UT - Kylen Schulte, 24, & Crystal Beck, 38, newlywed couple found dead, Grand County, 18 Aug 2021

It was said they got back to the site around midnight and they had to be at work at 5:30 so he must have seemed very threatening by then or they would have just left in the morning I think. JMO

Yeah I meant that, as in the morning , cant see anything in the night that's pretty obvious.. packed up the rabbit out of its run ect
Piled bottles together and he saw this whilst they were chilling or even whilst they did it.

There was also a sighting of Kylan at the gas station close by the next day to but no cctv so cant be confirmed JMO
It was said they got back to the site around midnight and they had to be at work at 5:30 so he must have seemed very threatening by then or they would have just left in the morning I think. JMO

Yeah I meant that, as in the morning , cant see anything in the night that's pretty obvious.. packed up the rabbit out of its run ect
Piled bottles together and he saw this whilst they were chilling or even whilst they did it. Jmo

There was also a sighting of Kylan at the gas station close by the next day to but no cctv so cant be confirmed .

The creepy guy cant be brian surely?
For one the "creepy guy" had a car
Lots of clothes and food.
Brian had a backpack when dropped at the hotel near by.
If Kylan had witnessed the arguement between gabby and brian outside the co op wouldn't she have also mentioned that to her friends on the 13th of august at the tavern?

I think the cops have messed up big time and this P.I is clutching straws.
I like the idea of a
I wonder if the camping sites there are widely held to be attractive and if there has been a past history of people making "claims" and petty intimidation of others? Though the absence of such does not eliminate the motive, a history of "claims" and intimidation around area campsites would strengthen it.

This is something I've been trying to get my mind around:

The sites are so popular that a creepy guy would be willing to kill two strangers over a prime spot...
...but they are so remote that nobody notices two bodies in plain sight until several days later.

And even then it took someone who knew the victims and knew the area two days to find them!

Grand County Utah averages zero homicides per year:

So not like it's a super dangerous area.

**not sure what those "19, 19.4" entries are, mistakes or multiple killings?

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The DNA will catch the killer, IMO. And he may already be in jail, in Richfield, UT.

I believe LE has had a suspect since very early on, and that this case will be solved.

<modsnip: Stating opinion as fact>And this wasn't a fight over a camping site - the place had plenty of room. Creeper was mentioned by K and C more than one time - but others had mentioned "a creeper" at a more established BLM campground area more than a month before. IMO

All of this checks out with the known movements of a particular suspect. I think it's good that LE isn't releasing names or saying much until the DNA is thoroughly studied.
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This is something I've been trying to get my mind around:

The sites are so popular that a creepy guy would be willing to kill two strangers over a prime spot...
...but they are so remote that nobody notices two bodies in plain sight until several days later.

And even then it took someone who knew the victims and knew the area two days to find them.


No. The two were camping in a place that was basically known only to locals - indeed, at first there were problems determining whether this was public land at all. There was a road that went past that creek bed and even the person who found them (a good friend) had a hard time finding their site, it wasn't very visible from the road.

You can look at aerial views of the spot on maps.google. Almost no one camps there - most people camp a few miles away in the more developed dispersed camping area. Their campsite could not have been more remote, the reason they were so surprised to see the "creeper" is that no one went out that way. So when some rando started showing up nearby, and then clearly was staying overnight too close for comfort, they were worried.

There was no one else out there - not that night, nor at any recent time, IMO.

Here are the approximate coordinates:

38.539313. 109.329394

I have more precise coordinates somewhere - will try to post later, but you can easily see that it's not an area with any sort of developed camping and they took their vehicle somewhat off road - to be invisible from that secondary road and to be closer to the creek.

Also, IIRC, this is a sex crime as well...from what we read in MSM...it's not over a campsite.
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No. The two were camping in a place that was basically known only to locals - indeed, at first there were problems determining whether this was public land at all. There was a road that went past that creek bed and even the person who found them (a good friend) had a hard time finding their site, it wasn't very visible from the road.

