Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #5

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Yes,Good thing people did not turn off their cellphone and the plane's altitude was low enough for that particular cell tower to have pinged those phones..

.it gives investigators some concrete information that the plane headed west

I haven't heard they got the pings from cell phones. I thought the pings came from the engines??? I also doubt they were flying low enough for cell phones to work.
I agree.
And thank you for your updates on this mysterious event..

But in regards to cellphones and why no one used their cellphone..I think we are forgetting that they don't work(or have coverage) all the time and everywhere..

We are in an age of cellphone, social media.. a phone at our disposal at all times... I think we are forgetting that cellphone do not work all the time and every where.

I have a samsung galaxy- I have no service for 6 out of the 7 miles from the interstate to my home. My son is up in W GA. There is one cell carrier total- and his service is spotty at best.
How many places could it have actually landed safely and not been found by now? Unless it was hidden in a building, any airstrip big enough must be reasonably visible.
I think it's scary that they had 6 days to hide it. It's been 6 days.
"is it possible that another country or terrorist group hijacked the plane in some self-sacrificing plan/test to determine if they could successfully carry out some type of sneak attack on another country without being detected in the future? "

I don't think this is stupid at all! It will likely turn out to be something along these lines.

I agree that more than has been released is likely known. And yes, info does seem to be being dribbled out a little at a time. Most of it coming from U.S. sources no doubt.

The Malaysian government is used to operating in secrecy. Their culture is also strongly enmeshed in the concept of "face" and "saving face". They want to appear to be strong, all-knowing, and invincible. To admit otherwise is to lose face.

Someone took over one of their planes. No matter who did it, it comes out bad for the Malaysian government. Their security and their systems are shown to be weak. They are shown to be vulnerable. On top of all that, they don't have the knowledge, experience or money to conduct any kind of a proper investigation or search.

Enter other nations volunteering assistance. Who should Malaysian government figures trust? Because it seems they have "trust issues".

They are, however, members of an international civilian air association that has defined parameters for other members to give assistance when there is an air disaster. U.S. is a member also. So, the NTB is over there assisting Malaysia at the invitation of the Malaysians.

If this is a one-off by a pilot who somehow went bonkers, that would actually be a relief. And this has happened in the past.

Far, far worse if it turns out to be the act of another country or of a terrorist group.
This might be a very dumb question, and it most likely is... (however, my teachers always told me there's no such thing, right?) but is it possible that another country or terrorist group hijacked the plane in some self-sacrificing plan/test to determine if they could successfully carry out some type of sneak attack on another country without being detected in the future? I obviously have zero knowledge about radar/military/plane/sneak attack capabilities so I have no idea if something like that would even be in the realm of possibilities?

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Not at all a dumb question. As smart as the hijackers seem to be, they'd have to know that this was a one shot deal. Whatever security holes they've managed to utilize will be quickly plugged. There will be no second chance, not without a new and even more elaborate plan.
I haven't heard they got the pings from cell phones. I thought the pings came from the engines??? I also doubt they were flying low enough for cell phones to work.

It was recently reported (Not that I believed the reporting...but I will try to find the posts here on WS and the links) that a strong cell tower in a city on the western side of Malaysia (maybe it was Pulua Penang area ) had received pings...

The plan was, iirc, flying at a lower altitude at that point..

I could be getting confused..with a satellite signal that was picked up...I am tired :blushing:

Though I do believe that even if cellphones were on and plane flying may be difficult or impossible for a tower to ping a phone at the speed a plane would be travelling..
I think the plane that crashed into the Everglades a while ago was carrying cargo that it should not have been, but the company shipping it had not been clear about what was actually contained. I think it was something like an oxygen masks which had to be shipped totally disassembled, but some of them were only partially disabled, and there was a fire in the cargo hold and they were able to function and feed the fire with oxygen. And then I think maybe tires were also being shipped and fueled it. Even if something is screened for obvious issues, there are some things that may not look threatening and won't be unless a few things go wrong at once. That could have happened, but the rest of the circumstances don't suggest it. Fires can burn for a while without bringing down the plane, but I can't see the pilot not letting anyone know.

Also, wasn't there a situation fairly recently where an alligator got out of its cage after being smuggled on an African flight? Aren't there a lot of countries with little to no screening? In the U.S. it would be scandalous, but I don't know if that's true everywhere. I always wondered what procedures were for planes entering the U.S. from other countries without our screen procedures.
Re: the flight that crashed into the Everglades

ValuJet 592
At this point I've pretty much settled on the theory of hijacking, by a passenger/group of passengers who were going to take the plane somewhere to land, but were thwarted somehow/couldn't fly it properly to it's crashed in the ocean far from where anyone would have seen or heard anything, vast area in which even debris would be hard to spot (and not much may have even surfaced yet)---and no one is taking responsibility, making demands or gloating because they are in the plane too. sad but at this point it's all that makes sense with the info I've read.

the theory of the plane and 230+ hostages being held alive somewhere---seems like a very slim possibility at this point, for so many reasons that have already been discussed at length. slim possibility but seems very unlikely one week after the disappearance.
It was recently reported (i will try to find the posts here on WS and the links) that a strong cell tower in a city on the western side of Malaysia (maybe it was Kuala Lumper) had received pings...

The plan was, iirc, flying at a lower altitude at that point..

I could be getting confused..I am tired :blushing:

I think TMZ reported that IF one of the reported flight paths was correct, it would have gone past the tower and so there would be a record. I don't think there's been any confirmation.
Anderson Cooper:
3 new pieces of info:

The left turn toward the West
Climbing and Descending erratically
The presence of 2 key individuals who could work in conjunction to disable key systems on the plane.

Again, nothing new. Just a recap.
Someone suggested that the passengers were temporarily incapacitated by a gas/noxious fumes.
I really think this is plausible right now.
Thanks - I remember now - the name "ValueJet" definitely didn't help the situation, and it went out of business.

That article is kind of vague though - how did the canisters just cause the fire? It says there was no spark - wouldn't there have to be one?

I was in the industry at the time. Some of the planes were sold to the new Pan Am, some to Delta. I never flew either one after tht.
Watching the Kelly File on Fox news and her 9 member panel is discussing their theories, etc. They are theorizing that whomever took control of the aircraft, ascended to 45K', shut off all oxygen to passengers, killing them within minutes. Then went back down to 23K' and ultimately landed somewhere. They also stated that the US government is not telling us everything..why else would they send our destroyers to the Indian Ocean....

Listening to the panel members and thinking about what the passengers must have been going through, providing this is was transpired, is heartbreaking to say the least....
Someone suggested that the passengers were temporarily incapacitated by a gas/noxious fumes.
I really think this is plausible right now.

It would be pretty hard to do that without the person responsible also being incapacitated, unless he or she brought an oxygen mask.
Australia?!??!?! :eek:hoh:

The last satellite transmission from a Malaysian airliner missing for a week has been traced to the Indian Ocean off Australia, far from where searches have taken place, according to a person familiar with the analysis.

A path from Malaysia to the ocean off Australia would have taken as much as 3,000 miles, about the maximum distance the Boeing Co. 777-200 could have flown with its fuel load.

Flight 370 may have flown beyond its last known position about 1,000 miles west of Perth, and that location may not be an indication of where the plane ended up, said the person, who spoke on condition of not being named because of the sensitivity of the information.

...and that location may not be an indication of where the plane ended up, said the person, who spoke on condition of not being named because of the sensitivity of the information.

At least this is good reporting - they acknowledge it's not clear what the implications are. So what are the reasons it would register in Australia but not be nearby? Would that just be the closest satellite connection in the ocean?
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