VA - Johnny Depp's defamation case against ex Amber Heard, who countersued #12

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A lot of these "hot takes" seem to forget that from 2016 onwards AH had been freely having her say. People believed her when she orchestrated that very public TRO photoshoot on May 27th. They believed her when she went on the cover of People magazine with an exclusive about her abusive marriage (on June 1st online). They believed her when she leaked that edited TMZ video one day before her divorce deposition. She enjoyed the fruits of her public suffering as the abused wife of a celebrity when she co-wrote that Op-Ed with the ACLU and timed it with the release of Aquaman and her appointment as the ACLU's ambassador for women's rights. She enjoyed the social adulation for claiming she had DONATED (past tense, not pledged, donated) the entirety of her 7 million divorce settlement to sick dying children and a civil liberty org. She got to charge $33,000 per speaking gig on domestic violence and women's rights, for god's sake!

For SIX years, JD had to endure the public condemnation and lost job opportunities. Despite having negotiated a divorce settlement where both parties were meant to stop disparaging the other in public. She broke that agreement for media clout and because, in her own words, she basically was angry he still had supporters. There can be no doubt she has actively and continues to actively try to destroy this man's reputation and livelihood.

I continue to be outraged about it. Especially since the MSM seems determined to die on the hill of Amber Heard being the victim of an abusive "Monster". She calls him a pathetic coward, a pussy, someone who can't teach his own son how to be a man, a cry baby, a washed up fat old man, then claims to the public he has this superhuman influence and power in Hollywood. That police officers, medical personnel, random people on the street, jurors - even - are helpless to his magnetic charm and intimidating magical sway. Please explain this glaring dichotomy to me?
A lot of these "hot takes" seem to forget that from 2016 onwards AH had been freely having her say. People believed her when she orchestrated that very public TRO photoshoot on May 27th. They believed her when she went on the cover of People magazine with an exclusive about her abusive marriage (on June 1st online). They believed her when she leaked that edited TMZ video one day before her divorce deposition. She enjoyed the fruits of her public suffering as the abused wife of a celebrity when she co-wrote that Op-Ed with the ACLU and timed it with the release of Aquaman and her appointment as the ACLU's ambassador for women's rights. She enjoyed the social adulation for claiming she had DONATED (past tense, not pledged, donated) the entirety of her 7 million divorce settlement to sick dying children and a civil liberty org. She got to charge $33,000 per speaking gig on domestic violence and women's rights, for god's sake!

For SIX years, JD had to endure the public condemnation and lost job opportunities. Despite having negotiated a divorce settlement where both parties were meant to stop disparaging the other in public. She broke that agreement for media clout and because, in her own words, she basically was angry he still had supporters. There can be no doubt she has actively and continues to actively try to destroy this man's reputation and livelihood.

I continue to be outraged about it. Especially since the MSM seems determined to die on the hill of Amber Heard being the victim of an abusive "Monster". She calls him a pathetic coward, a pussy, someone who can't teach his own son how to be a man, a cry baby, a washed up fat old man, then claims to the public he has this superhuman influence and power in Hollywood. That police officers, medical personnel, random people on the street, jurors - even - are helpless to his magnetic charm and intimidating magical sway. Please explain this glaring dichotomy to me?
I think she was heavily relying on the MeToo movement to shield, protect and champion her like they (rightfully) have for many abuse victims. And it worked - for awhile. I do not think she anticipated that Johnny Depp would actually come after her and demand she be held accountable. And when he did, she still probably thought she'd get a blanket pass as the "victim".

As for the glaring dichotomy, that is what tends to happen when people tell intricate and sweeping lies. One lie does not mesh with another lie and another lie does not mesh with the truth and so on. The inconsistencies catch up with you, just like they did here. IMO
Agree that benzo + alcohol is a very bad mix indeed.

I do however disagree with this characterization of the state of "blackout". People are no more prone to rampaging, aggressive behavior or violence when in a state of blackout than they are any other time. And they do know what they are doing in the moment. I mean, as well as one can while under the influence anyway.

A "blackout" is the result of an incomplete or absent memory transfer from short term memory to long term memory. A person in a blackout state has perfectly functioning short term memory - you can, for instance, watch a movie and follow along just fine or participate in a conversation. You are present in the moment, likely behaving much as you normally do. The problem that arises in a drug or alcohol impaired state is that the substance can interrupt the transmission of data (memory) from short term memory to long term memory. The following day you may not remember watching the movie or having a conversation but you were perfectly aware during the event itself.

Benzodiazepines are notorious for this. In fact, it's the reason Versed is deliberately used during outpatient medical procedures. The patient medicated with Versed can cooperate with the procedure and the doctors because they are awake and reasonably alert in the moment, but don't remember a thing about it afterwards (blackout). The formal term is anterograde amnesia.

Thank you for this info. I have only ever heard of the 'rampage' side effects as I suppose that's the ones people mention and are most dangerous.

