Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #10

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Haven't had time to keep up with this forum the past few days, but I check in daily HOPING to see a new thread that says "POI Arrested". Praying that this case can and will be solved and that justice will be served for these two young angels.
Has anyone mentioned this entry In
Guest Book for

Skyla Jade Whitaker

Page 21 of 30

June 10, 2008
Rose and family,
Randy & I were so sorry to hear the news. Thank-you again for protecting Jennifer from harm. God Bless You!
Randy & Karen
(Seneca, MO)

Get Smart~
I did read this and I thought it was quite strange.
this case has just gone silent. nothing from le. nothing from reporters. nothing

Hey you people of Oklahoma - get pissed!!!!!!! Do something about it!!!!!

I am outraged that this has is not in the news and on National TV constantly :furious:
We are...but when the media tells you that LE is giving them nothing to do a story on...well...not much we can do about that. Putting pressure on the media is fine, but LE doesn't have to respond to them either.

Why aren't the people of AZ up in arms about Brianna Dennison?! I don't see anything on her case anymore in the AZ press either. Same can't force the press to create stories out of nothing.
This is very interesting FYI...

This article, written by a dispatcher who works for a large police agency in Arizona. This is just a snippet the article is great. But I have ??? about somethings.

Questions that we always ask include:
Is anybody hurt and how hurt are they (e.g. unconscious, breathing, walking
around, etc.)?
Are there any dogs?
Has anyone been drinking or seem like they have been?
Has anyone been doing any drugs or seem like they have been?
Are there any children involved or around now or when it happened?
Are there any weapons involved (you or the bad guys)?
There are literally loads of other questions we will ask depending on what
you're calling about. If you volunteer this information without us asking it
makes our job easier and gets the information to those responding quicker.
People and Vehicle Descriptions
If there are people involved, tell the dispatcher who the players are. It is
just as important for us to know who the innocent people are as well as the BGs ,if there is any reason why a LEO would approach them cautiously. Descriptions of people should include: ethnicity (What they look like, not their family tree; e.g. white/black/Hispanic/native American/Asian/etc.), gender, if they have a hat/what kind/color, hair color and length (approximate), shirt type and major color(s), pants/shorts/dress/etc. (including major color(s)), if they are wearing a jacket (type and major color(s)), shoes (if possible), and any unique characteristics (huge mustache, bushy beard, extremely short skirt, large
spiked hair, numerous piercings on the face, tattoos, etc). We also need to know if they are still there or left and if they left which direction they were last seen going.
When a vehicle is involved, we don't necessarily need to know what manufacturer made the car or the specific model. Unless you are absolutely 100% sure as to what it is and can quote the engineering schematics, we prefer general descriptions of the vehicle. ???????
We need to know the following: color (!), type of vehicle (station wagon, sedan, coupe, pickup truck -- with or without camper shell, SUV, motor home, farm equipment, semi-truck, etc.), year of the vehicle (older, newer, or approximate decade will do just fine), any unique characteristics (e.g. chrome wheels/rims, bumper/window stickers, dents, broken/cracked glass, etc), how many people are in the vehicle (as well as their descriptions, if possible), license plate and state issued (if you can get it, partial plates are still helpful), and the direction the vehicle was last seen going in.

General Information and Conclusion
Try to volunteer as much information as you can without being questioned. As I said already, the faster we get information the faster we can get it out to those responding and those in the area. If we need more information, we will ask for it.
I still question how the witness saw the color of this guys eyes.
If he were staring them down, that one is easy. Then again, the forensic artist should be able to answer if he took license on the coloring of the eyes due to his skin tone and hair color. It is possible.
Where is the dead snitch? Taylor and Skyla certainly weren't snitches. What do propose they could have seen that NONE of the many people who drove by saw? The person that saw Skyla and Taylor minutes before they were killed didn't see anything going on or anyone chasing them. The people who saw the POI in detail didn't see anything going on, nobody saw anything "going on" but LOTS of people saw the girls and the POI.

Yes, there are gang killings and drug organization killings, but of people who are INVOLVED, not two unrelated girls on a country road. Gangs and Drug Cartels kill to send a message or shut someone up who knows something. Not two anonymous kids who walked by them on a dirt road in rural OK. Not for NO REASON. And this wasn't a drive-by - if the POI is the killer he was just sittin' there waiting on the girls to approach. And if they were shot under the chin, it wasn't a drive-by - somebody GOT OUT OF THE CAR to make SURE the girls were indeed dead. If Taylor and Skyla were killed by an organization or a gang it was because someone was being sent a message - someone in one of their families. And they were the target only because they were convenient and important to the family - not because they saw something on their walk.

