Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #10

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I have been checked to see if there was any news updates about someone writing on the cross at the memorial site along the road..and I can't find any. So either it wasn't true..a story made up by someone at Topix..or it is true and it just hasn't hit the media yet. Has anyone else seen or heard anything about tis..other then at the Topix forum?

Try Page 222 at Topix. Some have suggested it was in the Henryetta paper. I have not seen it, however, so this is just hearsay.
I not only googled the Henryetta paper, but every newspaper in Oklahoma this morning looking for an article that mentioned about a cross at the site where Taylor and Skyla were found at had been descrated.

Found nothing! I noticed that there is not even a link on the Topix thread (last time I checked) to verify this as a fact.

IMO, it's heresay until I see it in writing in a newspaper article.

Thanks DD for also looking! I refuse to join that site to ask for a link to this story. However, I do know that some that post here also post there, maybe one of them can provide us a link??

I have been checked to see if there was any news updates about someone writing on the cross at the memorial site along the road..and I can't find any. So either it wasn't true..a story made up by someone at Topix..or it is true and it just hasn't hit the media yet. Has anyone else seen or heard anything about tis..other then at the Topix forum?
However, I do know that some that post here also post there, maybe one of them can provide us a link??
You don't have to join there, that's why you get so many crack-pots posting there. Anyone with Internet access can post there, no moderation, anything goes............and has unfortunately!
No thanks, have never had a desire to join. I know that I don't contribute much here at WS, but the difference between WS and Topix is like putting your clothes in the dryer first instead of the washer.

(Sorry for those who do post at Topix and here!!!!) That was NOT meant against you at all. Maybe, it's just some posters there do nothing but cause problems and it takes pages and pages to read until you read something that makes you go "hmmmmm". Good point there.

You don't have to join there, that's why you get so many crack-pots posting there. Anyone with Internet access can post there, no moderation, anything goes............and has unfortunately!
Some of the Placker Family hangs out with a rough (dangerous) bunch of "friends"....

And the Bandidos "rules" may outlaw killing children, but it doesn't prevent them from getting "outside help" (or the payback of a favor) from a former Prison Gang buddy or drug supplier associate who isn't bound by their rules. Plus, I am not sure that the "rules" apply to people outside the Bandidos - perhaps it's forbidden to kill the minor children of an out-of-favor former Bandidos member but NOT forbidden to kill the 13 year old niece of a snitch who was not a "real" member?


Motorcycle gangs have learned to manipulate the criminal justice system with courtroom maneuvers, such as filing numerous discovery motions. These motions have nothing to do with the specific case, but are iintended to gather information, such as the names of informants and law enforcement investigative techniques. The discovery process gives gangs the information they need in order to intimidate witnesses through "private investigators," who will report the witnesses' addresses to the gang.

These gangs don't simply work parallel to traditional organized crime; they cooperate on joint ventures and compete in other areas. Furthermore, their inter-gang connections with prison gangs, the Ku Klux Klan, other white supremacy groups, street gangs and drug groups have enhanced their criminal networking--allowing their tentacles to reach all parts of society.

Gangs often use "smoke screens" in their attempt to deceive the public. They want people to believe that while they may look bad on the outside, they have hearts of gold. Some of their "philanthropic" gestures have included raising funds for the Statue of Liberty restoration, carrying the Olympic torch, conducting benefits for disabled children, organizing blood drives, and involving themselves in other kinds of charity events.

And gang trends have blended into the "RUBs"--rich, urban bikers. Larger gangs recognize this and use it to their advantage. They insulate their operations not only with puppet clubs (smaller gangs), but also with other associates who believe motorcycle gangs are nothing more than fun-loving bike riders.

I find this equally as frightening for all the genuine and decent motorcycle riders that do charitable things out of the goodness of their hearts and only want to ride and enjoy the freedom of the road showing off their magnificent bikes. It is a scary thought if one of these thugs started hanging around them and they would have no clue why but thought it was just because they enjoyed riding their bikes too.

