Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #11

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So it's her friends who said she went to the bathroom and couldn't get back inside the arena. hm, no one questioned that?

I agree with this poster, the friends statements sound hinky, jmo.

I'm not a good liar. If I was to make up a story for the same situation, it would sound just like what we've been hearing. And then I'd toss the purse out somewhere to make it look really good.

I would just like to know that MH's friends for sure had nothing to do with this and move on past that. So far, no one can show proof she was at the concert that night. Maybe there is proof. I haven't seen it though.
ok for some reason i can't link source, its on blink on crime site.

This was posted by a member on findmorgan
My guess about the camera is, if they were indeed out there, nothing turned up on them. After all, hunters usually set them up to see where the deer go, graze, etc. which means they would have, no doubt, looked at the pictures by now. Especially since rifle and archery seasons are over.

But, who knows. Maybe one or more weren't looked at?
The whole "why did she go outside?" part of this has always been a mystery.There is a total non-negotiable no re entry policy clearly spelled out at JPJ arena. There is a readily visible smoking area that keeps you within the arena, there are numerous bathrooms all over. Nobody has ever been able to really figure out why she left the building.Likewise, nobody here after 3 months has ever really figured out why the "friends" didn't bring her HER OWN keys.

That helps me understand a lot. I didn't know that. Even more of a mystery.
Either that or something was overlooked, How can cameras set up with motion sensors and infared not pick up anything. Would like to hear more details about this though
IF IF IF the last place she was seen was at the concert.......then start there of course......and IF IF IF it was a (serial) predator hanging out at concerts-a roadie? whatever-then yes-get her in a vehicle-start driving-dump her and then leave town.......
Is it possible to have some sort of sticky notice with the (few!) things that are known, so we don't keep answering the same questions over and over again? Please!
Either that or something was overlooked, How can cameras set up with motion sensors and infared not pick up anything. Would like to hear more details about this though

We have three game cameras at our deer lease. If the batteries are dead or the memory card is full they will not take photos.

My guess is there was no gmae camera there. even if the batteries are dead. The hunter woud be checking the camera. Bow season starts in October, and rife season starts in November. Someone woud've been abe to sme the decomp and/or see the body.

ETA: they do take pictures at night.
Maybe they want the perp to think that the game cameras had taken pictures?
I apologize for taking this off-topic, everyone, but as someone who has spent a large part of my life around the live music business, I've kind of reached my breaking point with the ticket stub/re-entry bit. I'm going to say my piece and you can take it or leave it, but it would be great if the thread could stop focusing on it and blaming folks who have done nothing wrong, and instead figure out what happened to Morgan.

when a female is left out like she was alone,without keys to her car and nowhere to go, isn't there some kind of solution that could work?? Any ideas?

For starters, you're seriously underestimating the "sneak" factor of a lot of people. I could easily send a friend into the building to see one band, meet them between sets, take his or her ticket and go to the security staff saying, "Please, I'm a girl and I'm all by myself and I didn't know any better!" There are very good reasons that the policy is in place and has been in place for years (if not decades) at just about any venue you can find. If you start making exceptions for one person because they're alone, and one because they're female, and one because they made a mistake, you basically need to toss the rule and allow anyone and everyone into the building if they can show you someone's ticket stub. It is a business if you're the band or the promoter or the venue, and you have to protect your own interests - you can't sell a fifty-dollar ticket and have three people get inside with it. It may sound cold in light of what's happened to Morgan, which is a terrible tragedy, but it will not (and frankly should not) change.

Aside from people "sharing" a ticket simply to see a band, I could go inside to deal drugs for the first hour or bootleg one band's set and then sell my ticket to someone and go on my merry way having profited twice or more from it all. I could get kicked out for being violent or overintoxicated or trying to sneak backstage and either re-enter if I could find a new gate where they don't recognize me or sell my ticket to someone else who could enter freely. None of those things are right and many of them will jeopordize the one aspect of safety that the show is responsible for, which is that of the paying patrons who are in the building.

Finally, and I don't wish to blame Morgan's disappearance on anyone other than who abducted and harmed her, she was an adult as are most other people at concerts, and as such she was responsible to know the rules and follow them. I've left a show once myself after an arguement with a friend. I did not expect anyone to let me back in because I cooled down and wanted to see the concert, nor should they have let me in if I asked. Asking people to look out for one another to the extent that they're able is one thing; asking people to babysit other adults is another thing entirely. It sounds to me like Morgan understood this herself as well, since she apparently tried to re-enter, was refused, and let it go. What happened to her after that is the part we should be focusing on.
Seems to me October would be the time of year to make sure the cameras were in working order, so you never know they could have caught something. If hunters were out there, I am sure you could smell decomp, but who it going to go looking for it things die in the woods all the time. Plus if the hay was waist high it would be hard to see even up in a tree stand that is a large area of ground.
I apologize for asking a question that I know the answer is in this thread somewhere but ... Approximately how far from the areana was the body located?