You can look at aerial views of the spot on maps.google. Almost no one camps there - most people camp a few miles away in the more developed dispersed camping area. Their campsite could not have been more remote, the reason they were so surprised to see the "creeper" is that no one went out that way. So when some rando started showing up nearby, and then clearly was staying overnight too close for comfort, they were worried.

There was no one else out there - not that night, nor at any recent time, IMO.

Here are the approximate coordinates:

38.539313. 109.329394

I have more precise coordinates somewhere - will try to post later, but you can easily see that it's not an area with any sort of developed camping and they took their vehicle somewhat off road - to be invisible from that secondary road and to be closer to the creek.

Also, IIRC, this is a sex crime as well...from what we read in MSM...it's not over a campsite.

The crime scene was cleared in less than 2 hours after police arrived Cindy S said it took them over an hour to arrive when she called.
And also tourists were camping in the exact same spot 2 days later, they had no idea a murder had happened there.
"The father reported that a person of interest had been questioned and released by police, but his daughter's killer was still out there. "

taken from the link posted above

i hope more clarity becomes available soon in regards to this
Do the police only name suspects? They didn't name the person of interest in this case?

I don't think we can presume that something that happened almost 40 years ago is relevant.
(And, of course, I'm not implying that you were implying that, but the date wasn't included.)

I'm still waiting on some results in this case! The poor residents of Moab must be very worried.
No. The two were camping in a place that was basically known only to locals - indeed, at first there were problems determining whether this was public land at all. There was a road that went past that creek bed and even the person who found them (a good friend) had a hard time finding their site, it wasn't very visible from the road.

You can look at aerial views of the spot on maps.google. Almost no one camps there - most people camp a few miles away in the more developed dispersed camping area. Their campsite could not have been more remote, the reason they were so surprised to see the "creeper" is that no one went out that way. So when some rando started showing up nearby, and then clearly was staying overnight too close for comfort, they were worried.

There was no one else out there - not that night, nor at any recent time, IMO.

Here are the approximate coordinates:

38.539313. 109.329394

I have more precise coordinates somewhere - will try to post later, but you can easily see that it's not an area with any sort of developed camping and they took their vehicle somewhat off road - to be invisible from that secondary road and to be closer to the creek.

Also, IIRC, this is a sex crime as well...from what we read in MSM...it's not over a campsite.

Cindy s is surprised nobody found them before her, because you could see the camp from the La Sal Loop Road which is higher from were the two women were camping.

Looking at the aerial view on google maps you can see there is actually a RV parked there, so to say nobody camps there?

In this area it has been said by Cindy S that alot of people camp in that area as said before ,2 days after the bodies were found people were camping in the same spot the girls were murdered and they didnt even know.

With there being lots of space normally people give eachother space when camping that's the reason why the girls were freaked out by the "creepy guy"-cindy s said in a interview.

In my opinion just because some of the womens clothes were removed doesnt always mean a sex crime has been committed we shouldn't jump straight to any thought of a sex crime until all the forensics come out, it could also be a way of covering up and making it look like the motive not everything is as it seems.

Also there is a window from the lodge on whispering oaks ranch that can be seen were the girls camped. As there was a wedding that night on the 13th that had around a 100 people attend hopefully someone may have taken a picture so we are able to see who was to close for comfort next to Kylen and Crystal.

Here is some screen shots of the camp site, with some pins of were things were placed, Kylens body , plastic bottles ect. It was so close to that ranch someone must have heard something. IMO


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"According to Jensen, after leaving the bar, the couple went over to a friend’s house until just after midnight before returning to their campsite sometime around 1 a.m."

So they were *not* last seen at Woody's Tavern! And this fact has stayed hidden for two months until the PI discovered it.

Is this the source for the 2nd creeper man story? The one where he'd moved closer, brought clothes, and intimidated them? The one where K/C said if anything happened to them, creeper man did it?

R st J

This is an important detail and I'm unsure why it's just now being released.

Plastic bottles in a pile
Rabbit in carrier no food or water

My opinion, they was packing up to leave. And the creepy guy saw this.