But what I cant wrap my mind around in this case is even though Pete had brothers, nephews that were unsavory characters there is nothing supporting that Pete was the same. As far as I know he doesn't even have a criminal record at all.

And why would they target someone is his family when they could easily take out one of Joe Placker's children or grandchildren.:confused:

Skyla also has a brother that is soon going to be sentenced for 2nd Degree Murder (July 29 th, iirc).

To me the Plackers never seemed to be in hiding in Weleetka. Pete works as a mechanic, Vicky works at McD and Taylor was no longer home schooled but had gone to public school since they moved there several years ago and was very active in different programs. Iirc, they even have their phone number listed in the phone book and over 500 people showed up at the funerals so I think most likely both families were well known in their communities.

Now did this "gang" come to him trying to put pressure on him to sell drugs or make meth for them and he refused?:waitasec:

And why would they target someone is his family when they could easily take out one of Joe Placker's children or grandchildren.:confused:

Skyla also has a brother that is soon going to be sentenced for 2nd Degree Murder (July 29 th, iirc).

IMO, this was a "personal" message to someone in the family of either the Plackers or the Whitakers. It could have been to both?? We don't know yet the connections of all, even with the (GREAT) help of MissHolmes and her family trees. Miss one lineage (which is possible since we don't know who the mother/father of Taylor is or even if Skyla is in fact the daughter of ??. Sorry, I have much information about Taylor but very little about Skyla because so much emphasis has been placed on the Placker family.

IMO, too late for a vendetta because Skyla's brother is going to be sentenced no matter what. He is still in jail, right?
For the past few days I've read and reread the threads about this case. For some reason I don't get the feeling the girls were murdered for revenge. I think they were murdered so they'd be quiet.
I am greatly disappointed that an arrest hasn't been made.

IMO, this was a "personal" message to someone in the family of either the Plackers or the Whitakers. It could have been to both?? We don't know yet the connections of all, even with the (GREAT) help of MissHolmes and her family trees. Miss one lineage (which is possible since we don't know who the mother/father of Taylor is or even if Skyla is in fact the daughter of ??. Sorry, I have much information about Taylor but very little about Skyla because so much emphasis has been placed on the Placker family.

IMO, too late for a vendetta because Skyla's brother is going to be sentenced no matter what. He is still in jail, right?

I would think he is still in jail awaiting sentencing on the 29th.

The trial against Graham, one of the main co-defendants, Gordon is supposed to testify against him, I believe is to commence around July 14th.

It may be personal, none of us really knows but I don't see it as a personal crime. Imo it was very cold, methodical, calculating and devoid of any feelings. Sounds more like someone with psychopathic traits imo.

I just read an article on here where a man was stabbed over 190 times and it turned out not to be anyone known to him or the other man that was also murdered but was done because of a burglary. So what I am saying even a stranger can be ruthless and mean as heck and can fly into a fiendish rage even if they don't know the people.

For the past few days I've read and reread the threads about this case. For some reason I don't get the feeling the girls were murdered for revenge. I think they were murdered so they'd be quiet.
I am greatly disappointed that an arrest hasn't been made.
You and I both!! I can't believe there hasn't been ANY movement in this case that we have heard of. It is beyond me what is really going on with LE and the OSBI! They need to hold a presser and explain themselves. (I wonder if anything will be on AMW tonight?! They have let us down so much until now...I rather doubt it...but I am going to watch anyway.)
I find this equally as frightening for all the genuine and decent motorcycle riders that do charitable things out of the goodness of their hearts and only want to ride and enjoy the freedom of the road showing off their magnificent bikes. It is a scary thought if one of these thugs started hanging around them and they would have no clue why but thought it was just because they enjoyed riding their bikes too.

But what I cant wrap my mind around in this case is even though Pete had brothers, nephews that were unsavory characters there is nothing supporting that Pete was the same. As far as I know he doesn't even have a criminal record at all.

