Amanda Knox found guilty for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy #16

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Since when did this incident now turn into a prank? First it was a sex game, then it was something about cleanliness habits, now suddenly it is a prank

I never heard of any prank involving stabbing. The toilet story, though ridiculous, at least had evidence of poo. What evidence is there of any prank?
You're right because simply turning the ringers off would've sufficed if that was the case.

Surely they had been alone and intimate previously...and felt no need to turn off their phones.

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It's precisely because they are young that it makes no sense that they would turn off their cell phones for a whole night.

Young people never turn off their cell phones.

This generation does not need peace and quiet for love-making, if it requires turning off their cell phones.
Exactly! They didn't want to be disturbed because these young lovers weren't making love, they were busy murdering Meredith and cleaning up.
The assumption that only someone planning a murder would turn off their cell phone is rather strange. I turned mine off yesterday when I walked into the library. Does that make me a considerate person or a diabolical criminal?
It depends, were you planning to commit a murder in the library???
P.S. Silent mode/vibration is not the same thing as turning it off altogether...I'm assuming you switched to silent mode, which is what I do in movie theaters.
Since when did this incident now turn into a prank? First it was a sex game, then it was something about cleanliness habits, now suddenly it is a prank

I never heard of any prank involving stabbing. The toilet story, though ridiculous, at least had evidence of poo. What evidence is there of any prank?
There were always people who thought this may have begun as some sort of a college hazing type prank. When Knox admitted she played a college prank at the University of Washington, and Nina Burleigh wrote about Knox's proclivity to prank her father, it seemed to supply a narrative which fit the evidence for some (myself included).
If Meredith died before 9:30 pm, cell phones are irrelevant. The evidence shows a video being started at 9:24 pm at Raffele's apartment.

The assumption that only someone planning a murder would turn off their cell phone is rather strange. I turned mine off yesterday when I walked into the library. Does that make me a considerate person or a diabolical criminal?

Considering there is no body found in the library. You'd have no reason to be suspected of a crime.

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Since when did this incident now turn into a prank? First it was a sex game, then it was something about cleanliness habits, now suddenly it is a prank

I never heard of any prank involving stabbing. The toilet story, though ridiculous, at least had evidence of poo. What evidence is there of any prank?

It's the ever evolving motive. If the first one doesn't make sense or is proven to be incorrect, then move on to the next. That one also is shot down? Then go on to the next one in line. Repeat this for a few more motives. Finally Amanda admits to playing a prank with help on someone. Nothing was stolen, nothing was broken, no one was killed or injured BUT it doesn't matter. We finally have a motive that "fits". Never mind the fact that the one that killed Meredith has a history of breaking and entering, using knives, tried to attack someone when his exit was blocked and was a problem with/for women. That person that had his DNA, fingerprints, footprints at the scene of the crime was just an innocent bystander in the crime. Even though he lied about why he was there that night, smearing Meredith's name and reputation in the process.

Of course the "prank gone bad" motive works. It just doesn't make any sense that a breaking and entering went bad. Nope, not at all.


A guy who killed his parents in my area was convicted recently based mainly on the 30 hours he had his phone turned off. First for him. Long enough to drive here from So. Cal, murder his parents and drive back.

As Jodi Arias turned her cell phone off too. Seems pretty normal activity for murderes who don't want their location known.
Considering there is no body found in the library. You'd have no reason to be suspected of a crime.

They found a body in the bathroom of a theater near here. Hundreds if not thousands of people turned off their cell phones in that theater complex around the time this man went missing. Were they all conspirators in his death?

(Considerate people turn cell phones off in theaters so they don't light up when a text message arrives.)
They found a body in the bathroom of a theater near here. Hundreds if not thousands of people turned off their cell phones in that theater complex around the time this man went missing. Were they all conspirators in his death?

(Considerate people turn cell phones off in theaters so they don't light up when a text message arrives.)

