.

“I was able to find areas that were undisturbed to the tune of me being able to find things, and the person that was with me being able to find things, that certainly should have been handed over to the police,” he said.
No, I think it's odd, too soon

But the police will know for sure now if there were any missed calls and messages on her phone and his

Sam was reported missing at about 11am. Mick reported her missing.

He said she was supposed to be back to go to some sort of meeting that morning,' Allan said.

This Allan is saying some sort of meeting ?

But MM said it was a family brunch ?

Seeing Allan seems to know everything, why is there a difference of events ?

From Allan again.... 'She wasn't home. Didn't go to it... MM rang up and reported it and after that they started looking out the other side of Buninyong, which is 20-30km away.'

Why would you go all that way 20.30km to 'supposedly' look when It's nowhere near home ?

And they would have known she was going for a short run, due to having something on at 11 am,

so she would have to be back earlier to shower, get ready etc before then

Might MM have known something was happening to Sam at Mt Chance at around 8am ?

And he didn't want to go anywhere near there to search, supposedly with his kids, close to home ?

But calls the police at around 11 am,

it could show he is a concerned husband

Did he receive a call ?..... It's done ! ??

I think it's a bit odd, something is not right in all of this

Agreed, especially as his later response to her disappearance shows a lot less emotion - “People don’t just disappear into thin air”, barely mentioning her name, thanking helpers and even throwing in a joke.
This is in stark contrast to an early (panicked?) call to report her missing.
I think it's unfair we keep judging Mike on how he acted in the presser without knowing him personally. There could be a multitude of reasons he didn't show emotions ranging from he's cold blooded killer to he's camera shy and freaked out to he's autistic and doesn't show his emotion. We have no idea who he is we don't even know what he's like in everyday life.
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