Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #13

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Maybe he is a midget... And they didn't want that to be known?

I know this may sound far fetched but could the pilot and co-pilot got into a physical altercation? It seems working that closely with someone it could happen. Maybe over a woman or something else. I believe it was reported a friend of the pilots was sentenced to 5 years in prison only a day or two before. I'm sure his emotions were already heated from that.

Yes, I had brought this up last night as I feel it could be quite possible.
Maybe he is a midget... And they didn't want that to be known?


Or he didn't have any legs....because his invisibility cloak slipped down and blew his cover! Or lack of I'm confused.

In these you can see a line where they added the legs on the younger guy. I think some poor soul just thought they both needed legs, so added them. ;)
These two pilots weren't fighting... but they were distracted.
They were having issues with the navigational system.
ONE pilot should have handled that while the other flew the plane.
Instead both of them focused on the issue and nobody flew the plane.
Auto pilot disengaged and nobody noticed until it was too late. :facepalm:

Adam Air Flight 574

I am honestly still totally stumped for a theory that fits without holes here...
The call I got about the plane crash up in QLD a few hrs was from a mate who still serves flying F-18 Superhornets up there in QLD. After moving past the very sad news that he originally contacted me with, I took the opportunity to see if he had any thoughts on the MH370 saga ;)

Almost an hr later and 300 theories and arguments on the why's and why not's between each other as we knocked down theory after theory - we both concluded that there was no single theory that we could come up with that didn't have fatal flaws.

The scariest thing about that conclusion though was that we both finished the call tin foil hat style - having to admit that the rather convenient length of time that has passed due to almost impossible to believe incompetency that has had the world on several wild goose chases, all the while with more and more vital evidence slipping away as each day passes - still held itself up as the only improbable but not completely dead in the water theory to base all kinds of conspiracy's and alternate ideas off.

I hope that person who is blurred out is not Dennis Rodman.


To add my two cents in....I said this during the last discussion re: pics......Malaysian officials r lying, this is no photocopy's not a mistake at all....IMO.....they don't want to show the feet of that guy for some reason or another.

To add my two cents in....I said this during the last discussion re: pics......Malaysian officials r lying, this is no photocopy's not a mistake at all....IMO.....they don't want to show the feet of that guy for some reason or another.

Why though? I'd be perfectly willing and open to discuss any reasonable explanation to the theory that they didn't want to show his feet. Why?
I have been away....can someone update me on:

-telegraph cockpit transcripts.....have the transcripts been made public?
-search objects near au...we're they able to locate objects?


To add my two cents in....I said this during the last discussion re: pics......Malaysian officials r lying, this is no photocopy's not a mistake at all....IMO.....they don't want to show the feet of that guy for some reason or another.

I agree.

I seriously wonder if the guy on left had on large type boots that they knew would make the whole world suspect shoe bombers and maybe that is why they purposely did not show the legs + feet of the 1 guy on left.

Its obvious to me the pictures are available that show the whole body of BOTH of them. They just did not show it to us.
I agree.

I seriously wonder if the guy on left had on large type boots that they knew would make the whole world suspect shoe bombers and maybe that is why they purposely did not show the legs + feet of the 1 guy on left.

Its obvious to me the pictures are available that show the whole body of BOTH of them. They just did not show it to us.

But we already know there wasn't a catastrophic event like a bomb going off, that's agreed upon by all the experts.
Ok, this has been bugging me.

Malaysia Airlines and the case of the missing legs
By Terri Rupar
March 12 at 2:32 pm

...The New Straits Times reports that Malaysian police said there was no purposeful doctoring of the photographs -- the photo of one man was simply placed on top of the photo of the other when they were photocopied....

So one photo was placed on top of the other? :waitasec:

I don't understand how doing that could cause that. Look at my experiment below.

Now let's put one photo on top of the other and photocopy it.

That explanation makes no sense to me. Can someone explain how I'm thinking wrong on this? :waitasec:

Anyone who would like a framed copy of my art work can contact me for my Paypal account number. Each one is $1,000 and comes in a beautiful $10 frame.

SD - from your artwork, I can tell u r very left-brained. ( I hope I am getting left and right correct)

SD - from your artwork, I can tell u r very left-brained. ( I hope I am getting left and right correct)


Yes, I must admit I am very swayed by Steely's excellent depictions of the young men....I may change my opinion...
But we already know there wasn't a catastrophic event like a bomb going off, that's agreed upon by all the experts.

Not in my book.

They could have had a smaller shoe bomb that was designed to blow the door to the cockpit and it went off and did just enough damage to knock out the pilots (mumbling heard by other plane on emergency frequency), and yet maybe did not get the door to open. So the plane flew irradically and pilot was able to make 1 last change to controls before he died to put on auto-pilot to steer away from land. And as the hijeackers desparately try to get in the door (to no avail), the plane runs out of fuel and crashes in ocean.

Just 1 of a list of things on my list. Not necessarily the one I think happened.
Not in my book.

They could have had a smaller shoe bomb that was designed to blow the door to the cockpit and it went off and did just enough damage to knock out the pilots (mumbling heard by other plane on emergency frequency), and yet maybe did not get the door to open. So the plane flew irradically and pilot was able to make 1 last change to controls before he died to put on auto-pilot to steer away from land. And as the hijeackers desparately try to get in the door (to no avail), the plane runs out of fuel and crashes in ocean.

Just 1 of a list of things on my list. Not necessarily the one I think happened.

I can consider that, but IMO if a small bomb went off at the cockpit door, I just don't believe that all anyone would hear would be mumbling.

I do agree with you that I believe the plane was flown until it was out of fuel....
British newspaper with last 54 minute transmission. I am hoping this doesn't blow the lines. I dont know how to cut it down to the article.

Scroll down, hope it works! They are out looking now. I keep getting goofed up on the time difference..Hope this helps. :seeya:
It is my understanding that the plane's transponder and ACARS was deliberately shut off.

It is also my understanding that the plane has an emergency locator transponder (ELT) beacon that transmits pings after a plane has crashed either on land or water.

Here is my question. Is it possible at all for someone to deliberately disable or turn off the plane's emergency locator transponder beacon so it couldn't ping at all before an airplane is deliberately crashed?

If this turns out to be the case, I fear the plane may never be found at all.
i am honestly still totally stumped for a theory that fits without holes here...
The call i got about the plane crash up in qld a few hrs was from a mate who still serves flying f-18 superhornets up there in qld. After moving past the very sad news that he originally contacted me with, i took the opportunity to see if he had any thoughts on the mh370 saga ;)

almost an hr later and 300 theories and arguments on the why's and why not's between each other as we knocked down theory after theory - we both concluded that there was no single theory that we could come up with that didn't have fatal flaws.

The scariest thing about that conclusion though was that we both finished the call tin foil hat style - having to admit that the rather convenient length of time that has passed due to almost impossible to believe incompetency that has had the world on several wild goose chases, all the while with more and more vital evidence slipping away as each day passes - still held itself up as the only improbable but not completely dead in the water theory to base all kinds of conspiracy's and alternate ideas off.


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