This is another situation where the cell phones don't prove they are guilty. Yet when added with everything else, it certainly adds a piece to the puzzle. Not to mention RS turning his back on 6am when he was "sleeping" makes them that much more questionable IMO
They found a body in the bathroom of a theater near here. Hundreds if not thousands of people turned off their cell phones in that theater complex around the time this man went missing. Were they all conspirators in his death?

(Considerate people turn cell phones off in theaters so they don't light up when a text message arrives.)

So have AK and RS claimed to have gone to the theater that night? I guess since they can't remember it's possible so that must be it.
It's the ever evolving motive. If the first one doesn't make sense or is proven to be incorrect, then move on to the next. That one also is shot down? Then go on to the next one in line. Repeat this for a few more motives. Finally Amanda admits to playing a prank with help on someone. Nothing was stolen, nothing was broken, no one was killed or injured BUT it doesn't matter. We finally have a motive that "fits". Never mind the fact that the one that killed Meredith has a history of breaking and entering, using knives, tried to attack someone when his exit was blocked and was a problem with/for women. That person that had his DNA, fingerprints, footprints at the scene of the crime was just an innocent bystander in the crime. Even though he lied about why he was there that night, smearing Meredith's name and reputation in the process.

Of course the "prank gone bad" motive works. It just doesn't make any sense that a breaking and entering went bad. Nope, not at all.



I was watching a case where two 16 year old girls stabbed their BFF to death because they didn't want to be friends any more and they were afraid she would tell their secrets. How ridiculous would a prosecutor look if he suggested that as a motive?

Are you forgetting that AK and RS also have their footprints and DNA at the crime scene? Funny that the only other blood found at the scene belonged to AK and she said it wasn't there before the murder.
It looks like Andrea Vogt agrees with my opinion that US news is about ratings rather than truth.

"Hours after their articles hit the newsstands, lawyers for one of those convicted (Raffaele Sollecito) pounce on the judge for speaking out “inappropriately” and call for disciplinary action.

The man actually convicted for murder, meanwhile, is invited to appear on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 where, like Amanda Knox on Good Morning America, he is treated like a celebrity. Just as the ABC anchor had squeezed Amanda’s hand supportively, Anderson Cooper tells Sollecito: “I appreciate you talking to us, and I'm sorry it's under these circumstances.”

I bet the Kercher family is sorry it is under these circumstances, too. ...

So where is the line between glorifying perpetrators and breaking a lance in their favour after conviction in a foreign country? Or does it all come down to ratings, ratings ratings?"
Didn't RS collect knives, and had weird sexual things on computer....and did Knox write her rape short stories before going to Italy?

Seems they were soul mates. imo

Knox wrote the story about drugging and raping a young woman before she went to Italy. She wrote a second story in prison and it's difficult to understand, but it seems to be about abandoning a woman that is dying, but maybe someone else can make more sense of it. I have problems understanding Knox's writing.

Sollecito collected knives and there was some concern about him viewing a bestiality video and an interest in violent Japanese Manga anime (like Naruto).

They certainly wouldn't be the first couple to connect on the basis of abnormal, or anti-social, interests.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Judge Alessandro Nencini's comments

"Yesterday a sick joke was pinned to the front door of the University For Foreigners, where she studied. The mock advertisement offered Miss Kercher's room for rent, stipulating that it had a good view, and that an "English Girl, preferably an Erasmus student" was wanted. The phone number to call was the date of her death, November 1, 2007."

There had been speculation that Amanda wrote the prank note. I am unable to find a photo of it. Did anyone save it?

I'd like to compare it again.

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If Meredith died before 9:30 pm, cell phones are irrelevant. The evidence shows a video being started at 9:24 pm at Raffele's apartment.

The assumption that only someone planning a murder would turn off their cell phone is rather strange. I turned mine off yesterday when I walked into the library. Does that make me a considerate person or a diabolical criminal?

Hey Footwarrior! Nice point about the TOD and the video on RS computer.

