Has this thread become a bit of battleground for you as it seems? Do think everyone else MUST be wrong and only your ideas are plausible. Frankly, I disagree with almost everything you said in this post!
This man could be some wacko who saw the girls and in his mind decided they were a threat to him and simply must die. He may not have had a motive just a messed up brain. This may not be revenge, a message, or any of the above. It might be exactly what it looks like....a random man who did target two little girls walking on a road where people could and did see them all then decide to unload two guns into them. Not every murder has a rational motive. Not every murderer is a rational person.
Until this POI is found and they can figure out exactly WTH happened, who was involved, and determine if there was any reason...we are going to have to agree to disagree.
You aren't going to change my view on this and I am not trying to change your's. I say it had to do with drugs and/or gangs. You say it is some wide conspiracy or something. I don't see us coming to terms on this one.
I have asked for people to share their theories and debate mine many times. DeltaDawn theorizes that it's drug related and the girls stumbled onto something that got them killed. While I cannot logically draw the same conclusion she has, it is an alternate theory that may prove true - but we don't have any proof of a "drug thing gone bad" or enough facts to prove or disprove her theory
(or mine) right now. Who-ever it was - nobody saw a 2nd person (it takes two people to do a "drug deal" or a "payoff" or to make meth while driving around) or saw a 2nd killer in the area, nobody saw another vehicle (again it would be two vehicles meeting for a pay-off or a drug deal) and nobody saw any evidence of a drug deal or meth cooking - and one person DID see the girls minutes before they were killed. And LE did do an extensive search of the entire area on foot and from the air - finding no evidence of a meth lab or meth cooking debris anywhere in the area. But the "drug related" thing is 100% a possibility. No argument from me on that being a viable theory/motive.
All we know right now is ONE POI, a short time frame, (40 minutes or less) and two girls shot facing their killer - almost standing on the road - and they weren't scared, or running or calling for help or to report anything weird before they were shot down.
What you are saying (my bolding above) is that you believe it was a random crazy person? The POI? No-one (me included) can debate this theory with you because if it is, then no theory or profile is going to apply and with no DNA or fingerprints if the killer has no prior record, there is no way to catch this person with traditional investigative techniques. The killer could be in Canada by now. If it is some unknown, never arrested, NA nutcase we might as well stop discussing the case. We can only pray the crazy tries to do something else crazy and gets caught doing it or gets somebody in his family mad at him so they will turn him in to LE, because that is the only way he will be caught. This would also mean it was ONE killer because the chances of there being TWO unknown crazy men with no criminal history together in rural Oklahoma on Sunday afternoon (who can BOTH keep a secret and have no enemies who would turn them in for $40K) are, while not impossible, seem pretty slim indeed.
So no problem, I won't respond to your posts, but I will continue to post my theories for others. My posts always end with "MY OPINION" so anyone who disagrees can feel free to correct any facts I have wrong or debate me. And this is a DEBATE, and SLEUTHING site - in this case none of us knows all the facts and one opinion or theory is just as good as the next, so long as it aligns with the facts we do know. No-one is required to buy into ANY theory here and everyone is welcome to post their OWN theories. I haven't forced anyone into my way of thinking, all I have done is post my theories - just like other people have done. I do take this case seriously, but it is hardly a battleground ??? Perhaps I do post often and my theory has become a little more developed, but I hardly think I am keeping other people from posting their theories or questioning mine - didn't stop your response, did it? And yes, I happen to think my theory is a good one - but that doesn't make it "right" - any more than you thinking it could be a random crazy man makes that theory "right". We could BOTH be wrong - no way of knowing right now.
Since we have an excellent moderator here, I think I will leave it up to her to moderate this forum. And respectfully, I have no intention of ceasing to post my opinions in this forum so indeed we must leave it that we agree to disagree. I don't argue with other posters - I just debate issues and theories. If we all agreed this would be a boring and useless site - the sharing of many opinions and thoughts are what makes WS the great place it is.
As I always say - Just
My Opinion