Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #8

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OMG You don't think she was trying to make a diversion for someone to get away?

Never mind too many what ifs out there I know
Let me hear or see the story again before I can form a real opinion...all I know right now is that LE thought she was full of it and make no bones about it. They are ticked off badly!! (If what I just saw on the news was accurate.)
Hmm. One killer, six witnesses, maybe. Someone could have ended up on that road to off someone from far away from there. I keep wondering about people reported missing or bodies found...but heck, they could be from as far away as where I am (Dallas). Also, I've said this b4 and I'll say it again...there's a heck of a large lake near there -- is it Eufaula...that someone could be camping out in and hiding for now. That lake is huge. The possibilities are endless as to who what and where. The "when" we have pretty much nailed that one.

Where was that mans body found in the water somewhere but they ruled it a sucide? Does anybody remember reading about that.. I'll try to find the story..wish me luck
Where was that mans body found in the water somewhere but they ruled it a sucide? Does anybody remember reading about that.. I'll try to find the story..wish me luck
If you find it, lets take this discussion to OT so readers don't ge confused or mix the cases has happened :)
Good luck GS!! I'm old, fat and tired and getting ready go to bed soon. That story about the hoax throws even more into the mix. Normally I'd think some wannabe that wanted attention. I just hope for these girls families that they have justice soon.
That's a good idea...
On another note once again I have read something I don't remember reading.. maybe I should go to bed..

Rosser and Ofuskee County Sheriff Jack Choate said that investigators believe whoever is responsible for the murders likely had a knowledge of the area where the girls were killed, a dirt road near a busy highway overpass known as a spot where trash is often illegally dumped.
You know, I have sat by and watched them make such statements in amazement. What people do not get is that ANY place can become a dump site here. You are hearing this from people who obviously have lived in our larger communities and do not get living in rural Oklahoma. There are places people actually encourage dump sites to fill up a huge crevice in their can be that it is a part of the road where they don't get caught dumping stuff.
One thing's for sure: The cops preventing the public from knowing the type of guns used is helping the murderers to get away with it. Brilliant idea.

The killers used 2 seperate types of guns. If the public were told what CALIBER guns they were, it would increase the odds of someone turning them in by about 1,000%.

But no, LE wants to keep it a Big Secret. Keeping major clues a secret often helps the murderers stay free & kill more. But the specific authorities in charge probably want to have their "little secrets" so that only they can get the glory of solving this case. Wouldn't want the cops from some other county or agency to steal their chance for fame & hero worship. Problem is, the more time the killers stay free, the bigger the chance that they will get clean away, and commit more murders on innocent people (and possibly more children).

The same thing happened in the BTK case, which kept this psycho on the loose for 30 years. They kept his drawings and other major identifying items of his invisible from the public, including his family, which could have recognized his sketching style, etc & turned him in many years & murders earlier.

Same thing with the Manson murders when they hid the fact that the killers had written "HELTER SKELTER" in the LaBianca's blood on the victims' refrigerator. At least one acquaintence of the Manson Family said if they'd known "HELTER SKELTER" was splashed in blood at the murder, they would have recognized it as The Manson Family's looney handiwork & turned them in right away. Instead they roamed and murdered even more people for another 3 months before Susan Atkins confessed to a cell mate.

Why not tell us what type of guns the Oklahoma child killers used so their friends, family or acquaintences can help turn them in? What HARM could it possibly do? The harm the cops are doing with this tactic is letting the killers escape. I think "Barney Fife" needs to let go of his precious "secrets" so the public can help identify the killers and stop them from killing even more people or kids.

Ya' think?
One thing's for sure: The cops preventing the public from knowing the type of guns used is helping the murderers to get away with it. Brilliant idea.

The killers used 2 seperate types of guns. If the public were told what CALIBER guns they were, it would increase the odds of someone turning them in by about 1,000%.

But no, LE wants to keep it a Big Secret. Keeping major clues a secret often helps the murderers stay free & kill more. But the specific authorities in charge probably want to have their "little secrets" so that only they can get the glory of solving this case. Wouldn't want the cops from some other county or agency to steal their chance for fame & hero worship. Problem is, the more time the killers stay free, the bigger the chance that they will get clean away, and commit more murders on innocent people (and possibly more children).

The same thing happened in the BTK case, which kept this psycho on the loose for 30 years. They kept his drawings and other major identifying items of his invisible from the public, including his family, which could have recognized his sketching style, etc & turned him in many years & murders earlier.

Same thing with the Manson murders when they hid the fact that the killers had written "HELTER SKELTER" in the LaBianca's blood on the victims' refrigerator. At least one acquaintence of the Manson Family said if they'd known "HELTER SKELTER" was splashed in blood at the murder, they would have recognized it as The Manson Family's looney handiwork & turned them in right away. Instead they roamed and murdered even more people for another 3 months before Susan Atkins confessed to a cell mate.

Why not tell us what type of guns the Oklahoma child killers used so their friends, family or acquaintences can help turn them in? What HARM could it possibly do? The harm the cops are doing with this tactic is letting the killers escape. I think "Barney Fife" needs to let go of his precious "secrets" so the public can help identify the killers and stop them from killing even more people or kids. Ya' think?

I agree. It makes you wonder who decides what should be made public vs. what should not and why. Rosser (OSBI) as spokesman comes across well, but meanwhile the killer(s) are still out there. OSBI could also ask the FBI for help, but to my knowledge they have not done so.
When I see all that is brought out about their "family histories" really bothers me.

