Missing Age: 33 Years
Current Age: 100 Years
First Name: Sarah
Middle Name: Luella
Last Name: Snow
Nickname/Alias: Sarah Young; Ella Snow; Ella Young
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 3" (63 Inches)
Weight: 103 - 125 lbs
Race / Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Date of Last Contact: September 13, 1953
NamUs Case Created: July 17, 2019
Last Known Location Map
Location: Springville, Utah 84663
County: Utah County
Missing From Tribal Land: No
Primary Residence on Tribal Land--
Circumstances of Disappearance: On the morning of September 13th, Sarah told her mother, who was helping with the kids, that she was going to get some supplies she would need for dinner. She never returned. Her car and shoes were found at the mouth of Hobble Creek Canyon within a couple days. There were search parties involved, but Sarah was never found.
Physical Description
Hair Color: Brown
Left Eye Color: Brown
Right Eye Color: Brown
Distinctive Physical Features
No Information Entered
Clothing and Accessories
Clothing: Sarah was last seen wearing green slacks, a red and green plaid blouse and white shoes.