I agree. Imo, they were packing up to leave because he was being creepy and possibly openly aggressive, and they were ambushed while they were getting ready to go. The best other scenario I can think of is they were sleeping when attacked (I recall several of their friends saying they would keep their bunny in its hutch outside with them while they were camping out), but I lean more towards the packing and trying to leave theory.

These women were married. It's possible they were being sexually intimate when they were murdered. This would explain the missing clothing.

Kylen's father reported that they were both raped (elaboration of LE confirming they were sexually assaulted), but they may have been intimate and have been in the middle of it when they were killed. However, I tend to think they were in the process of packing up to move campsites when they were attacked.
The couple, who married in April, were semi-regulars at Woody’s Tavern in Moab, says bar manager Arielle Beck.

Beck (not related to Crystal Beck) said the pair were there from about 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Aug. 13 and that this was the last time they were seen at Woody’s, although police and local media reported that they were seen there again the following evening. Arielle Beck claims she worked both nights and hasn’t seen them since Friday.
Surveillance footage of murdered married couple shows how they complain that 'weird' stays with them

*Bar manager google hmm….
Interesting google.
The crime scene was cleared in less than 2 hours after police arrived Cindy S said it took them over an hour to arrive when she called.
And also tourists were camping in the exact same spot 2 days later, they had no idea a murder had happened there.

I find it VERY hard to believe that it only took two hours for law enforcement to photograph the scene, collect evidence, talk to the neighbors and remove the bodies in two hours.

I'm not surprised it took an hour for law enforcement to arrive at the scene since we know that it was about an hour outside of Moab.
I’ve been following this case closely as a queer woman who frequents the outdoors with my partner and are both currently living in Utah. It struck a nerve with me because I can see a million different ways that this was a random crime of opportunity, knowing how vulnerable two women are and how remote even popular campsites in Utah can be.

I couldn’t get past the strange obituary from Crystal’s family recently though—the mention of her children for the first time. I have been avoiding thinking that the two women were particularly targeted. And the mention of the drugs in that warrant bothered me, felt like a deliberate character assasination from the police dept. With that said though, this legal document from 2016 is very strange:

BECK v. ARKANSAS DEPT. OF | 528 S.W.3d 869 (2017) | 20170920018 | Leagle.com

It seems Crystal was petitioning the court to win back parental rights shortly after she relocated to Utah. Could be nothing and I don’t doubt she was failed by the legal system on multiple occasions, but she certainly had a complicated past.

from the court record:

There was also evidence that Beck is living with an 80-year-old man in exchange for caring for him and his house. She met the man after she had moved to Utah and had been picked up by him while she was hitchhiking. They do not have a written lease agreement, and she could be kicked out at any time for any reason. He has not yet undergone a background check, and because a home study has not been completed, it is unclear whether his household would even meet with court approval for placement.​

Just seems to me that there are quite a few avenues for some dangerous individuals to have been introduced to their lives, whether they were aware of it or not.
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I find it VERY hard to believe that it only took two hours for law enforcement to photograph the scene, collect evidence, talk to the neighbors and remove the bodies in two hours.

I'm not surprised it took an hour for law enforcement to arrive at the scene since we know that it was about an hour outside of Moab.

Well that's what Cindy S said, less than 2 hours actually to clear the scene take pictures, shows how incompetent the police were that had their hands on this case first.
That explains also why it is such a mess now to try and solve.
Peoples belief in finding it hard to believe is why cops have gotten away with budging crime scenes for so long.
If you ask me it's not the best place to live as a lesbian couple either . Imo
I find it VERY hard to believe that it only took two hours for law enforcement to photograph the scene, collect evidence, talk to the neighbors and remove the bodies in two hours.

I'm not surprised it took an hour for law enforcement to arrive at the scene since we know that it was about an hour outside of Moab.

Also it shouldn't have taken an hour there was a alert out to find the girls by her father?

FYI it isnt an hour outside of Moab?
It's just over half an hour to the whispering oaks ranch which is just a little further than the camp
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