It definitely could be a gang or drug "cartel" related killing, but one that is connected to one of the girls' families (probably Taylor's) - and not because of something they accidentally saw on their walk. THAT just doesn't fit the scenario. It wasn't like the girls walked up to a house where they were cooking meth or were out in the remote woods and saw some guy tending his marijuana field or accidentally took some guy's brick of coke or heroin and wouldn't give it back. They were walking down the road - people saw them walking down the road - they weren't out exploring the woods or the fields - they were wearing shorts and had a chihuahau with them for heaven's sake. They didn't run or call for help or ANYTHING that leads me to believe they saw ANYTHING before the killer shot them down 300 yards from Taylor's house. If they left around 4:30 and were dead by 5:10 they weren't doing anything except strolling down the road - just like the witness (or witnesses) said they were.

Even the Bandidos and Organized Drug Organizations don't have members driving around in rural Ok shooting random people. They kill people for a REASON - they aren't going to take a chance of getting caught and getting the DP just for grins and giggles on a Sunday afternoon. They are organized and they have rules - rules that do not include killing random girls walking around who "might" have seen something - especially if they had drugs, cash, guns or even a dead body in the vehicle with them. Too risky. They would have run, not stuck around to kill two MORE people. I can assure you the POI wasn't standing in the roadway with 2 girl's bodies right there if he had drugs or guns or a dead body in his truck.

Was it gang or drug related - maybe - but not anonymous or random - if it was gang or drug related then someone in one of the families was the de-facto "target" of the "message".

But as always that's just,
My Opinion

Has this thread become a bit of battleground for you as it seems? Do think everyone else MUST be wrong and only your ideas are plausible. Frankly, I disagree with almost everything you said in this post!

This man could be some wacko who saw the girls and in his mind decided they were a threat to him and simply must die. He may not have had a motive just a messed up brain. This may not be revenge, a message, or any of the above. It might be exactly what it looks like....a random man who did target two little girls walking on a road where people could and did see them all then decide to unload two guns into them. Not every murder has a rational motive. Not every murderer is a rational person.

Until this POI is found and they can figure out exactly WTH happened, who was involved, and determine if there was any reason...we are going to have to agree to disagree.

You aren't going to change my view on this and I am not trying to change your's. I say it had to do with drugs and/or gangs. You say it is some wide conspiracy or something. I don't see us coming to terms on this one.
I definitely think that the girls stumbled on a drug deal, drug payoff, or someone cooking drugs...or someone thought they did. I still think this is drug related as SS does. The simple facts of drug crimes and deaths point to that well as the stat on drug usage and violence. I CAN'T EVEN FATHOM ANOTHER REASON THESE TWO YOUNG GIRLS WOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED ON A SIMPLE WALK , ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON ON A DIRT ROAD.
Message on the memorial cross - something like, "You will never catch me."

IMO a disturbed person that had nothing to do with the crime.

Scanned Newspaper article re: Cross Tampering
Thought I would put a link here to an image scanned in regards to the cross being tampered with. A poster on another forum scanned it.

Has this thread become a bit of battleground for you as it seems? Do think everyone else MUST be wrong and only your ideas are plausible. Frankly, I disagree with almost everything you said in this post!

This man could be some wacko who saw the girls and in his mind decided they were a threat to him and simply must die. He may not have had a motive just a messed up brain. This may not be revenge, a message, or any of the above. It might be exactly what it looks like....a random man who did target two little girls walking on a road where people could and did see them all then decide to unload two guns into them. Not every murder has a rational motive. Not every murderer is a rational person.

Until this POI is found and they can figure out exactly WTH happened, who was involved, and determine if there was any reason...we are going to have to agree to disagree.

You aren't going to change my view on this and I am not trying to change your's. I say it had to do with drugs and/or gangs. You say it is some wide conspiracy or something. I don't see us coming to terms on this one.
I have asked for people to share their theories and debate mine many times. DeltaDawn theorizes that it's drug related and the girls stumbled onto something that got them killed. While I cannot logically draw the same conclusion she has, it is an alternate theory that may prove true - but we don't have any proof of a "drug thing gone bad" or enough facts to prove or disprove her theory (or mine) right now. Who-ever it was - nobody saw a 2nd person (it takes two people to do a "drug deal" or a "payoff" or to make meth while driving around) or saw a 2nd killer in the area, nobody saw another vehicle (again it would be two vehicles meeting for a pay-off or a drug deal) and nobody saw any evidence of a drug deal or meth cooking - and one person DID see the girls minutes before they were killed. And LE did do an extensive search of the entire area on foot and from the air - finding no evidence of a meth lab or meth cooking debris anywhere in the area. But the "drug related" thing is 100% a possibility. No argument from me on that being a viable theory/motive.

