Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #10

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Drug runners do come prepared to take down anyone they may feel is in their way so to speak of completing their work. For a long while I have thought the girls saw something they shouldn't have somewhere on their walk. But now I am not sure of anything. I had really hoped with the round up of all the people with outstanding warrants a couple of weeks ago they would have hit upon someone willing to talk. I guess not. Also the $40,000 is a lot of money..but if these are organized drug runners no one will deem it worth their life. This case has gone cold very quickly.
I just had an idea.. The various names we came up with in the beginning..go back over & see if any arrest have been made lately.
I find your ideas, FlowerChild, very reasonable.

However I am not so sure what happened here or why it happened. I don't know if anyone was watching the Plackers for it seems the neighbors in the area are quite astute and I think that would have been noticed maybe even by the Plackers themselves as this is the access road to get in and out. I do feel they were targeted but I am not sure if it wasn't a spontaneous combustion where the killer saw two young girls vulnerable and alone making them easy targets. I don't know if there may have been something said between the girls and the shooter before he even got to this point. It does bother me though that we see everyday that really no one even has to have a motive to kill another person other than sudden rage and a desire to want to.

We really aren't privy to what LE means when they say "local" imo. They may consider him local if they think he is in one of the surrounding counties as well and thinks he would have knowledge of that road and may have traveled it in the past.

I am not ready to discount anything. From what we have learned of the Whitaker family they too have serious offenses in their family and there may be more out there on their family members that we are unaware of at this time. And the person who committed murder was not an extended member of Skyla's family but her own sibling. So at this time the possibility for me it could be a target message to the Whitakers or the Plackers or neither one of them.

What I do not believe though is if either family knew of anyone at all that would do such a horrible cruel thing to theses girls, that they would remain silent about it. It has been said that Peter Placker took a polygraph test and passed and one of the first questions an examiner ask the person is "do you know of anyone who would kill the girls". If he was holding back anything his blood pressure would immediately elevate and throw up a red flag.

It may be a targeted hit against one of the families but I believe neither family has a clue why anyone would do this to these girls. I think just like us, they languish in sorrow wanting to know who,why and how could someone do this, just like we all do.

It is much better mentally on the public as a whole, I guess to think their deaths were specifically tied to them only in someway but that is not the case every time. Sometimes evil just lurks and explodes in very unsuspecting tranquil places.

I have thought for a long time that this was a calling card. Amessage to LE to backoff in some type of investigation they were doing or there would be more innocent blood shed.

Wow, now that is a new theory that is very interesting indeed.

Isn't OSBI supposed to be coming down really hard on these meth dealers?

McIntire was once skeptical that Mexican traffickers were pumping far more meth into Oklahoma than local cooks. He has become a believer.

"There are hundreds of pounds of methamphetamine moved through small towns all over our area," he said. "And until recently, we had no idea that these people even existed."

Penetrating Mexican drug cartels is by no means simple, police are finding.
90 held in DEA raids on gangs

Thursday, October 11, 2007

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents have arrested 90 persons in raids on suspected violent street gangs in Oklahoma that purportedly distributed methamphetamine, cocaine, crack cocaine and marijuana at the Creek Indian gaming facilities and adjacent Indian lands.

James L. Capra, special agent in charge of the DEA's Dallas field division, said members of the agency's Mobile Enforcement Team (MET) seized more than 725 grams of methamphetamine, 345 grams of cocaine powder, 500 grams of crack cocaine, and 255 grams of marijuana in the probe, along with six weapons.

Mr. Capra said targets of the federal probe included leaders of "extremely dangerous and violent organizations" planted in east-central Oklahoma by a street gang in Muskogee known as the 107 Hoover Crips, which has been tied to numerous homicides in the area. He said the Crips and the Bloods in Okmulgee County were also targets of the investigation.


Mr. Capra said 90 persons have been charged and others will be charged as a result of the investigation. He said many of those charged were arrested Tuesday morning in and around Muskogee, Okmulgee and Tulsa, Okla.
(Bolded by me)
I wonder if the murderer hung around to watch the girls die because he is a sadist. I heard this on a fictional television show last night, but early on the psychologist on Nancy Grace suggested that the act of killing in this way could be sexual for the murderer even if the girls were not molested or raped by this monster.
I would assume he (the killer) would want to do this in private. Alongside a busy road does NOT give him time to relish his act.

There were PRIVATE AREAS right there.....alongside the creek, a little further off the road and they girls wouldn't have been found for hours, maybe days. The killer, it seems, wanted the girls to be found ASAP.

