One thing's for sure: The cops preventing the public from knowing the type of guns used is helping the murderers to get away with it. Brilliant idea.
The killers used 2 seperate types of guns. If the public were told what CALIBER guns they were, it would increase the odds of someone turning them in by about 1,000%.
But no, LE wants to keep it a Big Secret. Keeping major clues a secret often helps the murderers stay free & kill more. But the specific authorities in charge probably want to have their "little secrets" so that only they can get the glory of solving this case. Wouldn't want the cops from some other county or agency to steal their chance for fame & hero worship. Problem is, the more time the killers stay free, the bigger the chance that they will get clean away, and commit more murders on innocent people (and possibly more children).
The same thing happened in the BTK case, which kept this psycho on the loose for 30 years. They kept his drawings and other major identifying items of his invisible from the public, including his family, which could have recognized his sketching style, etc & turned him in many years & murders earlier.
Same thing with the Manson murders when they hid the fact that the killers had written "HELTER SKELTER" in the LaBianca's blood on the victims' refrigerator. At least one acquaintance of the Manson Family said if they'd known "HELTER SKELTER" was splashed in blood at the murder, they would have recognized it as The Manson Family's looney handiwork & turned them in right away. Instead they roamed and murdered even more people for another 3 months before Susan Atkins confessed to a cell mate.
Why not tell us what type of guns the Oklahoma child killers used so their friends, family or acquaintances can help turn them in? What HARM could it possibly do? The harm the cops are doing with this tactic is letting the killers escape. I think "Barney Fife" needs to let go of his precious "secrets" so the public can help identify the killers and stop them from killing even more people or kids.
Ya' think?