I wonder if the murderer hung around to watch the girls die because he is a sadist. I heard this on a fictional television show last night, but early on the psychologist on Nancy Grace suggested that the act of killing in this way could be sexual for the murderer even if the girls were not molested or raped by this monster.
I would assume he (the killer) would want to do this in private. Alongside a busy road does NOT give him time to relish his act.
There were PRIVATE AREAS right there.....alongside the creek, a little further off the road and they girls wouldn't have been found for hours, maybe days. The killer, it seems, wanted the girls to be found ASAP.
And drug runners are "cool characters" but they don't KILL PEOPLE every day. Cool when transporting drugs is one thing, cool when chasing down and killing two girls in cold blood because they "saw something" is another. Unless the girls KNEW the runners, there was no need to kill them...what could they tell??? They saw two guys and it looked like they were unloading some packages?? Plus, it doesn't make sense. No drug runner with an ounce of sense would plan to do ANYTHING on that busy road. They would have checked out the area 1st and chosen another spot, more private. And it seems the Killer was WAITING on the girls to wallk to him?? How would someone who thought the girls "saw something" engineer THAT? And WHY would he take that time when he could have just gunned them down on the spot where they "saw something" and split?
And how would the killer have known the girls were walking alone unless he was watching? I don't think he just drove up and happened to see them and lost it....it was too well planned to be that random. If it was just a spur of the moment thing - how would the random killer know that there wasn't an adult (or two with guns?) walking with the girls? How would he know there wouldn't be any witnesses to the murder in that spot? How would he know no-one was watching? Heck, if it hadn't been that Skyla's Mother was coming within minutes (something the killer could NOT have known by watching) it might have been typically more like an hour or MORE before someone went looking for the girls. I am still not sure that the phone call or GPa CALLING (yelling) at the girls (from say the driveway) didn't cause the killer to have to "rush" a bit - don't think he was expecting THAT.
And if it was Skyla that was targeted by her association with her step-brother then why was the killer at the Placker house? Did he follow her there on Friday and wait 2 days to kill her? Skyla's GMa said Skyla was always running all over the place at home alone or with her little sister --- why wouldn't the killer have shot her there? If the killer came from Kansas and was relying on the Whitaker address, he wouldn't have been at Taylor's house, he would have been at Skyla's - and he would have just waited until he could kill one of the Whitakers. It wouldn't be much of a message to the Whitakers (or Skyla's step-brother) to kill Skyla while she was at someone else's house 15 miles away (someone that had no connection to the family in Kansas).
And GPa Placker probably doesn't know who or why - it isn't like the person within the family is going to TELL HIM that Taylor was killed because of THEM! And perhaps GPa Placker is unaware that someone within the family is in deep doo doo with a bad bunch of people? GPa seems like he stayed out of trouble ( a white sheep among a sea of black ones?) and so did GMa. That's admirable - but they are still part of a FAMILY that seems mired in the endless jail-prison-parole (with a lot of drug/use arrests) spiral. Based on the funeral and other info, it appears the family remains close - Taylor was around a LOT of ex-cons in her young life - and unlike the Whitakers, the Plackers didn't move far away - it seemed like they moved CLOSER to many of them. Heck, Taylor might have been safer in OKC?
Like I said, if someone has a better theory I would love to hear it. There is somethink hinky in this case and some reason OSBI is silent only a MONTH after it happened. We are missing SOMETHING here - something that will make it all make sense. There is no information, so we might as well run a lot of scenarios. Like maybe this was an online stalker?
I cannot help but think there's a connection that leads from someone in Taylor's world straight to Taylor OR the Paschal-Plackers....
...but if it was Skyla who was the target - that we may NEVER get a solution unless somebody talks - it was too far removed from her and her family.
I don't think this is a killer who will repeat - I think he was doing a "job" - or something he felt he had to do. While he might kill again, it won't be kids - don't think that's his thing and he probably didn't enjoy it - I think he looked at it as a "task" - If it is the POI it certainly seems he was very detached - almost clinical.
No, it's not out of fear more innocent girls will be killed that I want the crazy, evil SOB who did this CAUGHT, NOW - but because those angels deserve better than the Girl Scouts have had for 30 years - to have this solved and the assurance that their killer is paying the price for his actions.
My Opinion