Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #11

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Mar 30, 2005
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Two Found Dead in Spencer

It was a tragic start to the holiday weekend. Two people are found murdered inside a vehicle in a rural part of Oklahoma County. This morning a male and female were found dead on Northeast 34th Street, between Wright Avenue and Timber. Authorities are piecing together the tragic events, and looking for those responsible. Just after 10 a.m. authorities find a white car which contains the bodies of a man and woman, both shot in the head.

"There was one person in the front or one person in the back," said Mark Myers, the Spokesperson of the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office. "Currently, our crime scene investigators will comb everything thoroughly to try and determine what evidence is in the car and around the car."

One neighbor said she saw the Chevy Impala parked and turned off in the north side brush earlier in the morning.
"The poster was way2concerned. She went to a lot of trouble to get that article. (I'm sure she would have posted it here herself, but she has tried to join Websleuths with little success. I don't know if it is an email problem, but I don't believe she has been able to log in.) "

Thanks Claycat It was very late ( 1:57 am) & I had lost the topix link & just could not make self go look again thanks way2concerned for your scan, good job done. Hope you can join us soon.
I also put link in media thread
Scanned Newspaper article re: Cross Tampering
Thought I would put a link here to an image scanned in regards to the cross being tampered with. A poster on another forum scanned it.

The fact the case appears dead and LE isn't commenting, is a big story. A front page story in my opinion. I think a good reporter could come up with a very nice story that would have LE running to a press conference.

LE needs to understand this crime doesn't belong to them and us civilians aren't mushrooms.

9/11 taught the authorities that the public is not the enemy. The general public in fact is a very important line of defense. Apparently that memo hasn't reached everybody.
The fact the case appears dead and LE isn't commenting, is a big story. A front page story in my opinion. I think a good reporter could come up with a very nice story that would have LE running to a press conference.

LE needs to understand this crime doesn't belong to them and us civilians aren't mushrooms.

9/11 taught the authorities that the public is not the enemy.

The general public in fact is a very important line of defense.

Apparently that memo hasn't reached everybody.....

I agree...It's my opinion, from years of reading crime books that, If LE included the general public with more detailed information, more crimes would be solved, quicker.....jmo
Some of us believe that this crime was committed by a young person, or a group of young people.

If so, law enforcement is carefully working its way through the youth community, getting bits and pieces of information from kids, some of whom are abiding by the "kid code of honor" and refusing to talk. Kids who choose to talk, and their parents, are likely concerned about being sued, or harrassed, or shunned by their peers.

Complete silence from LE, and perhaps a deliberate lack of digging or diligence by the press (they have to live there, too) indicates to me that the suspect(s) are local.
I don't lose heart, because it reminds me of the Cadet Murder case that was local to where I live.

A girl is killed at night. They had in fact interviewed the young person who killed her from just his first name being among her papers or she had mentioned it to her relatives (I forget which). It looked cold until the female half of the killing team went to her military appointment and spilled the beans during one of her training sessions.

However, I do think they need to consider all the options we have. They seem to have focused on the local thrill or hush kill scenario and have pinned all hopes on the POI showing up and telling what he saw.
Thanks to Claycat for posting the scan and way2concerned for posting it on Topix.

I hope that way2concerned can get in here..we can use the help and local perspective.
Complete silence from LE, and perhaps a deliberate lack of digging or diligence by the press (they have to live there, too) indicates to me that the suspect(s) are local.

This is what I am thinking also. In fact it is the only explanation that makes sense to me.

If this is true though, then what kind of a community is this?
Thanks to Claycat for posting the scan and way2concerned for posting it on Topix.

I hope that way2concerned can get in here..we can use the help and local perspective.

I posted The scan & CC told me about way2concerned & helped me give her credit :)

I am hoping too that something is going on that we don't know about. I'm getting ready to call OSBI or The local LE & ask.. if we should should lay low too because they are keeping it quiet on purpose... not really.. but why not ??
This is what I am thinking also. In fact it is the only explanation that makes sense to me.

If this is true though, then what kind of a community is this?

The latest news blows my mind. :confused:
If I lived in that community, I'd have to move.
How and why are these murders happening in such a small town? A town that had no murders in what-- 4 years? Now there's been 4 murders within weeks.
This is what I am thinking also. In fact it is the only explanation that makes sense to me.

If this is true though, then what kind of a community is this?

We don't know yet! Many may have spoken frankly to LE and are keeping their mouths shut, like good citizens. Or, alternately, everyone in town might be totally shtum, protecting the wrongdoers.

