Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #5 *Arrest*

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CPS will be taking all of SM's actions, or lack of, into consideration when making their decision about the custody of the biological child. CPS, in the New England state I reside in, expects parents to fully cooperate/comply with LE investigations and or requests.
I keep thinking about Sherin.
And that LE's job and mission is to make sure that whoever is responsible for Sherin's death is held accountable. Their job is to collect evidence, ask questions, and be suspicious.
A parent's job is to protect and take care of their child no matter what. One of Sherin's parents is in jail for a felony. The other parent is publicly silent (with another child in foster care). That parent's attorney is making public statements that are directly contradicting public statements by LE.
LE is saying that parent is not cooperating with their quest to get needed evidence. As a public observer, this is confusing and worrisome. However, I trust that this LE will get to the bottom of what they need to get to. The most important task was accomplished (finding and recovering Sherin). Now that we're not worried about her body being out there some where, I think LE will get to the bottom of this. Just going to take some time for all the pieces to come together. JMO
I have a problem with the" garage" part of the story. If true, it means his intentions were bad. If not true, it means hes trying to distance others from what he did. No culpability. Why would he have to do that?
You bet, they know if he put her in that culvert that morning and what else he was doing during the hour he was missing and if he was washing his clothes. They have a pretty detailed statement that was not on the arrest warrant.
How many of us would sleep through washing machines and dryers running? And the sound of car engines at 4:am?
I probably would sleep thru those things because I have white noise going in the bedroom when I sleep. It’s actually an air purifier that sorta sounds like one of those window AC units. I don’t know what the conditions were in Sherins house though.
I probably would sleep thru those things because I have white noise going in the bedroom when I sleep. It’s actually an air purifier that sorta sounds like one of those window AC units. I don’t know what the conditions were in Sherins house though.
We also run a white noise machine and I might sleep through also. When my boys were young probably not as I slept listening out if they need me during the night.
Short clip of Hannah Davis WFAA RE: CPS. The s just a clip I cut of what the social worker told her about the chances if WM & SM getting custody of bio daughter back.
Obviously, I have no extra insight into what actually went on in that house. However, I can sympathize with SM's unwillingness to talk to LE for reasons other than selfishness.

All of us are interested in getting whatever justice is possible for this poor child. But SM has just lost a beloved daughter. Her other daughter is in foster care, and her husband is in prison on suicide watch for causing Sherin's death. Could her responding to more questions expedite the investigation? Probably. But I could understand entirely if at this point, she honestly doesn't care about making sure that WM can be charged/convicted on the most serious counts.

Assuming her to be a victim, she has lost her babies, one in a tragically final way, and the other in a terrifyingly indefinite one. WM has essentially confessed to playing enough of a role in Sherin's death that, barring anything bizarre happening, he is going to be convicted of something and serve significant prison time. It is too late to give Sherin anything but the hollowest form of justice. Nothing SM says or doesn't say at this point is going to change the fact that her daughter is dead. Given that, I'm not going to judge her for not cooperating with a questioning process that can only be painful and humiliating, and might give LE the ammunition they need to implicate her in the case.
How many of us would sleep through washing machines and dryers running? And the sound of car engines at 4:am?
Me - especially at that time when you're in the deepest sleep. And, if they took turns getting up she was no doubt used to sleeping thru various noises. Her mind probably allowed her to sleep because it wasn't on 'high alert', knowing her husband was up.

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I probably would sleep thru those things because I have white noise going in the bedroom when I sleep. It’s actually an air purifier that sorta sounds like one of those window AC units. I don’t know what the conditions were in Sherins house though.
White noise and silence keeps me awake. I sleep with the radio on low.
I apologize if this has been posted. I am close to settling down for my second sleep

Orphanage owner in India: Texas girl had no eating problem


So once again we have contradictory statements from what he has said and what others say. hmmm While Sherin was tiny and petite she seemed very filled out overall, and looked very healthy.

"The child had no problem at all when she was here, neither in drinking milk or eating," Kumari said.
My 2 cents... I believe the lawyers statement about as much as I believe WM statement. I went through a custody battle AFTER I left an abusive relationship, and my daughters father was so worried about the fact I was in said relationship, he tried to take my daughter AFTER I LEFT the abuse.... his lawyer was a real piece of work, he said I was guilty because I was abused and even though my daughter was not abused, in his words “she may have well had been” because it took me some time to leave. His lawyer just made things up at times, worded things to make me look horrible.... so I don’t put much of anything into a lawyers statement. It is to protect, and help aid their client and that is all...

In the end nothing changed when it came to custody... because I was getting help, I had my daughter in therapy as well. So even if... there are things to be done that you just do to protect your child, and keep your child in the best outcome as possible. I just don’t see that happening in this case. JMO MOO OMO

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BBM. Agreed. They are there for one reason only. When I read it yesterday I didn’t believe it. It contradicts what LE are saying completely. It also contradicts what Kent said. He said she was no longer cooperating after her daughter was taken away.
You're not following what I am saying at all. Let me give an example with one question LE might ask.

Let's say they ask WM if it was the routine to do the 3 am feedings in the garage and he says yes, but when they ask Sini if that was the routine, she says no.

Lie 1 exposed. Move on to the next. Get there faster if Sini cooperates.

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I agree, vmmking... it's not about incriminating Sini, it's about exposing what other BS Wesley thinks up.
Me - especially at that time when you're in the deepest sleep. And, if they took turns getting up she was no doubt used to sleeping thru various noises. Her mind probably allowed her to sleep because it wasn't on 'high alert', knowing her husband was up.

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If her mind wasn't on high alert knowing her husband was up with Sherin, she must not have ever witnessed him being abusive to her.
If her mind wasn't on high alert knowing her husband was up with Sherin, she must not have ever witnessed him being abusive to her.

As far as I can tell, she never claimed she knew her husband was up with Sherin, she just was sleeping.
As far as I can tell, she never claimed she knew her husband was up with Sherin, she just was sleeping.

Sleeping soundly, because she knew her husband would be taking care of Sherin that night.
Where is this coming from? Are there any links to these claims that she knew her husband was taking care of Sherin that night?
Regarding the India news reports seemingly having more information than we've been given, it may be possible that the officer told Indian authorities more about their investigations and they passed that information on to Indian reporters. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding of what information was being given to the public about the investigations. I wonder if Maria Guerrero is aware of the Indian news article, so that she could ask Richardson PD about the validity of it.
Where is this coming from? Are there any links to these claims that she knew her husband was taking care of Sherin that night?

I thought the parents said Sherin struggled to gain weight and so she was given milk in the night. So I think maybe that's where it comes from?... That one of them must have planned to get up with her that night... (someone correct me if I'm wrong, between the multitude of attorneys and WM BS stories I'm struggling to remember everything! - TIA!)
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