Turkey - Jacky Sutton, 50, British journalist, dies in airport restroom, 17 Oct 2015

From the article linked in post #1, Jacqueline is reported to have arrived at Ataturk airport at 9:58 pm local time, with a connecting just over 2 hours later at 12:15 am.

The 50-year-old British woman, Jacqueline Sutton, arrived in Istanbul at 9:58 p.m. on Oct. 17 with Turkish Airlines flight number 1986.

... had a connecting flight to Arbil at 12:15 a.m. but reportedly missed her flight.


Just checked the incoming and outgoing flights for that time frame - that airport is a beehive of activity. Long-haul departing flights from that region of the world always leave late or in the middle of the night so as to arrive at first light (or earlier) at their destination.
Incoming and outgoing flights are 2 or 3 every 5 minutes.



No one witnessed this? No one tried to stop her? No one called security? Imo, it only takes enough money ....
No one witnessed this? No one tried to stop her? No one called security? Imo, it only takes enough money ....

So her plane arrived at 10 PM and she missed the midnight flight? Where did she go in that two hours? Did she meet with someone? Surely if she had stayed in the airport she wouldn't have missed it.

That also puts her in the bathroom well after midnight. If someone wanted to kill her they could have easily picked up an "out of order sign" and put it on the door after following her into the bathroom, then they could have as much time as they needed to strangler her, remove her shoelaces and stage a scene.

Not sure why they would WANT to stage a scene though, why would they want to make it look like a suicide?

Even if people saw something (other than the actual murder) the vast majority would be travelers heading to other countries so they wouldn't be around to report on it.
So her plane arrived at 10 PM and she missed the midnight flight? Where did she go in that two hours? Did she meet with someone? Surely if she had stayed in the airport she wouldn't have missed it.

That also puts her in the bathroom well after midnight. If someone wanted to kill her they could have easily picked up an "out of order sign" and put it on the door after following her into the bathroom, then they could have as much time as they needed to strangler her, remove her shoelaces and stage a scene.

Not sure why they would WANT to stage a scene though, why would they want to make it look like a suicide?

Even if people saw something (other than the actual murder) the vast majority would be travelers heading to other countries so they wouldn't be around to report on it.


I believe the reason is commonly referred to as an 'official report'. Doesn't have to be true, or ring true, it just has to 'be'. Jmo.

Its previous Iraq director Ammar Al Shahbander was killed in a car bomb attack in Baghdad on 2 May and a memorial service was held for him in London last week, according to the IWPR website. Ms Sutton had been in London attending the service.
One of my friends, she traveled basically first time ever, was coming to visit me in Europe from South America (Brazil)
In Frankfurt Germany she needed to catch another flight, it was ca 2 hours between flights, but nevertheless she missed it, because she got too excited shopping tax free and when she was done, whoopsie plane already departed. They called her name many times via loudseaker system as they usually do, but she wasnt paying attention.

She wasnt helpless however, she called me and her family to let us know what has happened, airline staff was very helfpful and offered to book next flight with NO extra cost. However things got complicated because next flight was due to depart next day.
But she then told them to book a flight to neighboring country Finland , because she remembered I told her it was close- and off she went.
From Finland she traveled by boat just 2 hours after a night at hotel.

And indeed she was a first time traveler.
Everything ended well because she didnt panick and airline staff was very helpful.
That happened in Germany.
In any normal country, which Turkey is not, they would be sued.
Did they call her name via loudspeakers? Why not step in and offer her next flight with no extra or little cost. That's possible!

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I believe the reason is commonly referred to as an 'official report'. Doesn't have to be true, or ring true, it just has to 'be'. Jmo.

Yeah that thought crossed my mind. If this appeared to be an assassination I could see the Turkish Authorities being VERY annoyed by the whole situation i.e. foreign journalists stirring up trouble in Baghdad and then bringing their problems with them into Turkey, causing a big stir, making their airport look bad etc...

I could see Turkish officials deciding this is NOT going to be their problem and they are calling it a suicide, which in their opinion may not be far from the truth even if she didn't put the noose around her own neck.
A lot of strange things going on in Turkey these days. I don't know what to think about this.

She arrived at the International terminal at Ataturk Int Airport at 10:00PM. Her flight to Abril departed from the same terminal. Boarding would have started at 11:30PM. There would be no way for her to leave the Airport and go anywhere and return in time to catch her flight. The were some shops and restaurants in the terminal she could have spent time in. Possibly she fell asleep. Whatever caused her to miss her flight, she was alone when she discussed the situation at the airline counter at 12:15 AM. She was primarily concerned with the fact that she would have to pay for the next flight herself because it was her fault she missed it. (The flight to Abril would take less than 3 hours and I can't imagine it would cost over $500). I can't see someone who travels as part of her job not having multiple Credit/Debit cards. Attempting to get by with only cash seems outright crazy. Any number of things can go wrong; emergencies come up. Certainly she could have called her work and arranged for them to cover the fare. Very worse case scenario, she spends the night in the airport and arrives a little later and a little embarrassed.

