Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #6

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Yes Creech was posted earlier, I thought he looked alot like the sketch, color eyes excluded.

Others disagreed.

Do these local sex offenders have something to do with the case? I must have came on after they were mentioned the first time.
Ruflossn - you a RUSH fan?

Did you pick up on my quote? Yes, I like RUSH and I love that lyric from their music. It has always been one of my favorites. I am impressed. :clap: You must be a RUSH fan?
Do these local sex offenders have something to do with the case? I must have came on after they were mentioned the first time.

We are just putting theories out there. Sex offenders, professional hit, drug runners, ATV hunters, you name it? Any ideas?
The longer it takes to get a name on the POI, and the more time that passes without someone being taken into custody, I'm thinking it's a random act of senseless violence.
If the POI or the murderers were connected in some way to the girls or their family, I think there would have been an arrest already, or at least a name released of the POI.
We are just putting theories out there. Sex offenders, professional hit, drug runners, ATV hunters, you name it? Any ideas?

I like all the choices, but I'm 'kinda' going with professional hit or drug related.:waitasec:
Two shots heard from those witnesses don't account for Taylor and Skyla's murders since they were riddled with bullets. However I don't disbelieve that they heard two shots simply because I had mentioned previously that someone was being killed in the woods and the POI was the look out. I myself pondered on here about the shots heard by witnesses and if there was a break in between hearing gunshots. In other words the two in the woods and then 3 to 5 minutes later more shots. Doubt they were local either if that's what happened. Maybe not that far away such as Tulsa. That's why I have been spending so much time looking through the state corrections website.

Are you talking about the video linked earlier? They heard two sets of rapid fire shots. And then a third set of shots, not sure if those were rapid fire as well.
I think it was about two pages back there was something posted about the witness hearing only two shots. Now the rapid fire would've definitely been the girls imo. How many witnesses are LE saying they have? Or are they? It's getting confusing and too many posts and threads to weed through.
The longer it takes to get a name on the POI, and the more time that passes without someone being taken into custody, I'm thinking it's a random act of senseless violence.
If the POI or the murderers were connected in some way to the girls or their family, I think there would have been an arrest already, or at least a name released of the POI.

I agree with your post, Evelyn. If this case was close to someone within this family, I honestly think we would have heard of POI's being taken in for questioning. That has not been done.

I still feel this was a random act of violence. As far as a reason for it, only the killer/s would know and as we have read in many, many a case it could be for any reason that the killer/s decided worthy of. May never make sense to us, but to them it did. Thank goodness we are who we are, eh? :)
I do not have internet at home and am going to go crazy this weekend without this thread!!!

At this point I'm beginning to think there is something big going on and the public is being kept in the dark about A LOT! I hope they're close to an arrest and by the time I'm able to log in on Monday, there's good news.
Do I get any bonus points if I say - I will chose free will!!

oh my gosh! I LOLed at your answer!!!
Gotta Run and be a Mommy for awhile. No doubt about it, I will be back with my Websleuths hat on ~
In a report on (I will try to link it) they talk to a witness who heard the gunshots.

It's under "Okfuskee county residents are still looking for answers."

She has to be describing fully automatic gunfire. Two bursts. You can't get that sound from a semi-automatic.

That certainly ramps this up a bit.

The shell casings should have markings that tell LE information about the weapon.

ETA: Two bursts from the fully automatic weapon that is. The other gunfire was probably the other weapon.

Strach, here you go.
Diversion of precursor chemicals used in the methamphetamine production process is another challenge facing Oklahoma law enforcement.

Thanks, Strach, this was an interesting insight to a HUGE drug problem in OK.

OSBI has their work cut out for them!!
Kim Douglas Getman (3/1960) married Rose Marie Gordon (1970) on 7/5/1995
Skyla born 4/1997
I've been mildly following Topix. They sure don't like outsiders, and I'm not certain they like each other either (LOL). There are a few statements indicating people might know, but I really don't get a sense that anyone knows more than posters on Websleuths.

One thing that struck me was that locals feel OSBI isn't exactly doing their job and should call in the FBI. Another thing was a statement that the entire town could have been interviewed several times in a few hours.

Ruby also tells Roy to come clean (page 64).

Did you notice this (page 65)? I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THIS SIGN SAYS!!!
"There is i big sign right in the middle of weleetka with blood all over it that tell everything about this case and why it happen. No one has even notices it. The know not how to read."

I've only briefly scanned the local Topix board twice, and agree with you that they don't seem to like outsiders and many don't like each other!

I was hoping that with a town like Weleetka, with a small population, there would be more information forthcoming. Usually, in a town that small, everyone knows everyone else and there's a lot of inside information.

My city is considerably larger, population wise, than Weleetka, and when we had a child murdered last year, the culprit was known, fled the scene, but was apprehended within 48 hours. Within hours of the murder, the county newspaper's online comment section was filled with personal knowledge of the victims and the murderer.
Hi all.. I'm new here but just wanted to throw something out. I know it's important to focus on every angle and the work on the families has been awesome. I just wonder if it's something unrelated to their families.

For example, if something happened to me, online sleuthers might dig into my family and see tons of criminal activity (from both my mother's side and my father's side. My parents are pretty much the only children from their families who flew the straight and narrow and even did very well for themselves.) So I have cousins, aunts, uncles who have been in and out of jail for everything from drugs to child abuse and murder. It is something we are all deeply ashamed of and we have nothing to do with these relatives anymore. Yet, I knew them and spent time with them until my teenage years. I grew up with them and loved them deeply until they started their lives of crime. Now, I couldn't tell you the last time I saw or spoke to them. So, I guess what I'm saying, is that it's possible to have family involved in this criminal world and not have any associations with them.

It very well could have something to do with their families. I just keep thinking of my own family and my parents' determination to separate us from those relatives. It reminds me of the girls' parents moving to the country to get out of that element and be safer.

I can't help but think of Lee Malvo and his partner from the D.C. snipers. We also had the highway sniper here in Ohio. I also can't help but lean towards the meth lab theory. Meth addicts are frightening and desperate.

I really don't know what to think. My mind goes from a family connection to random thrill kill to meth lab several times a day. You guys do amazing work. By the time I think of something I want to post someone else is already on top of it. :)

P.S. FlowerChild's image of the slumber party in Heaven was one of the most beautiful moments of my day yesterday.

Asher.............welcome to Websleuths! :)

It could be anything at this point. With such limited information that we know from what's been reported, there isn't a lot to go on in regards to motive. So, we have to theorize and speculate on possible scenarios. At this point, it could be anything.
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