And drug runners are "cool characters" but they don't KILL PEOPLE every day. Cool when transporting drugs is one thing, cool when chasing down and killing two girls in cold blood because they "saw something" is another. Unless the girls KNEW the runners, there was no need to kill them...what could they tell??? They saw two guys and it looked like they were unloading some packages?? Plus, it doesn't make sense. No drug runner with an ounce of sense would plan to do ANYTHING on that busy road. They would have checked out the area 1st and chosen another spot, more private. And it seems the Killer was WAITING on the girls to wallk to him?? How would someone who thought the girls "saw something" engineer THAT? And WHY would he take that time when he could have just gunned them down on the spot where they "saw something" and split?

And how would the killer have known the girls were walking alone unless he was watching? I don't think he just drove up and happened to see them and lost was too well planned to be that random. If it was just a spur of the moment thing - how would the random killer know that there wasn't an adult (or two with guns?) walking with the girls? How would he know there wouldn't be any witnesses to the murder in that spot? How would he know no-one was watching? Heck, if it hadn't been that Skyla's Mother was coming within minutes (something the killer could NOT have known by watching) it might have been typically more like an hour or MORE before someone went looking for the girls. I am still not sure that the phone call or GPa CALLING (yelling) at the girls (from say the driveway) didn't cause the killer to have to "rush" a bit - don't think he was expecting THAT.

And if it was Skyla that was targeted by her association with her step-brother then why was the killer at the Placker house? Did he follow her there on Friday and wait 2 days to kill her? Skyla's GMa said Skyla was always running all over the place at home alone or with her little sister --- why wouldn't the killer have shot her there? If the killer came from Kansas and was relying on the Whitaker address, he wouldn't have been at Taylor's house, he would have been at Skyla's - and he would have just waited until he could kill one of the Whitakers. It wouldn't be much of a message to the Whitakers (or Skyla's step-brother) to kill Skyla while she was at someone else's house 15 miles away (someone that had no connection to the family in Kansas).

And GPa Placker probably doesn't know who or why - it isn't like the person within the family is going to TELL HIM that Taylor was killed because of THEM! And perhaps GPa Placker is unaware that someone within the family is in deep doo doo with a bad bunch of people? GPa seems like he stayed out of trouble ( a white sheep among a sea of black ones?) and so did GMa. That's admirable - but they are still part of a FAMILY that seems mired in the endless jail-prison-parole (with a lot of drug/use arrests) spiral. Based on the funeral and other info, it appears the family remains close - Taylor was around a LOT of ex-cons in her young life - and unlike the Whitakers, the Plackers didn't move far away - it seemed like they moved CLOSER to many of them. Heck, Taylor might have been safer in OKC?

Like I said, if someone has a better theory I would love to hear it. There is somethink hinky in this case and some reason OSBI is silent only a MONTH after it happened. We are missing SOMETHING here - something that will make it all make sense. There is no information, so we might as well run a lot of scenarios. Like maybe this was an online stalker?

I cannot help but think there's a connection that leads from someone in Taylor's world straight to Taylor OR the Paschal-Plackers....
...but if it was Skyla who was the target - that we may NEVER get a solution unless somebody talks - it was too far removed from her and her family.

I don't think this is a killer who will repeat - I think he was doing a "job" - or something he felt he had to do. While he might kill again, it won't be kids - don't think that's his thing and he probably didn't enjoy it - I think he looked at it as a "task" - If it is the POI it certainly seems he was very detached - almost clinical.

No, it's not out of fear more innocent girls will be killed that I want the crazy, evil SOB who did this CAUGHT, NOW - but because those angels deserve better than the Girl Scouts have had for 30 years - to have this solved and the assurance that their killer is paying the price for his actions.

My Opinion
I think you are absolutely wrong about drug runners not killing people on a regular basis. Want me to cite the gangland style killings which occur on a "regular" basis in and around Oklahoma?!
I think you are absolutely wrong about drug runners not killing people on a regular basis. Want me to cite the gangland style killings which occur on a "regular" basis in and around Oklahoma?!
Gangland style killings do not mean the killers were drug runners. Drug runners transport drugs - the dealers and others in the organization usually do the killing. Drug runners are sometimes themselves killed, usually by someone in their own or a rival organization. None of these involve unrelated girls being killed alone on a country road for no apparent reason.

This was not a "gang killing" or a simple "drive-by" killing from a rival gang. What "gang" were they targeting out on County Line Road? Were the killers just driving around rural OK looking to kill someone? They didn't find anyone to randomly kill in Weleetka?? Along the main highway?

This just doesn't seem gang related or drug related - at least not in a "direct" way. It just doesn't fit the crime scene or the location. Again - why the girls? What could they have known or seen?