I have a personal connection to this particular issue that I won't detail here but indeed the full memory loss is definitely an issue and even with prompting or evidence, there's no memory recall whatsoever.
Thank you for this info. I have only ever heard of the 'rampage' side effects as I suppose that's the ones people mention and are most dangerous.

I have a personal connection to this particular issue that I won't detail here but indeed the full memory loss is definitely an issue and even with prompting or evidence, there's no memory recall whatsoever.
It's actually pretty frightening. I've had colonoscopies, cataract surgeries and oral surgeries under the effect of Versed. Doctors and nurses have relayed numerous conversations we had during the events and I never remembered a thing about it. I still don't. It's a complete blank and a pretty disturbing experience.

Ambien did that once, too. I called my sister one morning to tell her about an event that happened and she said, yes, I already know all this. You told it all to me last night when I called you. I was like, what? I checked my call log and sure enough I had spoken to her for an hour the previous evening. She said I was perfectly fine and didn't appear to be under the influence of anything at all. I didn't remember talking to her at all. No memory of it whatsoever. I never took that crap again.

And frankly, the drug use in this case gives me pause. A lot of pause. It's really hard to know exactly how much these two remember accurately given that one or both of them seem to have been under the influence a lot. Did she do things she doesn't remember? Did he? It's kind of a mess. IMO
This claim of the jury 'demonizing' AH is not only a slap( ABUSE?) against the justice system itself, but I personally take offense. The public at large watched the trial, which was televised with the court's approval. We all had many many choices on where to watch the trial. I chose MSM sites that had no commentary...for the most part. However, sometimes I went to Social Media's "Lawtube", and listened to the salt and pepper commentary added. I learned much about our legal system. I also learned that many on those sites had the same ghastly opinion as I did. That AH was an extremely troubled woman, who lied...and SHE was the abuser!

I didn't reach this (my) opinion from the Twitter fandom sites, or TikTok and Instagram sites....which EB and company brought forward themselves during the trial. And, either did the jury...I have faith in the seven. They all watched and listened to the same trial we did. But, I do worry where and how far this claim of social media tampering will go. Just sayin

Watch where this leads.

I would like to know what Elaine wants to do about the jury “demonizing” AH. How do you secure a jury that doesn’t demonize (use any word in place of demonize, it doesn’t matter)? Since when do we get to weigh in on the tedious juror selection, no matter if every juror was blowing bubbles?

Im trying to understand what’s making her say and do illogical things. It’s like AH, throw out lie after lie and build a case around it.
I think we can hear what ALL of the suppressed evidence was by listening to the 'proffer' which was in the video of the trial. It was all read into evidence, to be put on record, at the tail end of the trial, by Rottenborn I believe.

Mostly it seemed to be the notes from AH's therapist, who said AH 'told' her about some abuse by JD. But that is HEARSAY evidence so it should not be admitted into the trial. Anyone can tell their therapist/marriage counsellor anything they want---it doesn't make it true.

Also there were pictures AH wanted admitted but were not originals so they were not verifiable.

EB also mentioned the text from JD's friend, to AH, saying 'JD is sorry for kicking you.' Again, that is not proper evidence because it was not someone witnessing the event and testifying to it. It was hearsay as we don't know where the info really came from.
I feel like yelling out Ojection! Hearsay!!!
I'm still very sad that Jennifer Howell's testimony and declaration never got to be submitted properly to the jury. The fact that Whitney Heard confided she was nearly pushed down the stairs by AH, that she feared AH would kill JD and that's why she moved out to live with JH, that WH had been subjected to abuse by her sister for decades etc. was damning evidence. Luckily, in the end, the jury still found AH liable.

But JH has been dealing with what I would call witness intimidation, and I hope it develops into further LE investigation of AH's actions. Also the complaint laid against one of the nurses who was about to testify. There's been a lot of nasty behind the scenes behavior that I hope gets an expose some day soon.

Here is JH's latest post which comments on Adam Waldman and the allegations he made in 2020 (which AH counter sued about):

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Basically she believes AW was telling the truth about there being a group conspiracy to commit fraud against JD regarding some of the abuse allegations.
I would like to know what Elaine wants to do about the jury “demonizing” AH. How do you secure a jury that doesn’t demonize (use any word in place of demonize, it doesn’t matter)? Since when do we get to weigh in on the tedious juror selection, no matter if every juror was blowing bubbles?

Im trying to understand what’s making her say and do illogical things. It’s like AH, throw out lie after lie and build a case around it.
I don't really know what options EB has at this point. The legal system has spoken. She somehow now has to do damage control and repair AH's public image if AH ever wants to work in Hollywood again on any serious level. At this point the only card EB has to play is the victim card. I don't see any other logical way out of this for her. There literally are no other cards. She can't use a mental health escape card either and send her client off to an inpatient treatment center (like Will Smith did, for example) because her client has a one year old child with no father. She can't paint Amber Heard as mentally unwell or mentally unbalanced. And she certainly can't come clean and admit her client is a straight-up liar.

