Searching For Anna Book: Download and Comments

I voted and posted my review. I truly love the book. Rhett.
I was just reviewing the comments on the Lulu site about SFA and must express my gratitude for the reception that the book has received. It is touching that the story of the family's search for Anna has moved so many people. I know that each day that this connection is demonstrated here on WS by your continued support and participation in the search and I am especially thankful for those who have publicly told their stories both here and on Lulu.
Thanks for all of the hard work getting it out there. I just ordered my copy - can't wait to get it. The site seems to work well
I was just reviewing the comments on the Lulu site about SFA and must express my gratitude for the reception that the book has received. It is touching that the story of the family's search for Anna has moved so many people. I know that each day that this connection is demonstrated here on WS by your continued support and participation in the search and I am especially thankful for those who have publicly told their stories both here and on Lulu.

Dr. Doogie, both you and Annasmom deserve so much respect and credit for keeping Anna's story out there. The book was amazing with so many details that I could just picture the house and the property. I have no doubt that great things will happen and Anna will be found. I don't think anyone can help but be moved by the obvious love Annasmom has for her Anna and her boys. And your love, time and effort in the search is the icing on the cake. Kudos to all who worked on this wonderful book. God will bless you richly!
What a coincidence. I have 3 "dearest friends" in my world. Anna's brother Nonda is one of them. I received my copy of the book today and promptly read it cover to cover, (4th time reading the story). I put down the book half-way through to check the mail, and got a card from one of my other dearest friends. The card showed 2 dogs with suitecases, and it is inscribed. "In life, it's not where you go, it's who you travel with."

My heart breaks again for my "Dearest Friend" Nonda and his family. I am honored to have traveled with him.

Strength and courage my friends.

There has been a delay in getting the book available on the major retail sites llike Evidently, I was supposed to include a barcode on the back of the cover. How the heck I create one is a mystery to me. I am going to contact Lulu and ask a human being how this needs to done, then we can get the book in wider distribution. Rats!
Searching for Anna is now available on and on Barnes and Noble search engines, and the total price including shipping comes to something under $20. In order to attract interest outside our own circle, we need as many reviews as possible on these sites, but apparently you have to order a book to get your review published. So far, only my "pre-publication" review appears (speak of tooting your own horn) on Amazon. Congratulations to Doogie for figuring out the bar code mystery so that all this could happen. I am assuming local bookstores can now get the book as well, if people ask for it. All in all, Doogie says we have sold about 90 copies through the Lulu site.
Four months after the initial publication on Lulu, the book has earned $271.07 in royalties after the cost (donated by family members) of Lulu's distribution package was paid. Expenses, again excluding the distribution package, have come to $494.32 for distribution copies, bookplates, postage and copyright application. Annasunc has paid the yearly fee to maintain the web page. As Doogie says, we have nowhere to go but up! Thank you, all you great souls who have posted reviews on the Lulu site and the Amazon site.
I just ordered another copy of the book through Lulu, since I gave away my original copy. I will try to spread the word however I can.
I don't think Searching for Anna is going to make the best-seller list any time soon: It's Number 1,411,306th on Amazon's list! On the other hand, it has worked its way up from Number 18,813 the day it was published on Lulu to Number 4,661st. Not bad.
I don't think Searching for Anna is going to make the best-seller list any time soon: It's Number 1,411,306th on Amazon's list!...

Yeah, but I read the other 1,411,305 in front of us and they aren't nearly as good as SFA! :python:
Did you send one to Oprah so she can make one of her book club selections? :)
Did you send one to Oprah so she can make one of her book club selections? :)
Quite a few Forum members and I have sent letters to Oprah, but there has never been any response at all, not even a form letter acknowledging the correspondence. We were hoping she would do a program on the anniversary of Anna's disappearance, and then we hoped she might do one for Missing Children's day in May...nothing. Her network has background video footage and is aware of the case. We'd want at least some indication of interest before going to the trouble and expense of sending a book which might just be discarded. Any ideas?
At a garden party this year I met a television producer and told him the story of Anna, he suggested we take her website url, and put in in a mass email to television development departments and see what response we get. As well as Production Companies I'll email networks as well, perhaps on an individual email.... or something like that.

This is a less expensive way as well to reach the masses.

The outline in the story has to sell them, has to written perfectly, I will see what I can do in creating the page .... SherlockJr where are you?! Hehehee
I don't think Searching for Anna is going to make the best-seller list any time soon: It's Number 1,411,306th on Amazon's list!

Slowly, but surely, we are moving on up - we are now #662,503 on That means that we have now passed up 737,803 other books! Number one, here we come!
Slowly, but surely, we are moving on up - we are now #662,503 on That means that we have now passed up 737,803 other books! Number one, here we come!

Yea! I hate to even admit this, but I have yet to order my copies. I want to get a copy for me, and one for a good friend who lives overseas in Doha, Qatar. (middle east) She is a real book worm, and travels extensively...she is also in a major international book club (though a web ring of some sort), and I think I could get her to suggest the book as a read.

Is Annasmom still signing book plates? (I think that is what she called them.)
Yea! I hate to even admit this, but I have yet to order my copies. I want to get a copy for me, and one for a good friend who lives overseas in Doha, Qatar. (middle east) She is a real book worm, and travels extensively...she is also in a major international book club (though a web ring of some sort), and I think I could get her to suggest the book as a read.

Is Annasmom still signing book plates? (I think that is what she called them.)

Yes, indeed. The bookplates are a smaller version of the book cover, an oil painting of Anna. I have plenty left! Just send a self-addressed stamped envelope. I'll PM the address if you don't have it. If you want Doogie's and Sherlock's signatures as well, enclose stamp and I'll send them and the sticker along.

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