Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #8

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I could have sworn someone posted an article on how bodies decompose in different locations, but I've gone back through the entire thread and can't find reference to it. Perhaps I googled on my own? Regardless, what I recall from the article is a body in water leaves less clues than one in the elements, but clues can still be gained after a reasonable amount of time.

In cold fresh water, it would be a better scenario for a body, due to cooler temperatures and the water environment

compared to outside left in the heat

where you have insects, animals and the elements
unless if someone who might have helped him afterwards knows things, terrible secrets ps never wants anyone to know? and theyve threatened to tell?
but in regards to protecting someones identity theres still nothing to gain from not revealing the body location, its not likely to reveal the other person anyway?
so hes probably not protecting someone else, just himself
The accused person could not be labouring under the delusion that if the body doesn't turn up, it means no murder was committed. His lawyer, first day, would have told him the facts of this, then his second lawyer, the same only heavier, then his court appointed Barrister would have, in no uncertain terms, told him this was a fantasy, then, day in , day out, at exercise time, all the other blokes on remand, as they do their circuit of the courtyard, watched over by the guards, would be exercising their legs and their first hand knowledge of the legal system by underlining the fact that his theory holds no water, in law, and in fact.

His colleagues in captivity would be laughing at the very idea.
not the OP but he might have meant this news tidbit which show a possible "crossing of paths" but no proven connection:

View attachment 492166

Link revealed between Samantha Murphy and her alleged ...

View attachment 492167
7NEWS › News

Mar 9, 2024 — Murphy, 51, worked as a volunteer in the uniform shop at St Francis Xavier Primary School where 22-year-old Stephenson, an electrical apprentice .
This article even admits there is no connection. Which is saying something for Channel 7 where truth goes to die.
Thank you. I know that one but there were other streets searched that were commercial/business in Mount Clear. I just think that search has been overlooked by us. I wish I could remember.

I hadn’t heard of other premises being searched in Mt Clear , could you be meaning the Canadian suburban streets Elsworth , Joseph and Butt ?
If so I don’t think we have been advised of any progress/ result there.
Yes, I know about Carr and Huntley, what I was asking was about him. Specifically. Why would he and what could he gain? ... Keeping in mind, the police commander has stated, clearly, and unambiguously, that there is no one else involved. .
From my memory the police commander stated that they did not believe anyone else was involved in the murder of Samantha which was a “deliberate act” by the accused…. However this statement doesn’t seem to exclude the possibility that someone else could have been “involved” in less direct way? For example, assisting to move/hide body, holding phone/watch, providing location to bury Samantha? I’m not saying these things apply but simply that in my mind we can’t definitively rule them out as possibilities. Also, the press conference was more than two weeks ago. It may be that police now have information that has led them to amend their ideas about what occurred. Just as the narrative shifted from being suspected to be at least two people involved (UI) to just one…

In posts from yesterday I outlined a hypothetical scenario in which some kind of “associate” could be involved. I also outlined numerous potential gains for PS from a psychological point of view.

I cannot emphasise strongly enough that we cannot seek to understand potentially highly disturbed persons from a “normal” state of mind. One needs to temporarily try to suspend one’s frame of reference, to look with “new eyes”.

Please refer to my posts #115, #117, #124 from yesterday if you are interested in my attempts to hypothetically try to step inside the mind of the accused….

All just hypothetical and speculative. MOO.
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From my memory the police commander stated that they did not believe anyone else was involved in the murder of Samantha which was a “deliberate act”…. However this statement doesn’t seem to exclude the possibility that someone else could have been “involved” in less direct way? For example, assisting to move/hide body, holding phone/watch, providing location to bury Samantha? I’m not saying these things apply but simply that in my mind we can’t definitively rule them out as possibilities. Also, the press conference was more than two weeks ago. It may be that police now have information that has led them to amend their ideas about what occurred. Just as the narrative shifted from being suspected to be at least two people involved (UI) to just one…


The police said yesterday they were looking for Samantha's phone etc..

So someone has told them to look there, in complete remote surroundings

As the source/s would have been told by the accused beforehand in conversations


the source was there in assisting the accused and has rolled over
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The accused person could not be labouring under the delusion that if the body doesn't turn up, it means no murder was committed.
I strongly disagree with this statement.

