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Not open for further replies. does this work? Part 2. I didn't realize a forum could get to long...Is there a reason for this to be put into another thread...?:waitasec:

Please if anyone wants to read the entire forum on Mattie Restine and Patty Pritz's Murder Case...go to Part I of Carlsbad, NM, Double Murder, 1961. The entire information starts in Part I....thanks.
Yes, once a thread gets too long it is difficult to read 50 pages of posts. Breaking them into smaller thread allows those newer to a case to read current discussion and then go back to questions earlier in the discussion.

If you take a look at some of the insanely fast moving hot cases here such as the Caylee or Haleigh forums they were on thread # 20 or so before they got their own forum. Breaking things up just makes them easier to read.

I linked the first thread, so no one will lose it and have to search for it. The thread you have asked others to read is that link I added to the first post of this new thread.

Yes, once a thread gets too long it is difficult to read 50 pages of posts. Breaking them into smaller thread allows those newer to a case to read current discussion and then go back to questions earlier in the discussion.

If you take a look at some of the insanely fast moving hot cases here such as the Caylee or Haleigh forums they were on thread # 20 or so before they got their own forum. Breaking things up just makes them easier to read.

I linked the first thread, so no one will lose it and have to search for it. The thread you have asked others to read is that link I added to the first post of this new thread.

Okay...thanks for the information. I guess I understand it. I just hope that people will know to go to the main thread to get the entire case history.


Bumping is something done to move a case to the top of the stack so people will see the case, and hopefully post to it. It has nothing to do with removing anything.
yes, bump or bumping a thread is exactly as justthinkin described. Thank you justthinkin' for explaining 'bump'.
Haven't seen this addressed anywhere else. I mostly view & post on here via cellphone, so it's kinda hard to navigate around to look for specific things.
My question is, where on my profile can I get to a list that I can view of the threads I have posted on? When I click on "view parakeet's posts" or "view posts where parakeet received thanks", I get the message "sorry, you do not have priveledge to view this. Are you trying to alter someone's posts?"
The problem is, I can't easily go back to my posts to see if I have any responses or questions for what I posted. So I have to remember where I posted, and look for it. Of course, the more I post the more difficult this will become.
Is this specific only to my account? (Meaning my account has a bug) or am I missing something? (Which would be typical of me)
The fastest way is to click on your hat on any post and it should give you the option to view all your posts.
Or you can go to your profile/hit statistics/view posts.
If these things do not work for you, then you need to have more posts and this function becomes available to you after you become established.
Hope that helps.
Here is another place to ask questions as well.

Forum Finesse - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Hi -new to this site- attempted to look up a particular case- denied access to page- how do I clear that up? Thanks
You need a min number of posts before all the features are available to you. Is there a particular case we can search for you and link here SoJerseyJohn? Also, my apologies for noticing your question so late.

Are there guidelines for starting a new thread? I looked over the rules/etiquette and I didn't notice any mention of such, but I wanted to be sure before I posted anything. Specifically, there is a case in the news that isn't getting a lot of attention and I just wanted to start a thread here about it to see if there's any more info out there that I'm not finding... Is that OK to do?
I'm no mod but I think you may need to have a minimum number of posts in order to enjoy some privileges and features here. So if you try and start a thread and you are informed you are not authorized to do so, take heart, once you've reached that minimum of posts you will.

In general terms, members who want to start a thread should first do a search to see if that case has one already by searching for the victim name, or other details specific to that case. If no thread already exists then pick the sub forum you feel it should go in. Such as crimes in the news or cold cases or unidentified, etc.

I always try to start the title of my thread with the initials for the state the crime occurred in followed by victim name (as long as they are not a minor victim of sexual abuse or assault) and a brief synopsis of the crime or circumstance.

While you are titling your thread a pop up may appear showing other cases that seem similar. You will be asked to double check to make sure the thread you are starting is not related to those similar sounding ones.

Each sub forum has a "start new thread" button located at the upper left hand side of that sub forum.

Hope that is helpful and :welcome: to Websleuths aajn83 :)
When I tried to do a search in the cold case section, a box popped up saying I did not have permission to access that page...why?
When I tried to do a search in the cold case section, a box popped up saying I did not have permission to access that page...why?

Members need to post for awhile before the search feature starts operating. This is because the search feature draws a lot of "juice" and our server is already prone to being slow at times, so it's now a feature for our established members.

Please contact me privately if you need additional help.
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