State vs Jason Lynn Young 6-20-11

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Sorry for the double post, but, wow, just got to the point where JY's mom is talking about him calling her telling her about his purchase of the coach purse and how he was trying to get in touch with Meredith. WOW. So many body language tells that she is lying that I can barely stand it. Not small motions, either, not subtle, big ones. Ugh. It's going to be hard for me to watch the rest of this.

I thought she was doing okay sharing stories from his childhood and her opinion of their happy marriage, but she totally lost me here when she started fabricating on his behalf. Either he didn't call her and tell her this fairy tale about the purse at all, or he did make the call but she just plain knows it's not true.
I totally agree that the testimony she gave about the Coach purse seemed off.

Then when they questioned her about the 28 calls she got from JY on Fri. seemed to not be very clear. Hopefully, they'll clear that upon cross. That is odd. No matter what sort of technical problems he was having that's a bit obsessive.
Well, I think the point is, his mom said J ordered the Coach purse and J apparently told his lawyer he ordered the purse. Did it ever come? Does J have the 'order #?'

LE said according to THAT computer in J's home, there was NO order for the Coach purse.

just sayin'
I wasn't able to watch the entire testimony today. Between phone calls, family drama, taking grandsons to play ball and such, missed the end of the day with the mom. I'll comment in a minute on this last witness.

I do realize that while I did post some of the conversation of the first testimony, I believe I forgot to say anything about the lead detective this am, say that J purchased a PAIR of shoes before meeting up with LE that day, prior to him getting back home. Well.....................then where are the shoes he wore to the meeting earlier? Did LE find the NEW shoes that were on the receipt? The witness said, IIRCC, J was wearing leather, dress shoes. Where are the EXTRA shoes?

As far as the def lawyering up PRIOR to meeting with LE, sorry, NONE of the EXCUSES satisfy this Websleuther. One who's spouse was brutally murdered, would refuse to talk to LE before lawyering up. NOPE! Just doesn't work for me. I don't care if the 'man-in-the-moon' told him to get a lawyer! first. IF he were innocent, he'd have nothing to hide. IF he's guilty, it was a smart move. :(

Now, for his mom. I don't find a problem with her talking about J in a loving way growing up. It doesn't matter a 'hoot!' how happy they were when they got married and, or, when C was born. This isn't about when they got married or when they had C.

This is about the night/day of 11/02 and 11/03, when Michelle was brutally murdered! It is about J cheating with not ONE, but TWO! women shortly before Michelle was murdered along with their UNBORN son. This is about his wife who was murdered, that just days before, J told his friends he was DONE! (referring to Michelle and marriage).

Nope, his childhood, life, education, it all doesn't matter when one turns to murder. There are no bounds. No borders. Just justice. :(

I still feel IF this witness had cared one wit for Michelle, she would have, at the least, shown some emotion when she spoke of Michelle and how good of a mother she was and giving birth to and going on vacation with, her precious daughter AND the grandson that was lost in the same crime, before he ever had a chance to breathe just one tiny little wisp of air.

An order from ebay wouldn't be tied to one computer. It would show on the user's account, regardless of which computer he used. It's binary: he either purchased a Coach bag or he didn't. I think we know the answer to that. ;-)
Good evening everybody - doing a quick run through on this thread and I just removed 15, count them, 15 posts. Wow! I'm not sending any pm's, but I do have a couple of things to say.

1. No name calling!
2. No witness bashing. You may state your opinion, but you can't just bash.
3. No bickering. Agree to disagree and move on or just scroll by any post you don't like.
4. Please remember to change the names of minors to initials.

Thanks and don't forget, I'm lurking around and will be in to check on you every now and then :)

On the lawyer front, I don't see anything wrong with not speaking to police until attorney was present, but agree that it is troublesome that he never followed up on speaking with police. I also very bothered that the priority wasn't about JY getting to Raleigh to see CY, it was about getting an attorney FIRST. I'm glad at least his buddies encouraged him to get to CY ASAP and they'd work on securing a lawyer. Who knows how long they would've sat in the Applebees parking lot waiting.

Looking forward to today's testimony and especially cross.
Well, the cross on PY should be very interesting. The questions will not be rehearsed, and she will not have the advantage of knowing her answers beforehand. It makes a big difference for any witness, but it may be very revealing with this particular witness.
Well, the cross on PY should be very interesting. The questions will not be rehearsed, and she will not have the advantage of knowing her answers beforehand. It makes a big difference for any witness, but it may be very revealing with this particular witness.

I predict alot of objections by the defense as well as a frustrated witness. I honestly don't think PY was in the loop at all as far as the strained marriage, fights, the lousy husband her son was, etc. She only knew what JY told her and I don't think that amounted to much. She just imagined the rest, as most would.
I think the state will go easy on PY because they risk alienating the jury otherwise. The jury doesn't know the history between the families and impeaching PY's testimony will need to be done very delicately.
I agree, Madeleine, the prosecution must go easily to avoid alienating the jury. These two prosecutors seem very attuned to that so I suspect they will do the impeaching of PY's testimony delicately. As to what PY knew, only she knows that. However, I suspect she knows more than we think. Of course, she might have blinders on as well. It should be interesting.
Maybe Pat Young will tell us about the $500 cash in a new wallet hidden in JLY's closet?
If so, I can't wait to hear the cross exam on that one.:D
I'm not buying that Ryan Schaad advised JLY to lawyer up so fast. Any chance we will see him testify for the defense?
I understand why people are upset with JY's mom about visitation of the minor child, but we've only heard one side of that story thus far. Other than that, why are people bashing this witness.

Maybe it's my southern roots and respecting elders, but I don't feel his mother should be vilified. I see no reason for least not yet.
If respecting your elders means mooning your grandma!
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