Women Who've Murdered Their Husbands: A Comprehensive List Compiled by Our Sleuthers

Donna Blanton killed her state trooper husband.

Janet Mercerearu and Meloney Jackson have been recently arrested. They are accused of shooting their husbands while the husbands were defenseless.

Michelle Michael has been convicted for injecting her husband with a paralyzing drug and burning the house down while he was still alive.

Wendi Mae Davidson used animal drugs to kill her husband.

Hazel Head is wanted and on the run trying to escape murder charges for killing her boyfriend.

Sherry Denise Halligan is also wanted for murdering her boyfriend and is on the run.

Rebecca Jo Smith shot and killed her common law husband.

Lona Scott, GA shot and killed her husband Ralph.

My husband knew Kevin Jackson for over 20 years. Keven was a good man who worked hard and loved his children including his step children. He was good natured and easy going..... then in year before he was murdered his wife began to change. Accusing Kevin of all sorts of abuse he never did. Even her own children told the police that their mother was lying and she just miraculously never got a scratch even though she said he had hit her. Kevin couldn't let his children live in that turmoil anymore so he filed for divorce and that threw her into an even more of a raging monster.

She murdered Kevin as he was leaving for work one day before he would have been free from her at last. She shot him 7 times and then tried to say that he had attacked her yet all Kevin had in his hands when he dropped to the ground bleeding to death was his sandwich for work, coffee mug and a bagel. She got LWOP. Good riddance. Her own children said their mother was a very mean woman.

I believe the stats are skewed in the female's favor though.

Women can be just as lethal, cunning, premeditating and cold as any male dares to be.

We see that by the heinous way they murder their SO, their own children, or someone's else's children or another adult.

And I heard on CNN last week that more and more females are driving while under the influence and are having vehicle fatalities that involve the loss of life of underage children.

So neither gender is much different than the other one imo.

More men are murdered overall than females.

I think males and females murder basically for the same reasons.

1. Financial gain.
2. Secret lover
3. Cant let them go after a divorce or breakup. Rages because they have been replaced.
4. Protecting secret life such as illegal activity or creating debt behind of the SO.
4. Anger that one got custody of children and the other one becomes a part time parent only.
5. Some females use the abuse excuse but that is only about 5-10% of the cases yearly so imo that is usually not the main reason imo.
"Women are much more likely than men to be killed by an intimate partner. In 2000, intimate partner homicides accounted for 33.5 percent of the murders of women and less than four percent of the murders of men.17 "


Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

The fact that a smaller proportion of murders of men are due to IPV is because far more men are murdered overall, though mostly by strangers or in circumstances other than IPV.

Suppose 100 women are killed by their husbands, and 100 men are killed by their wives, while 200 women are killed for other reasons and 2400 men are killed for other reasons. Then that gives you the percentages above - 33.5% of women and only 4% of men killed by IPV - even though equal numbers of men and women kill each other.

So let's have the real facts, and not statistics that sound good but don't prove what they are supposed to prove.
I agree.And for starters,the husbands (and the new wife) in these cases were total CADS and none were worth anyone ever spending a day behind bars.I don't know why the wives didn't see it that way,either.I guess blind rage just hits sometimes,and it's all over.

I think that they didn't see it that way because being socialized as women their situations meant that they were losing some (or all) of their identity in their own eyes. When men the age of these women lose their jobs/careers/finances they often kill themselves.
I didn't see Katherine Mary Knight on this list. They call her Australia's Hanna Lecter. Don't read this while eating: http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/notorious_murders/women/katherine_knight/4.html

I thought that Deadly Women was just starting new episodes tonight, but on their site I see it was last month. Not sure. In any case, here's the page: http://investigation.discovery.com/tv/deadly-women/deadly-women.html

I'm reading Bitter Harvest right now about the woman who tried to kill her husband with castor beans (ricin) then set their house on fire when he finally left, which killed two of their three children. She had problems her entire life, but I haven't finished so I'm not sure if I find out what's behind it all. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but I'm guessing some Borderline Personality Disorder, too.

I have not had contact with my father in a few years because of his current wife. She's crazy, has been married many times, and is highly manipulative. I think she's "borderline" and don't want to be there if she crosses that border!
Clara Harris, man I watched the video of her running him over and over, I couldn't believe it, with his daughter in the car!! That was crazy!!

Yeah, that was very crazy. Clara should have no business dragging his daughter out on something like that, anyway. She wasn't thinking about her, or her two small boys for that matter. Plus I remember that she was on Oprah, & Oprah interviewed her inside a prison, & guess what? The audience were cheering for her. His daughter wrote a letter to Oprah about it & simply asks for no sympathy for Clara, but it probably got ignored.

Seriously. I had no idea that women can be so evil. I thought that men were the only evil ones, as that most women wound up being abused by men (both physically & emotionally). But this also does happen with women abusing men, & that men won't be believed by either society or by the police until the very end. Ever watched the made for TV movie "Men Don't Tell?" It's just like that.

Also, you might want to add Joann(e) Curley to the list, as she poisioned her husband with Thalium. She was doing all of this for money.
I remember Betty Broderick killed her husband Dan, and his new wife, Linda.
Susan Polk was convicted.

I would like to add, as I bump this thread up:

Piper Rountree
killed ex-husband Fred Jablin

Melinda Harman and bf Mark Mangelsdorf
killed David Harman

Diane Borchardt
killed husband Ruben
Piper Rountree
killed ex-husband Fred Jablin

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