Some people with severe narcissistic-psychopathic personality disorders live in a completely delusional universe in which they convince themselves they are more intelligent and brilliant than everyone else and that the usual laws and consequences do not apply to them. Although this may be hard for us to comprehend, it is not at all unusual for someone who is, for example, a malignant narcissist. I am not making any particular assertions about the accused here, but I think it’s entirely possible that a malignant narcissist would maintain his delusional views irrespective of what anyone might tell him. This degree of narcissism arises from profound relational damage early in life and is associated with magical thinking such as what you’ve described above.

My opinion is that it entirely possible that PS could be functioning within such a delusional conceptual system. PSs silence and refusal to cooperate would also seem in keeping with this hypothetical scenario. MOO.
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I know about couples and all that, but specifically, him. No one has pointed to an accomplice, of any gender.
True, although police are keeping things close to their chest. I personally believe the alleged murder was done by 1 person, without known witnesses. What happened after the fact, I don't know. Did he let something slip, did someone put 2 and 2 together? Did someone come across something odd? I don't personally believe anyone else was involved after the fact, but I can believe that a person or persons started to wonder and maybe have their suspicions about the accused.
I strongly disagree with this statement.

Some people with severe narcissistic-psychopathic personality disorders live in a completely delusional universe in which they convince themselves they are more intelligent and brilliant than everyone else and that the usual laws and consequences do not apply to them. Although this may be hard for us to comprehend, it is not at all unusual for someone who is, for example, a malignant narcissist. I am not making any particular assertions about the accused here, but I think it’s entirely possible that a malignant narcissist would maintain his delusional views irrespective of what anyone might tell him. This degree of narcissism arises from profound relational damage early in life and is associated with magical thinking such as what you’ve described above.

My opinion is that it entirely possible that PS could be functioning within such a delusional conceptual system. PSs silence and refusal to cooperate would also seem in keeping with this hypothetical scenario. MOO.
Strongly, ey?... It won't make that much of a difference in court. The severity of his psycopathy will exacerbate the very reasonable desire of a jury to keep him safely supervised and locked away from the general community for a very long time. They will decide that degree of mental handicaps, whatever his defence chaps say, which will probably be along the lines you suggest, there doesn't seem to be any other defence possible. Except of course for that old standby, God told me to do it.

His functioning capabilities are somewhat hampered by his sudden and overwhelming desire to murder unaccompanied women on bush tracks, in broad daylight. This would , to any jury, be a huge barrier to finding him not guilty by cause of insanity. He has not demonstrated any evidence of not knowing what was done was not wrong. In fact, everything he has done, and is doing points to his complete awareness that the murder was reprehensible in any community's eyes
There are too many numerous cases of murderers trying to protect an accomplice. It's just a thought. But I have stated before that the accused new Samantha by sight. Catholic primary school and local catholic church imo.
there is absolutely zero evidence for this and is in fact contradicted quite strongly be LE's statements, which is that the two did not know each other.
Strongly, ey?... It won't make that much of a difference in court. The severity of his psycopathy will exacerbate the very reasonable desire of a jury to keep him safely supervised and locked away from the general community for a very long time. They will decide that degree of mental handicaps, whatever his defence chaps say, which will probably be along the lines you suggest, there doesn't seem to be any other defence possible. Except of course for that old standby, God told me to do it.

His functioning capabilities are somewhat hampered by his sudden and overwhelming desire to murder unaccompanied women on bush tracks, in broad daylight. This would , to any jury, be a huge barrier to finding him not guilty by cause of insanity. He has not demonstrated any evidence of not knowing what was done was not wrong. In fact, everything he has done, and is doing points to his complete awareness that the murder was reprehensible in any community's eyes
Trooper, I think you have misunderstood the point of my post. What I have disagreed specifically with is your assertion that the accused could not delude himself into believing he cannot be found guilty of murder.

I am not making any statements in relation to what this may mean in court.

I am simply commenting on the reality of the extremely delusional world views of highly personality disordered persons.

I am commenting on issues of the psyche, while you are commenting on legal issues.

They are entirely separate issues. :)

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The continued silence of PS regarding Samantha's body is making me wonder just what evidence LE do have. If it was something incontrovertible, eg. video from either a phone or dash cam, PS would realise there was no way around his guilt. But if LE are telling him we have been told about a snapchat post you made proving you murdered her he might be feeling more confident. A snap chat post, once it has been viewed, disappears into the ether after a very short space of time. If LE were advised of it quickly there is a chance it could be saved but I am not sure of the time frame. A witness, in court, claiming to have seen the snapchat post, would not be as strong as having the actual post. I feel that until Samantha's body has actually been recovered PS will be mute.
Trooper, I think you have misunderstood the point of my post. What I have disagreed specifically with is your assertion that the accused could not delude himself into believing he cannot be found guilty of murder.

