Moya was previously a part of Galbally Brothers chambers.. as was Allen, in fact... in Melbourne all these things are interchangeable, now they both work out of Parnell chambers, but that could change as time goes on. it's not unusual. Legal Aid owes no loyalty to any particular group of barristers, all have to meet a certain criteria... the DPP has a whole lot of rather silent rockstar barristers of their own, and it would be ungracious of legal aid to pit unfair advantage to either protagonist.. Public defenders get a lot of publicity, most of it good , some of it awful, but that is the challenge of the profession.
The most interesting part of this trial will be the tech stuff.... why he did it will be the least interesting, who would believe a thing he said? he can tell any story he likes, and Samantha has no say in it. Murderers can make up any yarn they like.