If she was murdered by some nefarious individual or group after she had missed her flight, this individual or group must have been responsible for causing her to miss her flight. Otherwise they would have had no reason to expect her to not be on the flight. But how?

This is a fairly busy airport literally crawling with Security; uniformed and Plainclothes. It seems unlikely that she could have been restrained there without Security being aware. Of course some Turkish Security agency could have detained her. Either way, she would have used that as a reason she missed her flight and an argument why she shouldn't have to pay for her replacement flight.

It is not clear what entity in Iraq would want her dead. If she became an assassination target, the Ataturk Airport departure terminal would be unlikely place to carry it out. Furthermore, there assassination of someone in her position, who would be immediately replaced, would normally be carried out in a highly public manner, such as a car bomb, in order to send a "message" to her organizations and all Journalists in Iraq. A staged suicide would defeat the whole purpose.
It's only an hour flight and about £150 to fly from Istanbul to Erbil.

I'm still confused about her being "found by three Russians".
Ok, so the shoes probably do have laces - typical white trainers/sports shoes.
It is not clear what entity in Iraq would want her dead. If she became an assassination target, the Ataturk Airport departure terminal would be unlikely place to carry it out. Furthermore, there assassination of someone in her position, who would be immediately replaced, would normally be carried out in a highly public manner, such as a car bomb, in order to send a "message" to her organizations and all Journalists in Iraq. A staged suicide would defeat the whole purpose.

Hanging herself in the airport bathroom with her shoe laces is even more unlikely, plus it seems very likely she had some ruthless enemies.

It is also possible someone recognized her in the airport, if it was quiet maybe they took the opportunity when it was offered.
I really can't get my head around this. She's clearly fine healthwise at the airport. And also not rushing so I don't buy the story of her missing the flight. She's strolling at a normal pace - one of her friends mentioned that she had brought toys for friend's children in Iraq. A bathroom at a busy airport is just such an ODD place to kill oneself. But at the same time, how could someone carry out a murder at an airport without being noticed?
Was she carrying what looked like a gift bag from the very beginning of the airport video? I can't tell. But, it would seem strange if she purchased a gift and then decided to kill herself. Heck, I'm not buying the suicide.
This story seems too strange to believe it happened by suicide.

First off I am not sure shoe strings would be strong enough to support a body. They could either break or I think would be so thin it would cut through and decapitate someone.

Where did she tie the shoe strings to and how did she get enough height to drop?

What really makes me suspicous is the report said the reason was she missed her flight.
Did she write a note explaining her reason? How did they know the reason?

The fact they provided the reason tells me that they made it up unless she wrote a suicide note. Because otherwise they would not know the reason.

Yes, international investigation is needed.

I agree with others that if she was murdered her murderer may not have been from Turkey origin as she could have been followed. Investigators need to look at the flight records from the previous flight and see if a person was also supposed to fly on the flight out and missed the flight too. That could give a hint as to who may have done this.

If she and only 1 other person was on the previous flight and missed that connecting flight then I would question that person.
First off I am not sure shoe strings would be strong enough to support a body. They could either break or I think would be so thin it would cut through and decapitate someone.

Shoelaces are strong and yes they can be used for hanging or strangulation. That is why people locked up in jail overnight have to take them off and hand them over.

Thing is if she didn't hang herself it should be very obvious during an autopsy. Strangulation usually leaves marks evenly around the neck since the attacker is typically standing behind the victim, hanging leaves a different pattern with the rope/cord rising at the sides/back from the weight of the body.

Technically she could have hung herself on a coat hook in a bathroom stall or some low point with her feet touching the floor (like the guys that hang while jacking off). It would probably be very painful using shoelaces, but it is doable.
Shoelaces are strong and yes they can be used for hanging or strangulation. That is why people locked up in jail overnight have to take them off and hand them over.

Thing is if she didn't hang herself it should be very obvious during an autopsy. Strangulation usually leaves marks evenly around the neck since the attacker is typically standing behind the victim, hanging leaves a different pattern with the rope/cord rising at the sides/back from the weight of the body.

Technically she could have hung herself on a coat hook in a bathroom stall or some low point with her feet touching the floor (like the guys that hang while jacking off). It would probably be very painful using shoelaces, but it is doable.

Good point about authorities being able to tell if someone purposely strangled her from behind her. If her body weight was hanging from the string then it would no doubt have pull marks going up toward the chin.

The only thing though is I would suppose a murderer could also force hang her if they wanted to. Should be signs of struggle though.
If she was murdered I think she was targeted, may be because she was a westerner and a women rights activist.
someone contacted her at airport, perhaps presented himself as 'source' Journalists work with secret/unnamed sources all the time. 'source' aka assassin or middle man told her he/she recognizes her, telling her he/she has information or may be documents to hand over for a breaking story or investigative report.
She agrees to meet the source later in some quiet corner, she waits 'the source' but noone shows up she misses her flight, understands she was tricked.
She is upset, goes to toilet, assassin follows her,, strangles her w/ rope/strings. Then removes her shoe laces and sets up a crime scene. This is very risky, likely someone was guarding outside. But it was also relatively late.
One possible scenario.

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