I am not making any statements in relation to what this may mean in court.

I am simply commenting on the reality of the extremely delusional world views of highly personality disordered persons.

I am commenting on issues of the psyche, while you are commenting on legal issues.
They are entirely separate issues.

I take your point, there, Prof.. however, it won't matter in the crucial area of his future abode. He has not to anyone's knowledge, demonstrated any propensities for a highly personality disordered person. He is fully employed. He finished school. He plays in a team sport, something a lot of people just cannot tolerate, much less those with a personality disorder. He has managed to live in a small , tight, community, for a long time. ( which is not to say he has not come to some people's negative attention ) .. he has not displayed his disorder to any one else, as yet known. It is not a disorder than can be kept secret for years, particularly from puberty onwards, and he is 22..

I am reluctant to find a mitigating factor of personality disorder, not even high. Murder is, by it's very nature, a sign of tremendous disorder in the perpetrator, but that does not signify a life long handicap.. Some people are just bad to the bone, and there it is. Here they come. Out of the blue.
The continued silence of PS regarding Samantha's body is making me wonder just what evidence LE do have. If it was something incontrovertible, eg. video from either a phone or dash cam, PS would realise there was no way around his guilt. But if LE are telling him we have been told about a snapchat post you made proving you murdered her he might be feeling more confident. A snap chat post, once it has been viewed, disappears into the ether after a very short space of time. If LE were advised of it quickly there is a chance it could be saved but I am not sure of the time frame. A witness, in court, claiming to have seen the snapchat post, would not be as strong as having the actual post. I feel that until Samantha's body has actually been recovered PS will be mute.
Once Mr S took the position of no speakies, it is entirely probable that the Detectives took the position of not informing him of what evidence they are in receipt of.. It makes a lot of sense, why show their hand? His barrister can ask for the evidence, but the police can say, well. it will be in the summary hearing , and you can request disclosure. It would not surprise me if VICPOL don't even want input from him at this stage. He has chosen this path and VICPOL will certainly allow him to follow it to it's inevitable end.
I understand that phones will ping off a phone tower they are within range of but does anyone know if that just shows all the phones that were within that range, or the specific spot the was phone was located within that range.
I think it just shows the phones within that range, like when you look at your mobile phone bill and see the suburbs where your calls were made from.

I think police would have looked at the phones in that range, then checked to see if any of the people on the list were known to them. That would've helped them narrow it down (I don't know if that's how they do things, just speculation.)

Specific locations would come from something like Google Maps.
Can I ask a random question about bail? I have googled a bit, but I'm hoping those with a bit more experience sleuthing will know the answers for Victoria. Can anyone, accused of any crime, apply for bail? AFAIK, there has been no mention of the accused applying for bail. From prior discussions here it seems that should the accused be found guilty, time spent in remand will come off his sentence, and remand is preferable to big boy prison. I would assume, based on the crime, that bail would be denied. Obviously I can't get inside anyone's head, but if you were not guilty, and confident of not being found guilty, would you not apply for bail to regain your rightful freedom? His hearing (or whatever it is) is 6 months from the time he was arrested. That's a long time just to get to the hearing, I assume a trial will then be many months later, if not a couple of years. That's a long time to sit in remand if you didn't do the crime. MOO
I strongly disagree with this statement.

Some people with severe narcissistic-psychopathic personality disorders live in a completely delusional universe in which they convince themselves they are more intelligent and brilliant than everyone else and that the usual laws and consequences do not apply to them. Although this may be hard for us to comprehend, it is not at all unusual for someone who is, for example, a malignant narcissist. I am not making any particular assertions about the accused here, but I think it’s entirely possible that a malignant narcissist would maintain his delusional views irrespective of what anyone might tell him. This degree of narcissism arises from profound relational damage early in life and is associated with magical thinking such as what you’ve described above.

My opinion is that it entirely possible that PS could be functioning within such a delusional conceptual system. PSs silence and refusal to cooperate would also seem in keeping with this hypothetical scenario. MOO.
i agree and this delusional state possibly enabled him to keep functioning in the days and weeks later, going to work and socialising etc
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