The "person"--if indeed the sketch was legitimately compiled--in the sketch is clearly Native American; B. Frair is clearly not, or, if he is, is only a little bit N.A.
It's probably in these threads somewhere as surely someone saw it, but does anyone recall a child molester who had escaped from house arrest in New Mexico (or Arizona, one of the two) not long before the Weleetka horror, and who does in fact resemble the sketch?.......[/QUOTE]
wffgdot, Interesting, but I see no reason that SO would shoot the girls 13 times unless he had molested them, maybe I'm missing something.
The following is just a theory that might have happened that Sunday, not to be taken as anything other than speculation, and thinking outside the box.
What IF: the Indian in the white truck was waiting on the road to meet someone from the P. house/or family, to deliver him something, that possibly had been promised or paid for?
The long delay was because the merchandise was no where to be found.
possibly the girls admitted they found it/ hid it or destroyed it that weekend.....and then ran.
Not being able to deliver, caused someone to go into a rage and SNAP.....