I look at my family and realize what great people they have become. I would be proud for someone to dig into mine.
So where is that deciding factor? What separates people so much? Money?

Associations? Can't be it. Maybe it is with Role Models.

As far as the people who could do this to those sweet babies...they are pure bred evil.
I don't care if they are 15 or 50. They have to be born with no conscience and the worst dark side none of us could realize.

IMO....One BIG family Crime Wave!
If there is media coverage yet..please post it here. I haven't looked and it is pertinent. (Sorry...too tired to look it up myself.)

Manhunt Conducted On False Information

Posted: June 24, 2008 04:24 PM EDT
Updated: June 24, 2008 11:13 PM EDT
FEATURED VIDEOManhunt Conducted On False Information

The search included police dogs, aircraft, and law enforcement officers on the ground.

A massive manhunt had law enforcement chasing ghosts in Okmulgee County on Tuesday. Police say the teenage tipster who sparked the hunt, failed a lie detector test and made the whole thing up.

One thing's for sure: The cops preventing the public from knowing the type of guns used is helping the murderers to get away with it. Brilliant idea.

The killers used 2 seperate types of guns. If the public were told what CALIBER guns they were, it would increase the odds of someone turning them in by about 1,000%.

But no, LE wants to keep it a Big Secret. Keeping major clues a secret often helps the murderers stay free & kill more. But the specific authorities in charge probably want to have their "little secrets" so that only they can get the glory of solving this case. Wouldn't want the cops from some other county or agency to steal their chance for fame & hero worship. Problem is, the more time the killers stay free, the bigger the chance that they will get clean away, and commit more murders on innocent people (and possibly more children).

The same thing happened in the BTK case, which kept this psycho on the loose for 30 years. They kept his drawings and other major identifying items of his invisible from the public, including his family, which could have recognized his sketching style, etc & turned him in many years & murders earlier.

Same thing with the Manson murders when they hid the fact that the killers had written "HELTER SKELTER" in the LaBianca's blood on the victims' refrigerator. At least one acquaintance of the Manson Family said if they'd known "HELTER SKELTER" was splashed in blood at the murder, they would have recognized it as The Manson Family's looney handiwork & turned them in right away. Instead they roamed and murdered even more people for another 3 months before Susan Atkins confessed to a cell mate.

Why not tell us what type of guns the Oklahoma child killers used so their friends, family or acquaintances can help turn them in? What HARM could it possibly do? The harm the cops are doing with this tactic is letting the killers escape. I think "Barney Fife" needs to let go of his precious "secrets" so the public can help identify the killers and stop them from killing even more people or kids.

Ya' think?

Good Morning Victor!

I am not sure they are holding back on the weapons that were used. All they have is the bullet casings.

For example I have a 357 magnum but I can use either a 38 bullet in the gun or a 357 bullet. If I used the 38 bullet then they could not tell the weapon I used was really a 357 and not a 38 just by having the bullet casings only.

If it were just the local authorities then they certainly could be a "Barney Fife" department but I just don't see the OSBI has being one.

Rosser said they do have the caliber of the bullets used however that does not give them they type of gun that was used. From what I understand bullets can be bought to fit more than one type of gun.

However I do think they are stumped. I think they have methodically ruled all the family members and associates out and others in the community who they may have suspected and are still coming up with no motive for these crimes.

Manhunt Conducted On False Information

Posted: June 24, 2008 04:24 PM EDT
Updated: June 24, 2008 11:13 PM EDT
FEATURED VIDEOManhunt Conducted On False Information

The search included police dogs, aircraft, and law enforcement officers on the ground.

A massive manhunt had law enforcement chasing ghosts in Okmulgee County on Tuesday. Police say the teenage tipster who sparked the hunt, failed a lie detector test and made the whole thing up.

Wow this shows they are still taking the POI composite very seriously and are very attuned that he is still out there and not caught yet.

Look how they swamped the place. LE has to be edgy since they haven't caught this killer and he is still at large.

One thing's for sure: The cops preventing the public from knowing the type of guns used is helping the murderers to get away with it. Brilliant idea.

The killers used 2 seperate types of guns. If the public were told what CALIBER guns they were, it would increase the odds of someone turning them in by about 1,000%.

Why not tell us what type of guns the Oklahoma child killers used so their friends, family or acquaintences can help turn them in? What HARM could it possibly do? The harm the cops are doing with this tactic is letting the killers escape. I think "Barney Fife" needs to let go of his precious "secrets" so the public can help identify the killers and stop them from killing even more people or kids.

Ya' think?
I don't see know what type of gun were used is going to help with finding out who shot the girl. If it was a 22 and 30-06 that was use to shoot them with are we suppose to turn every body we know that owns them two gun in. If so we would be turning a lot of people in cause them guns are very common guns. But what if some body calls in and says I saw the whole thing happen they use this kind and this kind of gun then LE knows that person knows something.
I agree with what someone said before. Why isn't this community outraged? Surely they have to be scared for their lives. Is there any locals here who can give us some insight as to what the mood is there? I'd be looking over my shoulder and phoning 911 everytime somebody looked at me weird. I mean, wouldn't you? Two little girls were gunned down in broad daylight...less than a 1/2 mile or so from their home. This isn't Compton here....I'd be so paranoid it wouldn't be funny.

I'm just not getting this one.....
IMO....One BIG family Crime Wave!

The family certainly does have a colorful history. As to what separates honest people from dishonest ones, I think it's the upbringing people have. Money does not necessarily equate to honesty. I think it's parental role models and expectation.
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