Brianna had some serious enemies - maybe because she had been fronted drugs or money; people routinely get murdered for failing to repay even $50 from drug dealers or sharks. There is one pic of her where she has a black eye and some facial injuries that indicate she was beaten hard. I suspect that was a warning to her at the time. Her killers are most likely local to that area, and people who were involved in her social circle. And no, I seriously doubt she's alive. As far as her killer being related to Maura's case, I just don't see any connections at all - even though many people want there to be some. For whatever reason, maybe the drama of it all, I find that here at WS and in the True Crime community always want to relate cases together - most often because of geographical location. I think if we followed that ideology there would be like, tens of thousands of serial killers in America. The reality is that human beings are complicated; murders are usually something personal (i.e, "you cheated on me and now YOU want a divorce? I'll show you divorce!" - even gang shootings can be personal too) - serial killers are a rare breed. As for Maura, I would love to check the forest of the area that she was last seen in; I used to be a Park Ranger and to be able to follow tracks etc in the winter you have to know what you're doing (they said her tracks suddenly disappeared - I have serious doubts about this) - and when I used to work nights in the winter I'd often be assigned to 'foot patrol' (I had an ATV or a snow machine that I would drive into the woods and then park and walk) someone who is drunk and cold and inexperienced could get lost very quickly and die a mere hours later. I loved working those *advertiser censored* because the woods were so peaceful (I knew the area so well I didn't need to use my Streamlight), but I had a heated vest, heated gloves, heated socks, special boots for military use in the Arctic, a jacket that protected me to -35 degrees F, plenty of high-energy snacks and Gatorade, multiple light sources (some could light up the woods like it was daytime), redundant communication equipment in case I needed to call my dispatcher or police/fire, etc. Maura was drunk, probably confused and scared of getting arrested, it was freezing, at night, and in the middle of nowhere. I'd be willing to place a bet that her remains are there someplace, and that she passed away from hypothermia (which is common in people who had been drinking).