All we know right now is ONE POI, a short time frame, (40 minutes or less) and two girls shot facing their killer - almost standing on the road - and they weren't scared, or running or calling for help or to report anything weird before they were shot down.

What you are saying (my bolding above) is that you believe it was a random crazy person? The POI? No-one (me included) can debate this theory with you because if it is, then no theory or profile is going to apply and with no DNA or fingerprints if the killer has no prior record, there is no way to catch this person with traditional investigative techniques. The killer could be in Canada by now. If it is some unknown, never arrested, NA nutcase we might as well stop discussing the case. We can only pray the crazy tries to do something else crazy and gets caught doing it or gets somebody in his family mad at him so they will turn him in to LE, because that is the only way he will be caught. This would also mean it was ONE killer because the chances of there being TWO unknown crazy men with no criminal history together in rural Oklahoma on Sunday afternoon (who can BOTH keep a secret and have no enemies who would turn them in for $40K) are, while not impossible, seem pretty slim indeed.

So no problem, I won't respond to your posts, but I will continue to post my theories for others. My posts always end with "MY OPINION" so anyone who disagrees can feel free to correct any facts I have wrong or debate me. And this is a DEBATE, and SLEUTHING site - in this case none of us knows all the facts and one opinion or theory is just as good as the next, so long as it aligns with the facts we do know. No-one is required to buy into ANY theory here and everyone is welcome to post their OWN theories. I haven't forced anyone into my way of thinking, all I have done is post my theories - just like other people have done. I do take this case seriously, but it is hardly a battleground ??? Perhaps I do post often and my theory has become a little more developed, but I hardly think I am keeping other people from posting their theories or questioning mine - didn't stop your response, did it? And yes, I happen to think my theory is a good one - but that doesn't make it "right" - any more than you thinking it could be a random crazy man makes that theory "right". We could BOTH be wrong - no way of knowing right now.

Since we have an excellent moderator here, I think I will leave it up to her to moderate this forum. And respectfully, I have no intention of ceasing to post my opinions in this forum so indeed we must leave it that we agree to disagree. I don't argue with other posters - I just debate issues and theories. If we all agreed this would be a boring and useless site - the sharing of many opinions and thoughts are what makes WS the great place it is.

As I always say - Just
My Opinion
If he were staring them down, that one is easy. Then again, the forensic artist should be able to answer if he took license on the coloring of the eyes due to his skin tone and hair color. It is possible.

They did say he was Native American with European ancestry possibly; so if he was mixed, hazel eyes are very likely. They aren't black, they aren't blue. Which leaves hazel; and if they are hazel they may change color or look green/brown/yellow etc.
They did say he was Native American with European ancestry possibly; so if he was mixed, hazel eyes are very likely. They aren't black, they aren't blue. Which leaves hazel; and if they are hazel they may change color or look green/brown/yellow etc.

IMO the eye color was impossible - at least, improbable - to determine from someone driving by. Also, if the POI was up to nothing good, would he look someone in the eyes, or would he (most likely) turn away.
Scanned Newspaper article re: Cross Tampering
Thought I would put a link here to an image scanned in regards to the cross being tampered with. A poster on another forum scanned it.


The poster was way2concerned. She went to a lot of trouble to get that article. (I'm sure she would have posted it here herself, but she has tried to join Websleuths with little success. I don't know if it is an email problem, but I don't believe she has been able to log in.)
Yep, they need SOMETHING to do a story on. I got this over and over when trying to keep Amber Harris' story WANTED to report, there was just nothing.
Hard on the reporters when the Editors don't want to put out fluff pieces to keep it going, too. I really feel it is the duty of OSBI to update people on this case on a regular basis. They aren't and it does make everyone feel they have dropped the ball (which I hope isn't the case and it is still moving forward).
IMO the eye color was impossible - at least, improbable - to determine from someone driving by. Also, if the POI was up to nothing good, would he look someone in the eyes, or would he (most likely) turn away.

I think they did get a very good look at him,Trino. We at certain times have had to squeeze around another vehicle on a dirt road to get by them and I could see them as well as if they had been riding with us.

Usually when someone has to get past a vehicle that sort of has the road blocked they are just creeping along barely moving to make sure they don't get too far off the other side of the road when they pass.

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