My Opinion
I think there are many things they could have seen that day on that country road to get them executed in such a way. I have also seen many stories on how people are shot in "execution style" which I consider gangland style with the kill shot and emptying the guns into them and are definitely gang/drugs related. Drug & gun runners/drug dealers/gangbangers have a long history of killing people who snitch or might snitch.

How are you so absolutely SURE this isn't gang related?! Where do you think gangbangers go to kill snitches? While some do drop them anywhere, there are some who take them to the outskirts of town.
I think there are many things they could have seen that day on that country road to get them executed in such a way. I have also seen many stories on how people are shot in "execution style" which I consider gangland style with the kill shot and emptying the guns into them and are definitely gang/drugs related. Drug & gun runners/drug dealers/gangbangers have a long history of killing people who snitch or might snitch.

How are you so absolutely SURE this isn't gang related?! Where do you think gangbangers go to kill snitches? While some do drop them anywhere, there are some who take them to the outskirts of town.
Where is the dead snitch? Taylor and Skyla certainly weren't snitches. What do propose they could have seen that NONE of the many people who drove by saw? The person that saw Skyla and Taylor minutes before they were killed didn't see anything going on or anyone chasing them. The people who saw the POI in detail didn't see anything going on, nobody saw anything "going on" but LOTS of people saw the girls and the POI.

Yes, there are gang killings and drug organization killings, but of people who are INVOLVED, not two unrelated girls on a country road. Gangs and Drug Cartels kill to send a message or shut someone up who knows something. Not two anonymous kids who walked by them on a dirt road in rural OK. Not for NO REASON. And this wasn't a drive-by - if the POI is the killer he was just sittin' there waiting on the girls to approach. And if they were shot under the chin, it wasn't a drive-by - somebody GOT OUT OF THE CAR to make SURE the girls were indeed dead. If Taylor and Skyla were killed by an organization or a gang it was because someone was being sent a message - someone in one of their families. And they were the target only because they were convenient and important to the family - not because they saw something on their walk.

It definitely could be a gang or drug "cartel" related killing, but one that is connected to one of the girls' families (probably Taylor's) - and not because of something they accidentally saw on their walk. THAT just doesn't fit the scenario. It wasn't like the girls walked up to a house where they were cooking meth or were out in the remote woods and saw some guy tending his marijuana field or accidentally took some guy's brick of coke or heroin and wouldn't give it back. They were walking down the road - people saw them walking down the road - they weren't out exploring the woods or the fields - they were wearing shorts and had a chihuahau with them for heaven's sake. They didn't run or call for help or ANYTHING that leads me to believe they saw ANYTHING before the killer shot them down 300 yards from Taylor's house. If they left around 4:30 and were dead by 5:10 they weren't doing anything except strolling down the road - just like the witness (or witnesses) said they were.

Even the Bandidos and Organized Drug Organizations don't have members driving around in rural Ok shooting random people. They kill people for a REASON - they aren't going to take a chance of getting caught and getting the DP just for grins and giggles on a Sunday afternoon. They are organized and they have rules - rules that do not include killing random girls walking around who "might" have seen something - especially if they had drugs, cash, guns or even a dead body in the vehicle with them. Too risky. They would have run, not stuck around to kill two MORE people. I can assure you the POI wasn't standing in the roadway with 2 girl's bodies right there if he had drugs or guns or a dead body in his truck.

Was it gang or drug related - maybe - but not anonymous or random - if it was gang or drug related then someone in one of the families was the de-facto "target" of the "message".

But as always that's just,
My Opinion
Okay I'll make this easy..I think the girls saw a drug deal, a drug payoff, or found someone's lab or stash. They didn't mean to and may not have even registered with them what they saw. They saw it that day or the day before on their walk. The person in the truck was a lookout and waiting. The girls were killed because they saw something someone else didn't want reported. The truck I feel never belonged to the NA , I think that he is long gone and so are the others. The truck if it is being driven, is being driven by someone who looks nothing like him. Because he was standing by the truck doesn't mean he owned it. I still if you get the tag number for the truck you will eventually get to the bottom of this. As far as I know they never put out an APB for that these others feel like they are in the clear.

As far as drug runners, drug dealers and drug users..half to more then 75 % of crime in large cities involves drugs..stealing, murder, prostitution, etc. It is a huge problem and it is a war zone out there. I think it is finally infiltrating places that people never thought it would.
this case has just gone silent. nothing from le. nothing from reporters. nothing

Why aren't the people of Oklahoma furious? They should be up in arms and demanding media attention. Lots of media attention. It should be on every news channel, everyday. If these girls were black, the blacks in Oklahoma would be crying foul. They would be rioting that nothing is being done that le is not trying because the girls were black. Jessie Jackson would be on Nancy Grace, there would be lawsuits, Al Sharpton would be on Greta, Barack Obama would be talking about it, the blacks would be rioting in the streets, picketing everywhere. They would come together to make a stance.