As I recall, it was two or three days before the "witnesses" to the POI came forward. Surely a disinterested local who had driven down that road would have come forward immediately to describe what he/she had seen.

One of the quotes that continues to bother me is (more or less), "the boys with guns were 3 miles away when the killings took place." The bridge was only a few hundred yards, so they couldn't have been there. And how did they-or anyone- know precisely when the murders happened ? The window of opportunity is small (5-25 minutes or so), but not so small as to preclude their being 3 miles away and still being able to enter and exit that window.
OSBI (Oklahoma City) has this case - I don't think the local LE (Okfuskee County Sheriff, I believe) are doing much or in charge of the press/media. If there is a lack of communication with the public, it is due to the OSBI, not local LE. Local LE may be doing the footwork locally (or some of it) but I don't think it is them who has shut down the media or press releases.

Perhaps OSBI is HOPING there is some DNA or other important crime scene evidence still "in process"? OR there is information from the crime scene or autopsies they don't want made public yet? Or they may be working on something and want to be SURE it pans out before making it public? I doubt the OSBI plans to let this case grow cold in THEIR eyes, but they may be wanting it to grow cold in the PUBLIC ARENA so the POI feels safe and starts taking chances again.

I don't think is has to do with "local kids" - local young adults, maybe, but not juveniles. There aren't so many teenaged juveniles within 25 miles that the Sheriff's Office can't question all of them within a month's time. Now young people - ages 18-25 would be a lot harder, with college kids maybe home for summer, but this is a rural area - the college age kids usually find hang-outs and things to do where there are OTHER YOUNG PEOPLE, I assume the local Sherfiff is well acquainted with the habits of the local young people. The OSBI has not given a single indication that there is anyone they are looking for other than the POI -and they have not mentioned a single connection to any local people (outside family) at all. By this point I would assume that teachers, school officials and friends of any local teenaged suspects would have been questioned and I cannot imagine that ALL of these kids - most of whom have Facebook and MySpace pages - would have stayed silent about an investigation or even rumors of one. Something would have slipped out by now, I think.

I think there is another reason for the silence - just no idea what it could be - many possibilities. OSBI isn't a bunch of Barney Fife's and I trust they are using every possible resource to solve this case. If they wanted the PR or the media, they would have it - their silence seems puposeful, not from neglect.

My Opinion
Two Found Dead in Spencer

It was a tragic start to the holiday weekend. Two people are found murdered inside a vehicle in a rural part of Oklahoma County. This morning a male and female were found dead on Northeast 34th Street, between Wright Avenue and Timber. Authorities are piecing together the tragic events, and looking for those responsible. Just after 10 a.m. authorities find a white car which contains the bodies of a man and woman, both shot in the head.

"There was one person in the front or one person in the back," said Mark Myers, the Spokesperson of the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office. "Currently, our crime scene investigators will comb everything thoroughly to try and determine what evidence is in the car and around the car."

One neighbor said she saw the Chevy Impala parked and turned off in the north side brush earlier in the morning.

Do any of you know how close this was to the place the girls were killed? Any local scoop on the identities of the victims, or owner of the vehicle?

Spencer is basically a part of Metro Oklahoma City - It is about 80 miles Southwest of Weleetka
I would not consider it "rural" in the same way Weleetka is rural.
Population (year 2000): 3,746. Estimated population in July 2006: 3,918 (+4.6% change)

Males: 1,821 (48.6%)Females: 1,925 (51.4%)​
Median resident age: 37.9 yearsOklahoma median age: 35.5 years​
Zip codes: 73084.​

Estimated median household income in 2005: $33,100 (it was $31,116 in 2000)
Spencer $33,100 Oklahoma:$37,063​

Estimated median house/condo value in 2005: $67,700 (it was $51,600 in 2000)
Spencer $67,700 Oklahoma: $89,100​

Races in Spencer:​

  • Black (51.8%)
  • White Non-Hispanic (38.7%)
  • American Indian (6.1%)
  • Two or more races (4.5%)
  • Hispanic (2.3%)
  • Other race (0.5%)
Do any of you know how close this was to the place the girls were killed? Any local scoop on the identities of the victims, or owner of the vehicle?

Spencer is about 85 miles East of Weleetka, just north of OK City according to mapquest
I haven't found anything more on this other than the victim's family names - Frazier and Bruner. I don't believe it has anything to do with the Weleetka case - Spencer is only like 10 miles from downtown OKC - it could have been anything - lots going on there - big fireworks display, parties, it being a holiday weekend and all. Several witnesses saw their car go down the street - several houses right there and LE already has a POI in custody and is questioning two others.

My Opinion
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