At the same time, Johnny Depp is doing the same thing. He's out playing the "good guy" card, being delightful at the pub and cuddling cute little badgers at a roadside zoo. And he'll continue to use that card to repair his image and get his life and career back on track.

I imagine at this point EB is wishing she had never gotten involved in this and backed herself into an untenable corner. Because she's really stuck now. IMO
I'm still very sad that Jennifer Howell's testimony and declaration never got to be submitted properly to the jury. The fact that Whitney Heard confided she was nearly pushed down the stairs by AH, that she feared AH would kill JD and that's why she moved out to live with JH, that WH had been subjected to abuse by her sister for decades etc. was damning evidence. Luckily, in the end, the jury still found AH liable.

But JH has been dealing with what I would call witness intimidation, and I hope it develops into further LE investigation of AH's actions. Also the complaint laid against one of the nurses who was about to testify. There's been a lot of nasty behind the scenes behavior that I hope gets an expose some day soon.

Here is JH's latest post which comments on Adam Waldman and the allegations he made in 2020 (which AH counter sued about):

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Basically she believes AW was telling the truth about there being a group conspiracy to commit fraud against JD regarding some of the abuse allegations.
Altho Jennifer's wasn't submitted fully. Didn't we hear in jury instructions that the jury could "read" it in full if they wanted?
Similar to another Hollywood 'star' who was recently convicted for lying to police and the community at large, AH has her chosen mouthpiece attorney get up and face the music. But also, to continue her lies. Each of them was ( are still?) backed by a Social Justice Warrior group. Neither of them will EVER admit to lying.....even after a court and a jury found the same. MSM? They are playing these cases very cautiously. But, playing with us in the meantime. Let the sunshine in.....while it can
I like this lawyer. In his video he says something about JDs team not doing interviews yet but that they have something planned, he seems pretty certain about it.

Then, I see the badger post and think of all the little surprise appearances he's made this week. Beck's concert, the little pub where he gave parent advice to a pregnant lady, the badger... I feel like this is his statement. He's free, he's doing all the things he loves and he isn't hiding anymore.

This attorney gives a good summary of Elaine's appearance on GMA this morning. He explains his opinion about an appeal.

ANIMAL ALERT: Now we have to look for Badgers

Maybe an alternate JD spirit animal when the supply of alpacas is gone.

Jeff Beck is a patron of that animal charity. :) I did not have badgers or alpacas on my JD vs AH Bingo Card

I believe that JD's team went extremely light on AH. There's a lot of material they could have 'demonized' her with. Her past arrest record, her lies about her upbringing, her having been a stripper/escort, her own extreme drug abuse (especially cocaine), her serial infidelity and so on.

JD was the one demonized, in fact, they constantly referred to him as a literal monster!!! They used private venting texts to friends (not even AH) as proof of abuse. It was sickening.

I hope EB gets sanctioned or at least has some repercussions for her conduct today.

I was watching one of the lawtubes last night and they had some juicy stuff digging around some outstanding motions in the districts of NY and CA pertaining to this case. Needless to say, it did not look favorable to AH. She used the courts to harass JD in my opinion.

My guess is: she will not stop trying to victimize JD. Due to her personality orders, she just can't let it go. Luckily, I think most people will probably not give her the time of day, JD likely feels he can ignore her now that he has been vindicated in the public's eye.
I did listen to the tape that was posted but my hearing is not the these. Was she indeed a stripper/escort with arrests?
Thank god for all the audio tapping that was done. This vindicated JD.
He was extremely, extremely clever to get the stuff he got, and also to keep AH from having access to his iCloud and torching such information (I certainly wouldn’t put it past her!).

How about bats? Lol
That’s one of my favorites! Him instinctively paternally rocking the little thing …

also, please note the condition of his finger. This is obviously mid skin graft … :(
I don't really know what options EB has at this point. The legal system has spoken. She somehow now has to do damage control and repair AH's public image if AH ever wants to work in Hollywood again on any serious level. At this point the only card EB has to play is the victim card. I don't see any other logical way out of this for her. There literally are no other cards. She can't use a mental health escape card either and send her client off to an inpatient treatment center (like Will Smith did, for example) because her client has a one year old child with no father. She can't paint Amber Heard as mentally unwell or mentally unbalanced. And she certainly can't come clean and admit her client is a straight-up liar.

At the same time, Johnny Depp is doing the same thing. He's out playing the "good guy" card, being delightful at the pub and cuddling cute little badgers at a roadside zoo. And he'll continue to use that card to repair his image and get his life and career back on track.

I imagine at this point EB is wishing she had never gotten involved in this and backed herself into an untenable corner. Because she's really stuck now. IMO

She’s gridlocked by her own doing…ironically like her client. I would be disappointed if my attorney conducted themselves like this.

On the other hand she is content to have an attorney who supports her narcissistic lying behavior. That’s not the way to repair an image. Birds of a feather…

What was her team thinking in building a case around a very serious SA accusation with zero evidence?!?

I know I’ve repeated myself many times but I’m still venting about all of it. Thanks for listening!
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