I think I heard approximately 10 miles. Someone can correct me if that's wrong.
Maybe she left the arena willingly-to be with a guy-not necessarily to smoke-Maybe someone promised her a visit backstage?? Maybe.....
I do feel someone slipped her something in a drink or got her high in the parking lot and she was a limp doll-out of it....and then they drove...and drove.....they decided to dump this poor girl-this is a sociapath.[2200-2299]+Anchorage+Farm&2z=22903&2y=US&2l=37.973005&2g=-78.61386&2v=BLOCK#b/maps/l:John+Paul+Jones+Arena:295+Massie+Rd:Charlottesville:VA:22903:US:38.04525:-78.50707:address::1:::26435966/l::[2200-2299]+Anchorage+Farm:Charlottesville:VA:22903:US:37.973005:-78.61386:block::1:::/io:1:::::f::::/e

that is far, for people familiar with the area, it is a long drive[2200-2299]+Anchorage+Farm&2z=22903&2y=US&2l=37.973005&2g=-78.61386&2v=BLOCK#b/maps/l:John+Paul+Jones+Arena:295+Massie+Rd:Charlottesville:VA:22903:US:38.04525:-78.50707:address::1:::26435966/l::[2200-2299]+Anchorage+Farm:Charlottesville:VA:22903:US:37.973005:-78.61386:block::1:::/io:1:::::f::::/e

that is far, for people familiar with the area, it is a long drive

The map said 7 minutes? Is that far in any area?
I wonder if there are any survillence videos of her friends coming in the arena or leaving to see if she was with them on their arrival or departure. That would at least answer the question if she was really there or not. Also I read somewhere she left for the "bathroom" right before Metallica started playing. If this was her fave band does not seem likely to me that she would leave and miss the opening performance of her fave band, Something is just wrong with this pic IMO
thanks cianne re the post as to why they have the no reentry.....the sneak factor.....I think I may even had tried it in my time.......

and as has been said b4 this wasnt the first concert she had been to there b4 so knew their rules.....

I also think that if you knew the rules re no rentry and you were going out because of chin bleed or left something in the car you would speak to the person on the door and explain the situation to see if they would allow you back in.....

no I think she was either kicked out or thought she might be able to use feminine charm or something to get back in.......

with regards to the friends......they did wait an hour or two after the concert......

I remember back to when I was young and especially a highly charged party atmosphere and after drinking I too had friends that would go off with other people.....

we here without knowing the TRUTH about the phone calls cant work out what happened.........

remember she also was texting a guy in another town, so I dont think the theory that she was forced to make the last call is correct.....but the friends/guy in the other town had better of told the police exactly what was being texted/said....

for instance this is how I think maybe text to the guy might have gone...

him wat u up 2

her kicked out/cant get back in to concert
so p.s&d off.....pi%%ed out of my head
gonna find a party

I think this may have been the type of conversation she had with friends as well and that is why they left when she didnt show up........they thought she had found a party/lift or something...

One thing that is strange though is why they did not ring up in the morning to see where she had ended up.....especially when one of them had her car......maybe they did try to ring the mobile again the next day and the car was at her flat and they thought she'd get dropped off....

I just think that this is how SOME 2o year olds are .....I know I was....

one the wanting to party......does anyone know what night of the week it was??????????? if it was midweek the going to a party might not fit...
but if it was friday or saturday night......she would be wanting to party
oh! that is exciting I hope the cameras got a perfect view of the perp or perps involved.
“We are happy to know that Morgan very likely … did not live through the time of the concert,” Gil Harrington said. “She was a long time in that field. I am happy that she was not alive long enduring unspeakable things.”
The likely absence of significant concrete evidence, however, may not prevent law enforcement officials from narrowing in on suspects and advancing the investigation. Kopacki said most criminal cases today like Harrington’s do not rely on physical evidence.
“Most cases are circumstantial cases, which can be just as strong, but nowadays are hard to get through court,” he said.

If the autopsy indicates that there was any sexual contact between Harrington and her killer, the likelihood the two knew each other beforehand increases significantly, Kopacki said. Police officials have not yet released details regarding whether the killer made any such advances toward Harrington."

Two important things here..

How would the Harringtons know that Morgan was murdered before the end of the concert when an autopsy hasn't been completed and COD hasn't been determined yet?
How would it be possible to determine that she was dead before the end of the concert without having a COD or autopsy? The body was ID'd by Dentals.

Kopacki mentions in the article that most cases nowadays are circumstantial, yet in Morgans case it is mentioned there is a lack of physical evidence. Coupled with the fact that most circumstantial cases can be hard to get through court, especially if one is wealthy enough to hire a powerful lawyer.

LE may need more evidence to have a good solid case against the perp(s) so that they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and that they do see prison time, and that some wealthy brand name attorney won't get the perp(s) off. That may be why we see this case taking awhile, as well as the huge reward sum offered for information $150,000; if the perp is wealthy or comes from a powerful wealthy family.

The land where Morgan's body was found just looks like regular farmland to me, it's possible one strong individual could have lugged her there, i'm sure she didn't weigh much. The property also seems to be surrounded in barbed wire, or at least that area, however one can just throw a blanket over the wire and then hop over. Or go around it, if they know of another way.

I hope LE can connect a perp to the area; did he ever have family or friends around there? And then back to how he would know Morgan, school, work, parents' work? Friend of her friends?
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