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Places associated with Lori Erica Kennedy
February 9, 2015 at 7:08pm
She was from Scottsdale, AZ per obituary
Becky Sue Turner, the child who died in a fire whose SSN was stolen by LEK was born in Bakersfield, California in 1969
LEK's Idaho ID card (c. June 1988) listed her address as 7101 El Caballa, Boise, Idaho 83704 (correct spelling for the address is El Caballo Dr.)
LEK had a PO box in Boulder City, Nevada in the late 1980s
Application for Lori Kennedy Social Security number (July 1988): 6102 Mockingbird #191, Dallas, Texas 75214
Passport application (March 1990): 6266 Melody Lane Apt 3079, Dallas, Texas 75231 (Same address used on GED test)
Application for Federal Student Aid (1996/1997): PO Box 810, Euless, TX 76039 817-355-0747
Before 2003, Texas Driver’s License (expiration date 7/18/07): 2436 Harwood Rd, 387, Bedford, TX 76021
Resume (2003?): 1978 Oak Creek Lane #16, Bedford, Texas 76022, Home: 817-685-8401, Cell: 817-715-8578, email
According to her resume she worked in Arlington (2002/2003), Irving (2000-2002), Dallas (1999-2000), Colleyville (1998), Grand Prairie (1998), and Fort Worth (1992-1998), Texas
The following addresses for Lori E. Kennedy with DOB 7/18/69 found on
3146 Hudnall St., Dallas, Texas 75235
14400 Statler Blvd, Fort Worth, Tx 76155
2436 Harwood Rd. Apt. 387, Bedford, Texas 76021
This one comes back as a business when googled: Lori E. Kennedy (DOB July 1969)
1111 W. Airport #147, Irving, Texas 75062 (phone number 355-0747)
200 Bear Creek Dr. Apt. 219, Euless, TX 76039 (1995)
P.O. Box 543344 #219, Dallas, TX 75354
3901 Oakridge Ct. Apt. 3815, Fort Worth, TX 76155 (1993)
P.O. Box 810, Euless, Texas 76039 (1995)
Becky Sue Turner died in house fire in Fife, Washington in 1971
Becky Sue Turner was living in Tacoma, Washington at time of death
Becky Sue Turner is buried in Puyallup, Washington
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