And why would they target someone is his family when they could easily take out one of Joe Placker's children or grandchildren

Skyla also has a brother that is soon going to be sentenced for 2nd Degree Murder (July 29 th, iirc).

To me the Plackers never seemed to be in hiding in Weleetka.
Pete works as a mechanic, Vicky works at McD and Taylor was no longer home schooled but had gone to public school since they moved there several years ago and was very active in different programs. Iirc, they even have their phone number listed in the phone book and over 500 people showed up at the funerals so I think most likely both families were well known in their communities.

Now did this "gang" come to him trying to put pressure on him to sell drugs or make meth for them and he refused?:waitasec:


Maybe the fact that they were EASY to find made them a better target??

I have been around and around on the motive for this and WHO could have done it the way it was done and I just keep coming back to someone was watching the Plackers and Taylor and Skyla walked out of the house ALONE and UNSUPERVISED on a Sunday afternoon (when most people are off work) and became the target for someone (even a hired/payback killer) who had a score to settle with SOMEONE/ANYONE associated with the Placker family. (and I think it was the Plackers, not the Whitakers).

People (especially druggies) who are PO about the kids "seeing something" do not come prepared to pull off a bloody, brutal murder of KIDS in broad daylight on a busy road - much less get away clean and stay out of sight for a month. They also don't stand around in the road next to their truck (with two dead girls 10' away) for a while so everyone passing can get a real good look at them.

It's the coldness and the calmness of the POI combined with the facts we know that make me believe he did it and he went to do it. And say what you like about organized and unorganized killers, this guy obviously has no fear of anyone or anything - and was not acting like he'd just gunned down two girls while they looked at him - shot them in THE FACE no less. Some tweaked out meth head would have been FREAKING, as would a teenager, and what "thrill killer" sits on a county road 300 feet from a house in broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon with TWO GUNS and patiently waits (for hours) for someone to walk by??

I think this excuse for a human being sat (or drove up and down) on the road that intersects County Line Road (the one just past the Placker home) watching the Placker house (or watching from the woods in that area). I think he SAW Skyla and Taylor walk out of the house and head toward the bridge. I think he waited for cars to get by so no-one was on County Line Road and then drove his truck around - and he killed the girls where they happened to be (walking toward him) at the time he had an unobserved moment. I think this is why OSBI spent so much time doing ground and air mapping of the AREA - thinking this guy was waiting somewhere. The may have tried this before and never managed to get to one of the Plackers alone or without someone driving by at the wrong time, or too many people using the bridge area, etc. I think he was patient and he went to KILL.

I think the tire tracks were like he turned around because he had to move the truck around to HIDE the view of the bodies until he could leave the area ..because he saw/heard cars coming. I think the truck was stolen and the guns were untracable and there was no DNA or fingerprints on the shell casings and he was NOT from the area. I think he was prepared and calm and cool and careful. And I am glad no-one stopped and got out of their car to "help" (or walked by on foot) him because I think he would have killed them too. And I also think the sketch is so accurate because someone DID stop and talk to him either at the crime scene or where he was hanging out nearby before the murders - a "do ya need help" conversation thru their car window. And the POI never lost his cool, people saw him, they LOOKED at him, he may even have talked to one of them and yet he didn't draw any attention to himself, didn't run away, didn't panic. HE had to think SOMEONE might be calling LE - yet he didn't "run" or act nervous or guilty. He got away clean - just like I think he planned it. Within the hour this guy was in a different vehicle, wearing different clothes, and either looked totally different OR was driving a sedate 55 on the way to his safe place.