But do you think that even if the TOD was 9:30, and a video was started at 9:24; isn't it possible that only one of RS or AK was watching that video. Why is it certain, that both were watching the video?

Also, if TOD is about 9:30 and video places them both in RS' place at 9:24, the walk between RS and MKs room is a few minutes yes? So it still doesn't exclude them from the web of suspicion.

And I would also like your input on the following, if you have some time:
I read (and I may be wrong), that RG's bloody foot prints were wiped clean in the hallway outside MK's room. If that is true, what would be your take on who/how the foot prints were cleaned?
On the night of Sept. 1, 2007 a Perugia homeowner awoke to find a young man going trough his belongings. The man ran downstairs and after discovering the front door was locked pulled out a knife an threatened the homeowner. The homeowner later identified the young man as Rudy Guede.

On the morning of Oct. 14, 2007. Two Perugia lawyers discover that their office has been burglarized. Entry was gained by breaking a second story window with a rock.

On Oct. 27, 2007 Milan police arrest Rudy Guede for breaking and entering a nursery school. Rudy is in possession of a laptop and cell phone stolen from the lawyers office in Perugia and a knife stolen from the nursery school kitchen.

Nov. 1, 2007. Meredith Kercher is murdered in Perugia. A seconds story window has been broken with a rock. Rudy Guede's handprint is later found in the victims blood and his DNA on and inside the victim.
The prosecution had a theory, therefore it must have happened that way?

The evidence clearly shows Guede was there when the crime occurred. He left a handprint and shoe prints in the victims blood. He left his DNA on and inside the victim. He admitted to arriving at the cottage around 8:30, before Meredith got home on that fateful night. At a time when a witness confirms that Raffaelle and Amanda were a half kilometer away.

The evidence clearly shows that Meredith died shortly after arriving home. She was attacked while still wearing her jacket. The pizza she had eaten at 6:30 had not yet started to pass from her stomach, indicating she died before 9:30. Meredith died while the young lovers were still fiddling with video files on Raffaelle's computer.


There were four DNA samples from Guede in Meredith's bedroom: sweatshirt cuff, purse, bra strap and body, so there cannot be DNA from Guede on and in the victim. It's one or the other.

There is no clear evidence indicating when Meredith died. There has been speculation that stomach contents indicate time of the death, but that's simply not true. It wasn't true when Nicole Simpson was murdered and it still isn't true today. There has been a strong effort, by those that want to exclude Knox from the murder, to move the time of death as close to 9PM as possible using stomach contents arguments, but the time of death remains between 9PM and midnight.
It's the ever evolving motive. If the first one doesn't make sense or is proven to be incorrect, then move on to the next. That one also is shot down? Then go on to the next one in line. Repeat this for a few more motives. Finally Amanda admits to playing a prank with help on someone. Nothing was stolen, nothing was broken, no one was killed or injured BUT it doesn't matter. We finally have a motive that "fits". Never mind the fact that the one that killed Meredith has a history of breaking and entering, using knives, tried to attack someone when his exit was blocked and was a problem with/for women. That person that had his DNA, fingerprints, footprints at the scene of the crime was just an innocent bystander in the crime. Even though he lied about why he was there that night, smearing Meredith's name and reputation in the process.

Of course the "prank gone bad" motive works. It just doesn't make any sense that a breaking and entering went bad. Nope, not at all.


Noone here disputes Rudy's guilt, BUT... he didn't act alone, and the break-in was staged to frame him. I don't think it was a prank, I think Amanda was jealous of Meredith and made a conscious decision to kill/have Meredith killed out of jealousy.
They found a body in the bathroom of a theater near here. Hundreds if not thousands of people turned off their cell phones in that theater complex around the time this man went missing. Were they all conspirators in his death?

(Considerate people turn cell phones off in theaters so they don't light up when a text message arrives.)

As Jodi Arias turned her cell phone off too. Seems pretty normal activity for murderes who don't want their location known.
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