But nothing.

Hey you people of Oklahoma - get pissed!!!!!!! Do something about it!!!!!

I am outraged that this has is not in the news and on National TV constantly :furious:
he person in the truck was a lookout and waiting.

I'd almost buy that. However, It seems like from 4:30 to 5:00, the girls' walk was relatively uneventful. If he was a lookout, he'd have been there a while. Why not kill them earlier rather than later? The road couldn't have been busy all of those 30 minutes.

From what I gather from reports, the truck isn't there until just before the girls are killed. Did he just get lucky and decide to watch the girls house and voila, they were coming back from the bridge?

I just dont' see how if he was watching for them, he would have been there longer and noticed before the girls were killed. Maybe he was and we just haven't been given that information.

In a timeline I did, there is a conundrum. If the girls were walking quickly, (anything above 2.0 mph) they would have completed the walk by 5:00. If they were walking quickly, they had to stop for almost 15 minutes along the way. If they were walking slowly, (below 1.25 mph) they don't have time to make the bridge and *almost* back home. I suppose a quick walk up there, rest or play around the bridge a bit, and then come back. The thing is though, that they would be at the bridge really near 5:00 p.m. Is that when a drug deal or something else would occur, right up at the hour? I don't know.
What I'd like to see released by the LE is the trajectory of the shots. How they think the girls were killed. Nearly all the statements they've released, as well as kept close to their vests, indicates, imoo, they think a group of people shot the girls, with one person possibly being there, but not shooting, or just witnessing the incident.

Were it not for reports that the POI had the truck parked at a weird, almost impassable angle, I'd almost buy that someone else might have done the deed and he witnessed it from a distance, but for some reason the shooters got spooked and didn't take care of him. The weird angle of his truck though indicates he was trying to block the view of the girls' bodies from the road.

I keep going back to the truck, why it couldn't be identified as a Ford or a Chevy. We surmised that the witnesses had to get a good view of the truck from the rear because they noticed the OK license plates. I'm wondering if the truck's tailgate was down, hiding from view the manufacturer's logo, and he was going to get the girl's body before the road got too busy for him to do that.

If that was the case, what message would it send to steal the bodies? I can see gunning them down in cold blood would be a message, but it we don't know if he was going to move the bodies or not.
this case has just gone silent. nothing from le. nothing from reporters. nothing

Why aren't the people of Oklahoma furious? They should be up in arms and demanding media attention. Lots of media attention. It should be on every news channel, everyday. If these girls were black, the blacks in Oklahoma would be crying foul. They would be rioting that nothing is being done that le is not trying because the girls were black. Jessie Jackson would be on Nancy Grace, there would be lawsuits, Al Sharpton would be on Greta, Barack Obama would be talking about it, the blacks would be rioting in the streets, picketing everywhere. They would come together to make a stance.

But nothing.

Hey you people of Oklahoma - get pissed!!!!!!! Do something about it!!!!!

I am outraged that this has is not in the news and on National TV constantly :furious:

Well we certainly have seen this happen before with many other cases. News travels quickly then the same news drops out of sight within a couple of weeks or even less.

I am not giving up on OSBI. We don't even know if the area OK reporters are even contacting them about the case.

Maybe they do already know who the POI is and is carefully trying to infiltrate where they think he is located. Maybe they have set up surveillance on where he may be hiding rather than rushing in to do battle with the group that may be hiding him out...hoping he will venture out of his safe zone.
Well we certainly have seen this happen before with many other cases. News travels quickly then the same news drops out of sight within a couple of weeks or even less.

I am not giving up on OSBI. We don't even know if the area OK reporters are even contacting them about the case.

Maybe they do already know who the POI is and is carefully trying to infiltrate where they think he is located. Maybe they have set up surveillance on where he may be hiding rather than rushing in to do battle with the group that may be hiding him out...hoping he will venture out of his safe zone.
Boy Ocean, I certainly hope so. I can't believe how quickly this story went away in the media, and even before the Brooke Bennett Amber Alert hit the news.
Sex sells though, even if it's perverted sex offender sex. News media jumps on anything "sexy" and this story is not like that.
I hope we hear something within the next few weeks.
Has anyone mentioned this entry In
Guest Book for

Skyla Jade Whitaker

Page 21 of 30

June 10, 2008
Rose and family,
Randy & I were so sorry to hear the news. Thank-you again for protecting Jennifer from harm. God Bless You!
Randy & Karen
(Seneca, MO)
I still question how the witness saw the color of this guys eyes.
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