Transient or fixed location Serial Killers usually kill one victim at a time and there is some signature or a "personal statement" - and we have no other murders matching this one and they usually want PRIVACY to do their killing. SK's want access to victims - a selection sort of - some do target specific victims but don't usually hang out in random rural areas hoping someone comes walking along alone and strikes their fancy. They usually have a "type" they are stalking - little girls, little boys, women with long hair, hookers, teenage boys...etc Why on earth would a SK sit on County Line Road in full view and wait for a potential victim to walk by? And this doesn't appear to be sexual in the least - he didn't want sex, he didn't want to kidnap or "keep" them, he didn't want to "enjoy" them, hide them away, he didn't want to confront the family in their PRIVATE. This sure seems to me like the killer had a "mission" - to make someone who would mean something to the targeted "enemy" DEAD - and the whole thing was carefully planned in advance to give the killer the best chance of getting away clean and easy....this is obviously not a run-of-the-mill stupid, hot-headed, stoned criminal.

I am open to other ideas, if people have a different idea I'd love to hear how you think it went down and why - but I have run endless variations and this one just keeps turning up as the most logical again and again.

My Opinion
I have thought for a long time that this was a calling card. Amessage to LE to backoff in some type of investigation they were doing or there would be more innocent blood shed.
Again, not one single word on AMW! No sketch. No mention of the girls! I am not going to watch that show anymore. It has turned into a piece of carp as far as I am concerned. Most of tonite's show went on and on about a case that was solved and went to trial already. While I am sure it was difficult on the girl that was raped in that case, the show is supposed to be about bringing people to justice and finding them is the most important part of that! I am just steamed at John Walsh and that whole organization at this point!! GRRRR!
Again, not one single word on AMW! No sketch. No mention of the girls! I am not going to watch that show anymore. It has turned into a piece of carp as far as I am concerned. Most of tonite's show went on and on about a case that was solved and went to trial already. While I am sure it was difficult on the girl that was raped in that case, the show is supposed to be about bringing people to justice and finding them is the most important part of that! I am just steamed at John Walsh and that whole organization at this point!! GRRRR!
I quit even watching as John has just become a showman! So much they even post on their site is either old news, or inaccurate.
I quit even watching as John has just become a showman! So much they even post on their site is either old news, or inaccurate.
Yes, I have noticed the inaccuracies and how things are never up-to-date on that front either. Sad. They used to be on the ball. What happened?! I guess the show went "Hollywood".
You and I both!! I can't believe there hasn't been ANY movement in this case that we have heard of. It is beyond me what is really going on with LE and the OSBI! They need to hold a presser and explain themselves. (I wonder if anything will be on AMW tonight?! They have let us down so much until now...I rather doubt it...but I am going to watch anyway.)

It's nuts isn't it? The crime happened in such a small community that I felt sure an arrest would be made quickly. Maybe forensics are being completed. :waitasec:
You got that right FlowerGirl.
People (especially druggies) who are PO about the kids "seeing something" do not come prepared to pull off a bloody, brutal murder of KIDS in broad daylight on a busy road - much less get away clean and stay out of sight for a month. They also don't stand around in the road next to their truck (with two dead girls 10' away) for a while so everyone passing can get a real good look at them.
I have thought for a long time that this was a calling card. A message to LE to backoff in some type of investigation they were doing or there would be more innocent blood shed.
:eek: Now that is an avenue I had not explored. Interesting!
I wonder if the murderer hung around to watch the girls die because he is a sadist. I heard this on a fictional television show last night, but early on the psychologist on Nancy Grace suggested that the act of killing in this way could be sexual for the murderer even if the girls were not molested or raped by this monster.
FlowerChild once again I have to agree with you.
Also Druggies are tweaking not calm enough.
FlowerChild once again I have to agree with you.
Also Druggies are tweaking not calm enough.

Drug runners are not druggies. Many don't even use. I think drug runners ARE calm enough, and if the killings centered on drug sales, this was not a small time operation.

My theories change daily as I sort through the info. This could very well have been a revenge killing. If so, no one is talking nor do I think they will. $40,000 hasn't gotten any info.

I think many people are coming to the conclusion that OSBI was incorrect when they stated the killer(s) was local. If he shot them w/o as much as touching them, there would likely be no DNA. Cold case?
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